Lögberg - 02.11.1949, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg - 02.11.1949, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN. 2. NÓVEMBER, 1949. 3 iVORTHERiV CALIFORNIA Newsletter Our next picnic date is No- vember 27th, Thanksgiving Sun- day. Let us give thanks together on the 27th. Welcome. On Monday, October 31st at 8 p.m. there will be a Reforma- tion Festival at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. A 300-voice Bay Area choir will render special music. The speaker will be Dr. Andreas Bard of Kansas City, Mo. You are cordially in- vited to attend. ☆ WEDDING BELLS — Johann K. Eyfells and Kristin Halldors- dottir were united in marriage in an all-Icelandic ceremony at our last Garden Party on September 25th. It was a grand surprise for all who attended as no notices had been sent out. A beautiful wedding cake on a table in the center of the garden gave the secret away as people began to foregather for the picnic. Kristin (Lilla) had flown all the way from Iceland for the occasion! Johann is a student at the Uni- versity of California at Berkeley, graduating next year in architec- ture. We wish them the best of everything. Over 30 telegrams arrived on the day, all in Ice- landic from Iceland! On September 3rd, Edward Bushnell and Delight Plummer were married. Congratulations and all best wishes. Edward is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bush- nell of San Francisco. ☆ BIRTHS — On September 4th, a daughter, Jerry Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stoneson. Con- gratulations! Ort October 18th, a son, Gregory Allen, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keller. Although the arrival was two months pre, Eileen is expected home by this Sunday. But little G.A. will have to grow a little more before coming home to take over! Con- gratulations! We are all “pull- ing” for the little man. ☆ BAPTISMS—Niels Erik Thir- laksson Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Thorlaksson of Rio Linda, Cal., was baptized on September 25th, at the home oí.the grand- parents in Berkeley in the presence of a congregation of Icelanders and friends. This is the grandson mentioned in our last letter. ☆ LEIF ERIKSON programs on both sides of the Bay were out- standing this year. In the East Bay this celebration was recog- nized as never before by mayors, school superintendents and newspapers. Dr. Selmer Berg, until recently Supt. of Schools in St. Paul, Minn., but now of Oakland, was our speaker. Leona Oddstad was our soloist, and Gudlaug Sigurgeirsdottir was Miss Iceland. In San Francisco the largest ever recorded gather- ing of Scandinavians assembled in the Sigmund Stern Grove to hear Kirsten Flagstad, and to do honor to Leif Erikson as the first discoverer of America. , ☆ VISITORS—A Convention of Dentists from all over America has been raging in this area during the past week. Dr. Alton Moore of Seattle was in attend- ance, also Dr. W. E. Fisher of Los Angeles, and a college class- mate of mine, Dr. Carl Cassel of St. Paul. Carl and I haven’t had a get-together since 1913! Mr. and Mrs. John Christoper- son of Vancouver, B.C., are in the Area visiting at the home of their son Alvin in S.F. John is a brother of our Kjarton Chris- topherson. Our surprise visitor of the month was Mrs. Svava Thor- steinson (nee Fredrickson) from Winnipeg. Her son Norman is a resident of Sacramento where he works with the Prudential Life. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. N. Thorsteinson into our Northern Calif. Family, and hope it will not be long until they get the habit to frequent our picnics. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byron Tait of Miami, Florida, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Corbitt in Berkeley, also with a younger daughter, Verna May, who has recently returned from a year’s govern- ment service in Japan. Mrs. Tait (Kristin) is a sister of Mrs. Arni Eggertson (Maya) of Winnipeg. They headed for home last week via L.A. Mrs. Melsted, mother of the Melsted sisters at Santa Rosa has arrived from Vancouver, B.C., to visit with her daughters for the winter months. Welcome to California! Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hermann of Mountain, N.D., are visiting here with the Coyles until Vinc and Runa move on to Oregon. Pete is reported to be warming up to Calif. and will have a good reason to stay on in this Area since their sons, Barney and William are located here. Mrs. B. M. Hermann (Esther) has just returned from Gardar, N.D. ☆ TRAVELLERS — Did you know that Kris Gudnason and his son Harold hopped off to Iceland this summer? It was a very short visit but long enough, we understand, to distribute thousands of copies of the Gospel of St. John which they had had printed in parallel columns of English and Icelandic. If any of you would like a copy, just drop me a card and we shall mail it to you at once. Bertha (Mrs. John MacLeod) decided on a jaunt to L.A. last week. It was just a holiday trip, of course, but she was no sooner back than she was called on to speak on the radio. We under- stand that she availed herself of the opportunity to put in a plug for their Pet Market on College even tho Jack had left her stranded at the wrong depot the week before! On September 18th, Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Reinertsen ran away to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. C o n g r atulations and best wishes! (The Doctor has Navy duties to perform on 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month which is the only reason they have not been able to attend our Picnics for a long time.) Some time this summer Alma Oddstad and Mildred Stoneson (cousins) travelled across the Continent of America, and have decided to spend the next year at Geo. Washington University, Washington, D.C. But don’t for- get to come back to California, Girls! ☆ On October 3rd, it was our pleasure to hear a sermon in Danish by Bishop Fuglesang- Damgaard of Copenhagen at the Danish Lutheran Church in S.F. After the service we were in- vited to visit with the Bishop and his wife in the parsonage. The local Danish Pastor and yours truly were classmates at the Chicago Seminary in 1916. ☆ On October 7th, we had to rush our Margrethe to St. Fran- cis Hospital, S.F., for blood poisoning in her right arm. That week-end was very critical as she was running a temperature of 105. Not until the following week-end did Dr. Ben declare her out of danger and let her come home again. So, we have much for which to be thankful. ☆ On October 8th, Sigurjon Olaf- sson of Palo Alto fell out of bed and broke his paralyzed leg. After a week at the hospital he is now back home with a cast feeling as chipper as can be ex- pected. When you call on him start off one one of the good old Icelandic melodies and he’ll sur- prise you by chipping in on the words and singing the whole verse or two thru with you, maybe ahead of you! ☆ As was announced at the last Picnic, Mrs. Chris Finnson is heading a committee to gather and to get off spme “Christmas Goodies” for the old folks at Stafholt, Blaine. Those of you on the S.F. side who wish to send something, please call Mrs. Wal- ter Downie, OV 1-2490, and those in the East Bay call Mrs. Thor- laksson, AS 3-0150. ☆ Have you noticed our new en- velopes? There is a new line under the return address, “Re- turn Postage Guaranteed” which means just what is says, and you’d be surprised how many have come back. This is the only way in which we can keep our lists up to date. No, not “up to date”, because it means that folks have moved without leav- ing a forwarding address. As we are loath to drop any of you from our mailing list, won’t you please inform us of any change of address? PLEASE. Also, call or write in any item of news about yourself or family. Thanks for this co-operation. ☆ We are most grateful for vari- ous tokens received in apprecia- tion of this monthly Newsletter. Such expressions sure help to keep the ball rolling. Many thanks. ☆ On October 23rd, the Old People’s Home at Mountain, N.D., was opened and dedicated. Watch the Icelandic papers for reports of “the doings”. Don’t forget that we have a committee for this project also which will come into action in 1950. ☆ The above lines were written before our Picnic on the 23rd, read un-edited and uncensored to those present. Many of you had probably forgotten the date as noted in our September letter. But for future reference, let us remember that our “Picnic” or Open House Day is the 4th Sun- day of each month unless you are previously notified of a change. Please remember that you are always welcome any day of the week or month at 1152 Laurel St., Berkeley. Our next date is—November 27th, Thanks- giving Sunday. Very sincerely, Rev. and Mrs. S. O. Thorlaksson. 25 ára starfsafmœli Félag Vestur-Islendinga átti 25 ára starfsafmæli í fyrra, 1948. Félagstala nú er á annað hundr- að og hafa þeir allir verið bú- settir í Ameríku lengri eða skemmri tíma. Aðaltilgangur félagsins er: að auka og efla kynni þeirra Is- lendinga er dvalið hafa vestan hafs og vinna jafnframt að aukn um og gagnkvæmum skilningi og samúð íslendinga austan hafs og vestan. I stjórn félagsins eru: Hálfdán Eiríksson, formaður; Þór. Gr. Víkingur, ritari; Guðni Sigurðs- son, gjaldkeri. Bréf til kjósenda í Mið-Wpg. kjördæmi I fylkiskosningunum, sem framundan eru, sækja þrír full- trúar CCF flokksins í mið- Winnipeg kjördæminu. Meðal þeirra er eini kvenmaðurinn sem sækir um kosningu í öllu Mani- toba fylki, Mrs. Ina Thompson. Hinir sem sækja í mið-Winnipeg kjördæmi eru Donovan Swailes, þingmaður á síðasta þingi, og Gordon Fines, sem hefur sótt nokkrum sinnum í bæjarráð og skólaráð Winnipegborgar. Mr. Fines ólst upp í Argyle bygðinni. Hann kendi skóla um átta ára skeið í Manitoba og SaskatChewan, en er nú í þjón- ustu C.P.R. Félagsins. Hann er formaður „Lodge 49, Brother- hood of Railroad and Steamship Clerks“ og er fulltrúi á Winni- peg and District Trades and Labor Council. Hann er bróðir Clarence Fines sem er Fjármála- ráðherra í Saskatchewan stjórn- inni. Hann hefur fylgt CCF flokknum að málum síðan 1933 og hefur lengi verið í CCF Pro- vincal Council. Hann er hægur og gætinn og hefur ágæta þekk- ingu á stjórnmálum og málum alþýðunnar. Mr. Swailes hefur verið þing- maður í Manitoba síðan 1945. Hann er í stjórnarnefnd og laga- nefnd Trades and Labor Council. Hann er einnig í stjórnarnefnd Musician’s Union og hefur sæti þar að auki í Prairie and Region- al Advisory Board Unemploy- ment Commission. Á síðasta þingi bar Mr. Swailes fram fleiri tillögur í sambandi við vel- ferð verkamanna, gamalmenna, ekkna og lítilmagna en nokkur annar þingmaður. Hann er ötull og framsækinn og verðskuldar stuðning og atkvæði allra manna. Mrs. Ina Thompson, eini kven- maðurinn í öllu fylkinu sem sækir, var fædd við Makaroff í Manitoba, þar sem faðir hennar stundar búskap. Hún ólst þar upp og gekk á skóla. Hún giftist Rev. Leslie Thompson árið 1941. Hann er nú kennari við Mani- toba Háskóla í ensku bókmenta- deildinni. Þau eiga einn son. Á stríðsárunum var Mr. Thompson í flughernum. Mrs. Thompson er ritari . Winnipeg Council of Women, og hefur lengi verið bókavörður CCF í Manitoba. Hún verðskuldar atkvæði allra sem vilja sjá kvenmann á þing- inu þar sem mikil þörf er á að fulltrúi verði, sem getur talað fyrir hönd kvenna. Vér undirritaðir mælumst sterk lega til að allir, sem velferð al- múgans hafa fyrir brjósti og vilja að 'hann hafi góða og hagsýna málsvara á þinginu, greiði at- kvæði með þessum umsækjend- um, og merkið seðlana með númerum í þeirri röð, sem best þykir. (séra) Philip M. Petursson Victor B. Anderson, Bus. Phone 27 989—Res. Phonc 36 151 Rovaizos Flower Shop Our Specialties: WEDDING CORSAGES COLONIAL BOUQUETS FUNERAL DESIGNS Mrs. S. J. Rovatzos, Proprietress Formerly with Robinson & Co. 253 Notre Dame Ave. WINNIPEG MANITOBA TIL KAUPENDA LÖGBERGS og HEIMSKRINGLU Frá því var nýlega skýrt í báðum íslenzku blöðunum vestan hafs, að verð æfiminninga, sem færu yfir 4 ein- dálka þumlunga, yrði framvegis reiknað 20 cents á þumlunginn; þetta er að vísu ekki mikill tekju auki, en þetta getur dregið sig saman og komið að dálitlu liði. Aðrar auglýsingar kosta 70 cents eindálka þumlupgur. THE COLUMBIA PRESS LIMITED THE VIKING PRESS LIMITED ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Business and Professional Cards SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS LTD. Reykháfar, öruggasta eldsvörn, og ávalt hreinir. Hitaeining, ný uppfynding, sparar eldiviS, heldur hita. KELLY SVEINSSON Slmi 54 358. 187 Suthcrland Ave., Winnipeg. S. O. BJERRING Canadian Stamp Co. RUBBER & METAL STAMPS NOTARY & CORFORATE SEALS CELLULOID BUTTONS 324 Smilh St. Winnipeg Phone 924 624 Office Ph, 925 668 Res, 404 31» N0RMAN S. BERGMAN, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. 411 Childs Bldg, WINNIPEG CANADA 1 AImo 123 TENTH ST. BRANDON 447 Portage Ave, Ph, 926 885 Phone 21 101 ESTIMATES FREE J. M. INGIMUNDSON Asphalt Roofs and Insulated Siding — Repalrs 632 Simcoe St. Winnipeg, Man DR. A. V. JOHNSON Dentiat 606 SOMERSET BUILDING Telephone 97 932 Home Telephone 202 398 Talslml 925 826 HeimlUs 63 893 DR. K. J. AUSTMANN Sérfrœðingur i augna, eyrna, nef og kverka ajúkdómum. 209 Medical Arts Bldg. Stofutlmi: 2.00 til 5.00 e. h. DR. ROBERT BLACK SérfrœOlngur i augna, eymo, nef og hdlaajúkdómum. 401 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG Graham and Kennedy St. Skrlfstofusfml 923 851 Heimasiml 403 794 flffiSTMÍl jewe llers EYOLFSON’S DRUG PARK RIVER, N. DAK. islenzkur lyfaali Fölk getur pantaB meCui og annaC meC pösU. Fljöt afgrelCsla. A. S. B A R D A L 848 SHERBROOK STREET Seiur ltkklstur og annast um flt- farlr. Allur fltbúnaOur sá bezU. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar minnlsvarOa og legsteina. Skrifstofu talsíml 27 324 Heimilis talslmi 26 444 Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson WINNIPEG CLINIC St. Mary’s and Vaughan, Wpg. Phone 926 441 Phone 927 OM H. J. H. Palmason, C.A. H. J. PALMASON & CO. Chartered Accountants 305 ConíederaUon Life Bldg. Winnipeg Manltoba Phone 49 469 Radlo Servlce Speclallsts ELECTRONIC LABS. H. THORKELSON, Prop. The most up-to-date Sound Equipment System. 692 ERIN St. WINNIPEG PARKER, PARKER & KRISTJANSSON Barristers - Solicilori Ben C. Parker, K.C. B. Stuart Parker, A. F. Kristjansson 500 Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers Winnipeg, Man. Phone 923 5«1 JOHN A. HILLSMAN. M.D.. Ch. M. 332 Medlcal Arts. Bldg. OFFICE 929 349 Home 403 288 Phone 724 944 Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson SUITE 6 — 652 HOME ST, ViOtalstiml 3—5 eftir hádegl DR. E. JOHNSON 304 EVELINE STREET Selkirk. Man. Offlce hrs. 2.30—6 p.m. Phones: Office 26 — Re*. 280 Offlce Phone Res Phona 924 762 726 116 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 628 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Office Hours: 4 p.m.—6 p.m. and by appolntment Drs. H. R. and H. W. TWEED Tannlœknar 406 TORONTO GEN. TRUST8 BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith 8t. Phone 926 952 WINNIPEG Cars Bought and Sold SQUARE DEAL MOTOR SALES "The Working Man’a Friend’’ Ph: 26464 297 Princbss Strekt Half Block N. Logan SARGENT TAXI Phone 722 401 FOR QUICK RELIABLE SERVICE J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 808 AVENUE BLDG WPG. Fasteignasalar. Lelgja hús. Ot- vega peningalán og eldeábyrgB. bifreiCaábyrgO, o. ■. frv. Phpne 927 538 Andrews, Andrews, Thorvaldson and Eggertson LögfrœSingar 209BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BG. Portage og Garry St. Phone 928 291 GUNDRY PYMORE Limited British Quality Fiah Netting 58 VICTORIA ST„ WINNIPBG Phone 98 2U Manager T. R. THORVALDBON Your patronage will be appreciated C A N A D I A N FISH | PRODUCERS, LTD. J. H. PAOE, Managing Director Wholesale Distributors of Frasb and Frozen Flah. 311 CHAMBERS STREBT Office Ph. 26 328 Res. Ph. 73 917 G. F. Jonasson, Pres. & Man. Dir. Keystone Fisheries Limited 404 SCOTT BLK, Slml »26 U7 Wholeaale Diatributora of FRESH AND FROZEN FISH



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