Lögberg - 11.01.1951, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg - 11.01.1951, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN, 11. JANÚAR, 1951 3 IN MEMORIAM Sigríður Martin 'Casl Ihy burden upon ihe Lord? and He shall suslain Ihee". —(Psalm. 55:22). Sigríður Martin was firm in her belief that God bore every burden with her, and that in all her many tasks she was a co-worker with God. She was not one of those who try to leave God out of the picture, and carry on in a self-satisfied manner as though the work of each day is done by their own unaided efforts. With her bosom helpmate, Gunnlaugur Martin, she estab- lished a home in the community of Hnausa, Manitoba, where hospitality and good cheer went hand in hand with the unremitt- ing^ arduous toil of a pioneer farm household. Well-trodden paths led to their house, for young and old alike knew they would not be disappointed whether they came for good fellowship or for help in time of need. The paths away from their home were likewise well-trod- den, for the Martins took a lively interest in good activities for community welfare. Willing feet bore the lady of the houáe on many errands of mercy, by night and day, what- ever the distarice, to minister to the needs of women in child- birth. In this benevolent work she never had a mishap; and this success she always attrib- uted to the guidance and unfail- ing help of divine providence. With God as a working partner, she did not doubt nor fear the outcome. God prospered her—if not in silver and gold, rather in the greater treasure of a joyful heart and a life ennobled by sacrificial service. Her home was blessed, and her children did not suffer from lack of maternal solicitude and care. Bearing her burdens of duty and care with God, she “sang out through all the days her joy and God’s high praise” in avenues of Christian service. Her heart found expression in frequent measures of song and tone. Blessed with the love and appreciation of good music, she found delight in singing and in playing the violin. In this, as in so many other things, she and her husband shared a mutual interest which they also have instilled in their children. On her last Lord’s day, as she lay on her bed of sickness and realized that the hour of her departure was not afar cff, Sig- ríður Martin expressed to her husband the wish that their children might be assembled at her bedside to sing and to play some favorite songs and hymns. As she had found joy, comfort and strength in them through life, so also would she enter into joy eternal on wings of har- mony. Sing me to sleep, the shadows fall; Let me forget the world and all. Tired is my heart, the day is long; Would it were to evensong.” Secure and confident in her faith through all her days she came at last to the time when evening shadows fall and blend into the night when death holds sway. Though called on to walk through the valley of the last deep shadow, she did not fear. “Thy Word, O God, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light upon my path.” (Ps. 119:105). With that unfailing light to follow, the shadows are not fearsome. And soon, very soon, they give way to the glorious sunrise of eternal day, when burdens are removed to the glorious rhap- sody of joyful song and infinite blessings for evermore. Sigríður Martin, who passed away on Monday, February 21, Sigríður Martin 1949, had attained to the full age of seventy years. Born on March 11, 1878, at Reykjanes in Big Island (Hecla), Manitoba, she was the oldest child of Kristjón Finnson and his first wife, Sig- ríður Reykjalín. When young Sigríður was but four years old, and her brother Sigurður two years younger, their mother died. Thereafter for three years the youngsters lived with their gfandfather, Halldór Friðriks- son Reykjalín, in North Dakota. When their father remárried in 1883, they returned to him and their stepmother, Þórunn Björg Eiríksdóttir. They lived at Tjör- nnes, Big Island, until they moved to Icelandic River (now Riverton) in the year 1893. On November 7, 1899, Sigríður married Gunnlaugur Martin. They made their home at Lauga- landi, in the Hnausa community, until they retired in 1944 and moved into Hnausa village. The last five months of her life they spent at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harkess, in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. There Sigríð- ur passed away four days after the final onset of her last illness. Her passing is móurned by her husband, who awaits with quiet anticipation their future reunion in the land of endless day. Surviving brothers and sisters are: Sigurður Finnson, Ingunn Fjelsted and Sigríður Anderson, in Arborg, Manitoba; Kristín Baldwinson, Sigurrós Helgason, Wilfred Finnson and Guðrún Finnson, in Hnausa; and Kristjón Finnson, in Vidir, Mani- toba. Another brother^ Friðjón Victor Finnson, died in 1938. The children of Gunnlaugur and Sigríður Martin, who cher- ish the memory of. a good mother, are: Frances Willard (Mrs. G. F. Bergman), Gimli, Man.; Herbert Arnold (married to Ragnheiður Vídalín), Hnausa; Alfred Robert (married to Beat- rice Kristjánson), Vidir; Frið- rikka Margret (Mrs. S. F. Berg- man), Arnes, Man.; Gunnlaugur Sigurður (married to Guðrún Sigmundson), Gimli; Halldór Egill (married to Lilja Pálsson), Hnausa; and Ingunn Kristín (Mrs. Wm. Chas. Harkess), Por- tage la Prairie. A fosterson, Einar Johnson, lives at Campbell River, B.C. The grandchildren number twenty-two. A large congregation of lov- ing relatives, neighbors and friends of the late Sigríður Mar- tin assembled in the Lutheran Church at Hnausa, Manitoba, on February 26, 1949. As they bore a precious burden to its last earthly resting place, upon their hearts they bore a burden of mourning. The pastor( Rev. B. A. Bjarnason, bade them place their burdens at the feet of the gentle and compassionate Sav- our Who bids all those sorrow and are heavy-laden to come unto Him in sincere faith and trust, through the medium of prayer, and receive rest unto their souls. In fellowship with Him all things work together for good unto those who love Him “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee,” through time and all eternity. God be with you till we meet again—at Jesus’ feet. —B. A. Bjarnason GAMAN 0G A L V A R A Business and Professional Cards Eldur í gistihúsinu í Fornahvammi í fyrrinótt Herbergi 16 næturgesta og 9 heimamanna full af reyk, er starfsstúlka vaknaði Það munaði minnstu, að stórslys yrði í gistihúsinu í Fornahvammi í Norðurár- dal í fyrrinótt. Kviknaði þar í út frá olíumiðstöð í kjall- ara, en húsið fylltist af reyk. Vildi það til, að ein af starfs- stúlkunum, A n n a Guð- mundsdóttir, vaknaði og gat gert viðvart um eldinn, áður en það var um seinan. Sextán næturgestir voru í Fornahvammi þessa nótt, ellefu frá Húsavík og hinir annars staðar af Norðurlandi. Heima- menn í Fornahvammi eru níu, og sváfu tveir af heimapiltum í herbergi í kjallara. Margir orðnir dasaðir. Þegar Anna Guðmundsdóttir vaknaði, var klukkan á fimmta tímanum. Var húsið orðið fullt af reyk. Hljóp hún þegar til og vakti aðra, og voru margir þá orðnir mjög dasaðir af reykn- um, svo að engar líkur eru til, að þeir hefðu vaknað af sjálfs- dáðum. Voru piltarnir í kjallar- anum ekki sízt orðnir þrekaðir. Gestum varð tafsamt. 1 Fornahvammi er olíumótor til ljósa og er hann ekki í gangi um nætur. Var því dimmt og ljóslaust í húsinu, og varð gest- um, sem ókunnugir voru, taf- samt að komast út. En þótt reyk- ur væri mikill í húsinu, var eld- urinn aðeins í miðstöðvarklefan- um, enda húsið steinsteypt. Páli Sigurðssyni gistihús- stjóra og fólki hans tókst þó brátt að slökkva eldinn, enda voru góð slökkvitæki til í gisti- húsinu. En talsverðar skemmdir voru orðnar á húsinu af völdum reyks. _tíMINN, 18. nóv. Rithöfundurinn Richardson var eitt sinn í samkvæmi og um stund var hann einn í herbergi með Englendingi nokkrum. Englendingurinn á v a r p a ð i Richardson og sagði honum, að sér væri það mikil ánægja að votta höfundi „Sir Charles Grandison“ virðingu sína, því að alls staðar þar sem hann hefði komið, meðal annars í París og Haag, hefði hann heyrt mikið dáðst að þeirri bók. Richardson lét sem hann heyrði þetta ekki, en þegar allir gestirnir voru komnir inn í her- bergið sneri hann sér að Eng- lendingum og sagði: „Þér voruð að segja eitthvað um „Sir Grandi son“. i „Nei“, var svaraði. „Ég minn- ist ekki að hafa nokkurn tíma heyrt hann nefndan“. ☆ Albert Einstein var eitt sinn beðinn að gefa stærðfræðilega formúlu fyrir velheppnuðu lífi. Formúlan, sem hann setti fram, var á eftirfarandi hátt: „Ef a er velheppnað líf, er a sama sem x plus y plus z, þar sem x er sama sem vinna og y sama sem leikur“. „En • hvað er z?“ var hann spurður. „Z“, svaraði hann, „er að halda sér saman“. ☆ Elizabet drottning var mjög reið við dr. Heyward höfund bókarinnar „Líf Henry fjórða' og hafði ákveðið að höfða mál gegn honum. Meðal annarra spurði hún Bacon lávarð hvort það væru ekki landráð í bókinni. „Nei, yðar hátign“, svaraði Bacon þegar í stað, „það finnst mér nú ekki en ég er viss um að það er margt glæpsamlegt henni“. „Hvar“, spurði drottningin á köf. „Hvar og hvernig?" „í mörgum setningum“, svar- aði Bacon, „sem hann hefir stol- ið frá Tacitus". ☆ Lærisveinn járnsmiðsins var í fyrsta tíma sínum. „Taktu nú eftir“, sagði járn- smiðurinn. „Ég tek járnið úr eldinum set það á steðjann svona. Þegar ég gef þér merki með höfðinu, slaerðu á það með hamri“. Lærisveinninn fylgdi fyrir- mælunum nákvæmlega, en nú er hann að leita sér að nýrri at- vinnu. SPECIAL DRUM FOR BRITFH FESTIVAL Firm's Specially for 140 Years HENRY PORTER AND CO. have been making regi- mental drums for British regiments for 140 years and are now working on a special one for the 1951 Fes- tival of Britain. In their workshop are drums dating back to Eliza- bethan days. In this picture are seen: Top row, left to right, those of the R. A. F., the Welsh Guards and the Lincounshire Regiment; middle row, the Coldstream Guards and the Festival Drum on which Mr. Fred Eaton is emblazoning the insignia of the Coldstreams in honor of the firm’s founder who was their drum major from 1786 to 1817. Bottom row, those of the Rhodesian Police (left) and the Gurkha Rifles. SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS LTD. Reykháfar, öruggasta eldsvörn, og ávalt hreinlr. Hitaeiningax- rör, ný uppfynding. Sparar eldi- við, heldur hita frá a8 rjúka út meS reyknum — Skrifið stmið til KELLY SVEINSSON 625 Wall Street, Winnipeg Just north of Portage Ave. Símar: 33-744 — 34-431 S. O. BJERRING Canadian Stamp Co. RUBBER & METAL STAMPS NOTARY & CORPORATE SEAI..S CELLULOID BUTrONS 324 Smilh Sl. Winnipeg Phone 924 624 Gunnar Erlendsson Pianist and Teacher Studio — 636 Home Street Thelephone 725 448 FErostil JEWELLERS 447 Portage Ave, Branch Store at 123 TENTH ST. BRAN00N Ph, 926 886 Phone 21 101 ESTIMATF.S FREE J. M. INGIMUNDSON Asphalt Rnofs and lnsulated &idinc — Repairs Country Orders Attended To 632 Simcoe St. Winnlpeg, Man. DR. A. V. JOHNSON Dentist 506 SOMERSlST BUILDING Telephone 97 932 Home Telephone 202 S98 Talslmi 925 826 Helmlils 404 630 DR. K. J. AUSTMANN SérfræOingur < augna, eyrna, nef og kverka sjúkdómum 209 Medical Arts Bldg. Stofutlmi: 2.00 til 5.00 e. h DR. ROBERT BLACK SérfræOingur i augna, eyrna, nef og hdlssiúkdómum. 401 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG Graham and Kennedy St Skrlfstofusfmi 928 851 Heimastmi 403 794 HAGBORG FUEL PHOME 2ISSI GUNDRY PYMORE Limited British Quality Fish Netting 58 VICTORIA ST„ WINNIPEG Phone 92 8211 Uanager T. R. THORVALDSON Your patronage wlll be appreciated G. P. Jonasson, Pres. & Mac. Dir. Keystone Fisheries Limited 404 SCOTT BLK, Stmi S2S 127 Wholesale Distributors of FRESH AND FROZEN FI8H Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson WINNIPEG CI.INTC 8t Mary's and Vaughan. Wp*. Phone 926 441 Phone 927 0*8 H. J. H. Palmason. C.A. H. 1. PALMASON St CO. Chartered Accountanta S06 Confeder&tlon Lite Bldg. Wlnnipeg Manltoba PARKER, PARKER & KRISTJANSSON Barristers - Solicilors Ben C. Parker, K.C. B. Stuart Parker. A. F. Kristjansson 500 Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers Winnipeg, Man. Phone 923 M1 JOHN A. HILLSMAN. M.D., Ch. M. 332 Medlcal Arts. Btdg. Ot FICE 929 349 Home 408 288 Phone 724 944 Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson 8UITE 6 — 652 HOME ST, Vtðtalsttml 3—5 eftlr hádegl DR. E. JOHNSON 804 EVELINE STREBT Selklrk, Man Offlce nrs. 2.80—6 p.m Phones: Offlce 26 — Rea. 280 Otflce Phor.r Ree Phone 924 762 726 115 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 528 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Office Hours: 4 p.m.—6 p.m and by appolntment DR. H. W. TWEED Tanulæknir 508 TORONTO GEN. TRUSTS BUILDING Oor Portaee Ave. og Smith St. Phone 926 952 WINNIPEO Offlce 933 587 Res. 444 389 THORARINSON & APPLEBY BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS 4th Floor — Crown Trust Bldg. 364 Main Street WINNIPEG CANADA SARGENT TAXI Phone 722 401 FOR QUICK RELIABLE SERVICE J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 808 AVENUE BLDG WPG Fasteignasalar. Leigja hús. Ot- vega peningalán og eldsáhyrgð. hifreiðaábyrgð, o. a. frv. Phone 927 528 Andrews, Andrews, Thorvaldson and Eggertson Lögfrœóingar 20913ANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BG. Portage og Garry St. Phone 928 291 C A N A D 1 A N FISH PRODUCERS, LTD. J. H. PAOE, Managing Director Wholesale Distributors of Frasb and Frozen Fish. 811 CHAMBERS STREET Offlce Ph. 26 328 Res. Ph. 78 917 A. S. B A R D A L 848 SHERBROOK STREET Selur líkkistur og annast um ftt- f&rlr. Allur útbúnaður sá bertl. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar minnisvarða og legsteina. Skrifstofu talslmi 27 824 Helmill9 talstmi 26 444 Phone 23 996 T61 Notre Dame Ave. Just West of New Matemity Hospltal Nell's Flower Shop Wedding Bouquets, Cnt Flowers Funeral Designs, Corsages Bedding Plants Nell Johnson Ruth Rowland 27 482 88 790



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