Lögberg - 09.10.1958, Side 1

Lögberg - 09.10.1958, Side 1
71. ÁRGANGUR WINNIPEG, FIMMTUDAGINN 9. OKTÓBER 1958 NÚMER 40 HON. ASMUNDUR BENSON, Disírict Judge, State oí North Dakota: A Pre-cminent Lawyer On January 19, 1958, one of the most famous lawyers of Icelandic descent, the Hon. Bardi G. Skulason, of Port- land, Oregon, observed his 87th birthday in that great city in the presence of many friends, relatives and ad- mirers. This great lawyer was born in Iceland on January 19, 1871. He came with his parents to Canada when he was 5 years old. The family remained in northern Mani- toba, Canada, for a period of five years, and in 1880 came across the line to Pembina County, North Dakota. They had heard the glowing stories and the marvelous promise of the Red River Valley. They were able to take the train to Pembina, North Dakota, and from there a distance of over 40 miles they came by OV tonrr* gprí on too^ V/hcrc they settled on unsurveyed land in what is now the Mountain, North Dakota, area. Like most other families that came from Iceland or other foreign countries in those days, the Skulason family was very poor, and depended upon their own ingenuity and ability to eke out a living in a foreign coun- try such as the United States was to them at that time. Bardi’s father had often told him that America was the land of opportunity where men were self-made. Bardi soon acquired a burn- ing desire for an education, and after attending the local schools and learning every- thing he could from them, he obtained a permit to teach school at the youthful age of 16. He taught at Akra, North Dakota, for three months at $30.00 a month in the winter of 1887 and 1888. He taught at Eyford in 1892 at $35.00 a month; and also taught at Mountain, North Dakota, for $50.00 a month. In 1888, having saved up $90.00 or so from his teaching, Bardi entered the University of North Dakota; and by working in the harvest fields, threshing, teaching school, and doing any and every other job that he could get at the University, he graduated with a B.A. in 1895, and earned a Phi Beta Kappa key, plus a life certificate for Hon. Barði G. Skúlason teaching school. He secured a job that fall in Tower City, North Dakota, at $75.00 per month, and the next year at Hillsboro, North Dakota, for $100.00 per month. During these two years of teaching he devoted every spare mo- ment that he could to the study of law; and in Septem- ber, 1897 ,he was admitted to the Bar in North Dakota. Bardi Skulason started his law practice in Grand Forks, North Dakota, in the fall of 1897. For a time his younger brother, Skuli Skulason, was in partnership with him. Skuli died several years ago at the age of 77. Later on the Hon. O. B. Burtness, who is at present one of the First Judicial District judges of North Dakota, became the junior partner of the firm of Skulason & Burtness. Bardi Skulason served for some time as assistant state’s at- torney of Grand Forks Coun- ty; and for ten years he lec- tured on private corporations at the University of North Dakota Law School. Mr. Skulason married Charlotte H. Robinson on October 25, 1896, at Bismarck, North Dakota. Two children were born of this marriage, Dagmar Skulason, now Mrs. Eremeef, and Rolfe W. Skula- son. At the tender age of only 17 Rolfe entered the army in World War I. He served in the infantry, finally in the Rainbow Division, and was in at least two major engage- ments, at St. Mihiel and on the drive later from the Marne. Upon return from the service he entered the Uni- versity of Oregon and gradu- Continued on Page 2 Courtesy of Winnipeg Tribune Próf. Ólafur T. Anderson great loves in the academic field, and it is doubtful whether this province ever had an equal to him in teach- ing of mathematics. He worked his students hard but was able to unlock mathe- matical doors even to pupils who had no natural affinity for the su'oject. Prófessor O. T. Anderson lótinn Sú hörmulega frétt barst yfir útvarpið á mánudags- kveldið, að Próf. Ólafur T.: Anderson hefði látið lífið í[ bílaárekstri nálægt Clande- boe um 4 leytið þá um daginn. Mun hann hafa verið á leið-j inni til Selkirk á fund móðurj sinnar og systkina. Próf. Anderson var fæddur og uppalinn í Selkirk. For- eldrar hans voru Sigurður Árnason (A n d e r s o n) frá Breiðavaði í Norður-Múla- sýslu og kona hans Ólína Björg ólafsdóttir. Faðir hans lézt árið 1902, en háöldruð móðir syrgir hann. Ólafur ruddi sér veg til mennta; inn- ritaðist í Wesley College 1909 og lauk Bachelor of Arts prófi 1913. Árið 1915 varð bann fyrsti námsmaður við Manitobaháskóla er lauk meistaraprófi í stærðfræði. Hann var skipaður kennari við Wesley College (seinna United) árið 1917 og 1927 for- maður (Dean) Arts of Science deildarinnar, og hélt hann því embætti við mikinn og góðan orðstír til dauðadags. Auk móður sinnar, Mrs. O. B. Christianson lætur hann eftir sig þrjá bræður, Harold, Samúel og Carl; fimm systur, Margréti, Anne, Björgu, Mrs. J. S. Johnson og Mrs. M. D. Verhage. Dagblöð Winnipegborgar hafa minnzt þessa frábæra kennara vel og maklega. Með leyfi ritstjóra Winnipeg Tri- bune endurprentar Lögberg ritstjórnargrein, er birtist í því blaði á þriðjudagskveldið: DEAN O. T. ANDERSON tragically killed in a highway collision Monday, was United College personified. Man and boy he had been associated with the college for nearly half a century. O.T., or “On Time” Ander- son as he often was called, entered Wesley College as a student in 1909, and began his teaching career there in 1917. Since 1927 he had been dean of arts and science. The dean came from the good Icelandic stock which has meant much to the intel- lectual life of Manitoba. His grandmother came to Selkirk from Iceland more than a century ago, and it was in Selkirk that Dean Anderson was born. His whole life was spent in the heart of Mani- toba. Mathematics and physics were Professor Anderson’s The test of his great ability as a teacher was in the num- ber of students who sougþt him out when they had sup- plementals to write in al- gebra, analytical geometry or some kindred subject. By per- severance and kindly teach- ing he could make a scholar- ship winner out of an indi- vidual who normally would get only 14 marks out of 100 in a mathematics exam. United College and two generations of students will miss Dean Anderson’s influ- ence. Þessi fallega og maklega kveðja var rituð af aðalrit- stjóra blaðsins, Mr. Carlyle Allison. Útför þessa vinsæla kenn- ara og mæta íslendings verð- ur gerð frá Young United Church í dag, fimmtudag, kl. 3 e.h. Forseti United College, Dr. W. C. Lockhart, flytur kveðjumál; ennfremur for- maður guðfræðideildarinnar, E. G. D. Freeman. — Jarðað verður í Brookside grafreit. Miklar og góðar gjafir til Betel Það eru ekki liðin nema þrjú ár síðan fyrsta greinin birtist í Lögbergi varðandi áætlun um endurbætur á Betel byggingunni á Gimli og um viðbót nýrrar byggingar til þess að hægt væri að veita móttöku hinum mörgu öldr- uðu íslendingum, er á bið- lista voru og leituðu þar at- hvarfs. — Margir þeir, sem heimsótt hafa Betel í seinni tíð hafa látið svo ummælt, að það gangi kraftaverki næst hve miklu hafi þar verið hrundið í framkvæmd á þessu tímabili. Þetta var stórt nauðsynja- og mannúðarmál, og svo giftu- samlega tókst til, að valið lið manna undir forustu Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson, fékkst til að beita sér fyrir fjársöfnun og framkvæmdum. Nefndin hafði lítið fé handa á milli til að byrja með, en hún treysti því, eins og sannast hafði svo oft áður, að þegar mikið ligg- ur við, er hjarta landans jafn- aðarlega á réttum stað. Ein- staklingar víðsvegar og félög sendu fjárframlög og aðrar gjafir, og hefir þeirra verið getið hér í blaðinu. Nýlega bárust nefndinni þessar stórgjafir: „Islendinga- dagurinn“ á Gimli $400.00 fyr- ir húsgögn í eina íbúð heimil- isins. Áður hafði nefnd Islend- ingadagsins greitt $1000.00 í byggingarsjóðinn, svo nú hef- ir þessi íslenzka stofnun styrkt Betel með $1400.00 alls. Er þetta mjög þakkarvert; arði þessara íslenzku hátíðadaga á Gimli gat ekki verið varið betur. Þann 30. september síðast- liðinn meðtók nefndin þessa höfðinglegu gjöf: íslenzkir Good Templarar í Winnipeg $1200.00 fyrir hús- gögn í þrjár íbúðir Betels. í apríl 1957 gáfu Good Templar- arar $10,800.00, sem borga skyldu kostnað við byggingu þriggja íbúða (units). Þannig hefir þessi íslenzki félags- skapur lagt alls $12,000.00 til Betel. Er þetta drengileg að- stoð við göfugan málstað. Kostnaður við endurbygg- ingu Betels hljóp töluvert fram úr því sem áætlað var, og enn er þörf á um 30 þúsund dollara fjárstyrk til að greiða áfallnar skuldir og til að full- komna verkið. Væntir nefnd- in þess að íslenzkur almenn- ingur hafi Betel í huga sem fyrr og aðstoði nefndina við að ljúka þessu nauðsynja- verki sem fyrst. Virðingarfyllzt, GRETTIR EGGERTSON, formaður fjársöfnunar- nefndar Betel.



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