
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.09.1963, Qupperneq 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.09.1963, Qupperneq 1
) Hö gberg; - ® etmsfer in gla Stofnað 14. jan.. 1888 Stofnuð 9. sept.. 1886 77. ARGANGUR WINNIPEG, FIMMTUDAGINN 26. SEPTEMBER 1963 NÚMBER 36 Thorvaldson Honored S. E. BJÖRNSON: The chemistry building at the University of Saskatche- wan has been renamed in honor of Dr. Thorbergur Thorvaldson, internationally known scientist and first dean of graduate studies at the U of S. The Thorvaldson Building, will i n c 1 u d e t'he existing chemistry building and a large addition that will be started next week. The new name was approved by the university’s board of govern- ors át its meeting on Wednes- day. This brings to seven the number of major structures on the Saskatoon campus that have been named after faculty members. The other are the Murray Memorial L i b r a r y, the W. P. Thompson Biology Building, Kirk Hall, Ruther- ford Rink, the John Mitchell Building, and Griffit'hs Stad- ium. Dr. Thorvaldson joined the chemistry department here in 1914, and was made head of' the department five years later. In 1946, he was appoint- ed dean of the newly formed college of graduate studies, a position he held until his re- tirement in 1949, when he was named dean emeritus of grad- uate studies. From 1952-1958 he was a member of the uni- versity’s board of governors. Dr. Thorvaldson is inter- nationally known for his re- search into the chemistry of cement and for the develop- ment of cements with resist- ance to deterioration through chemical a 11 a c k. He was awarded the medal of the Canadian Institute of Chem- istry and the Tory Medal of the Royal Society of Canada, and has lectured at internat- ional symposia on the chem- istry of cement. Dr. Thorvaldson continues to make his home in Saska- toon, and is still active in chemical researCh. The university has accepted a $91,119 tender for the ex- cavation and foundation pil- ing for an addition to the Thorvaldson Building. Dr. Th. Thorvaldson The addition will provide space for t'he chemistry de- partment, the c o 11 e g e of pharmacy, and the college of home economies. The chem- ical engineering laboratories, now in the engineering build- ing, wil'l also be transferred into chemistry department space in the new building. The new construction will provide additional undergrad- uate and research laboratories, offices and classrooms. The chemistry department will oc- cupy 50 percent of the total area of the enlarged building, pharmacy 30 percent and home economics 20 percent. The foundation work will start immediately. —Saskatoon Star-Phoenix A Question Of Language Mr. Hector Hughes (Aber- deen, North) asked how many people in Scotland during each of the last 10 years spoke the Gaelic language: how many spoke or speak only Gaelic; and how many spoke or speak both Gaelic and English. Lady Tweedsmuir, Under- Secretary, S c o t ti s h Office (Aberdeen, South).—At the 1951 census there were 95,447 Gaelic speakers, of whom 2,178 spoke Gaelic only and 93,269 both Gaelic and English. In 1961 the figures were 76,- 587, 1,079, and 75,508. Mr. Hughes.—It is a most regrettable mark of cultural intransigence and intolerance that so little attention and practical encouragement is given by the Government in Scotland to this ancient and distinguished language. It is a wrong policy, and will the Under-Secretary seek fo alter it so that this ancient and distinguished language may have the respect it deserves? Lady Tweedsmuir.— It has been the duty of the education authorities since 1918 to see that Gaelic is taught in those areas which are primarily Gaelic speaking. — From the British Parliamentary Record. Kveðja til íslands 1963 — Islandsferðin frá Vancouver, B. C. Á loftsins vegum til landsins þráða vér lögðum, í kynnisför; en atvik tíðum og örlög ráða ýmsu um lífsins kjör. Þá fögnuður vakti vona fagur í vordagsins ferðahug, og loksins rann upp sá langþráði dagur, er loftfarið hóf sitt flug. Vér flugum austur, mót himni heiðum, í heiðloftsins víðu firrð; við stjarnanna blik, -á loftsins leiðum, í lágnættis undrakyrrð. Og þegar skaraði skýja tjöldum skaparans máttarhönd, júní sólin frá Ægis öldum andvarans leysti bönd. Skip vort var hlaðið helgisjóðum, í hjartnanna vermireit; sögunnar krafti og lands vors Ijóðum, sem lifa í borg og sveit. og nú voru horfnir Atlands álar, og Ishafsins veðra fár; sem leyst væri böndin líkama og sálar landsins, og grædd þess sár. Átthagaþráin á ljóða lindir, sem lauga vor hugar tjöld; hjartans dýrustu helgimyndir, sem heiðloftsins stjörnukvöld: bæði ívaf og uppistaða, ofin f merg og blóð. Hún leiðir á veginn, sem lundin glaða, og lýsir, sem aringlóð. Hún lifir í minning frá liðnum degi, og leysir sfn þakkargjöld; því eru börnin úr vesturvegi vorlandsins hér í kvöld. Þar sem að döggvar í dali falla og dreymir um gullin sín, frá Kyrrahafi til Klettafjalla, kveðjan er heil til þfn. Þótt felist klökkvi í kveðju minni, frá kynslóðum liðins dags. Vér eigum frá þér f arfleifðinni, elda, til sólarlags. Vér gleymum ei, ættlandið yndis bjarta, æskunnar tíða gjörð, en geymum í þakklátum hug og hjarta, sem helgidóm lífs á jörð.. Sem bernsku á morgni, er barnið hjalar, blundsins úr fjötrum leyst, á fegurstu máli, er tungan talar var trú vor á bjargi reist. Því draumurinn Ijúfi, um þig lífs vors móðir, varð lifandi myndasafn, er óx við hvert fótmál, um fornar slóðir, við frægð þinnar sögu og nafn. Vér syrgjum það alt, sem er glatað og grafið,. gleymskunnar bak við tjöld, og börn þín og niðjar handan við hafið hylla þig fram á kvöld. 1 samhug vér óskum þig aldrei skorti þá auðnu, er frelsið gaf, og ávalt þú ríkir á alheims korti efst við hið nyrsta haf. Gudmundur Fridriksson Our linotype operator, who sets Lögberg-Heimskringla, is returning today from Iceland, where he was detained for six weeks due to illness. Awarded The Order Of the Falcon Paul Sveinbjorn Johnson, lawyer at 100 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of the Falcon from the President of Iceland, Asgeir Asgeirsson, on Tuesday, Sept. 24. Representing President Asgeirsson was the Consul of Iceland in Chicago, Arni Hel- gason. Johnson’s f a t h e r, Svein- bjorn, who was a judge of the Supreme Court of North Dakota and legal counsel for the University of Illinois, also received the Order of the Falcon in 1941. The elder Johnson was attorney general of North Dakota in 1921 and was elected to the supreme court in 1925. In 1930, Iceland celebrated the lOOOth anniversary of its parliament a n d President Hoover appointed Johnson’s father to represent the United States. Paul made the trip with him. Johnson, who lives at 179 E. Chestnut Street, with his wife and two children, has been a lawyer for the Icelandic con- sulate in Ohicago and was presented the award in the consulate offices, 100 W. Monroe Street, at noon Tues- day, for his services to the Icelandic consulate, govern- ment and airline. A reception in his honour was held that afternoon in the La Salle hotel. He attended Knox College, Galesburg, for two years and then studied at the University of Illinois where he received his A.B. in 1943 and his law degree in 1947. Jöhnson was born in Grand Forks, N.D.., in 1921 and the family later lived in Bismark, N.D. He attended the Dr. Howard Grammar School and University High School in Champaign, 111., and his mother still lives in the latter city at 1007 W. Church Street. LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA Eina íslenzlca vikublaðið í Norður Ameríku Slyrkið það, Kaupið það Lesið það



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