Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.09.1963, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.09.1963, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 26. SEPTEMBER 1963 3 Litið um öxl tTtdrættir úr Löqbergt og Hoimakringlu frá fyrri árum Valið hafa — Business and Professional Cards ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAG ÍSLENDINGA í VESTURHEIMI Forseli: SÉRA PHILIP M. PÉTURSSON. 681 Banning Street, Winnipeg 10, Manitoba. Styrkið félagið með því að gerast meðlimir. Ársgjald $2.00 — Tímarit félagsins frílt Sendist til fjármálaritara: MR. GUDMANN LEVY, 185 Lindsay Street, Winnipeg 9, Monitoba Phone WHitehall 3-8072 Minnist I Dr. Þorvaldur Johnao' <Jr Heimskringlu, 18. sept. 1913: Hr. Sveinn Thorvaldson kaup- maður frá Icelandic River, kom heim úr Evrópuför sinni á mánudagskveldið. Hafði hann þá verið að heiman í þrjá mán- uði, og ferðast um Danmörku, Þýzkaland, Sviss, Belgíu, Svíþjóð, Noreg, Bretland og Island. — Lengst af var honum samferða bróðir hans Thorbergur, sem verið hafði við nám við háskóla á Þýzkalandi. . . Einnig voru í ferð með þeim bræðrum J. J. Vopni og Árni Eggertson, öðru hvoru. Hr. J. G. Christie, áður hótels- haldari á Gimli, og frú hans eru nýlega komin heim úr Islandsför sinni. Einnig ferðuðust þau um Bretland, Þýzkaland og Dan- mörku. — Hr. Ásgrímur Thor- grímsson, Éasteignasali í Van- couver, B. C., kom heiman af Islandi á fimtudaginn, eftir 7 vikna dvöl þar. Höfuðlausn Framhald frá bls. 2. eye and strikes upon the ear. It is composed in end-rime verse, and with certain in- significant exceptions it is the first poem so to be composed by any Norse skald. In court meter, drottkvaedr h a 11 r , rime and assonance are to be found only within the line, the lines themselves being linked by alliteration. It is Sigurdur Nordal’s opinion that the rim- ing lines of Hofudlausn burst like a thunderclap upon his audience at York. Like Alex- ander before him, With ravished ears The monarch hears, Assumes the god, Affects to nod, And [hopesj to shaké the spheres. In its ring and rime Eirik heard the promise of his im- mortality, an spared the arti- fex of his renown. Whatever the truth of this, whether the effect of this new rimed sonority was so over- whelming, and whether its chimes rang Egil forth to safety, to Egil must be given the glory of introducing a new kind of poetry to the North. The origin of end-rime in poetry is relevant to our pres- ent inquiry only in so far as we must seek a model for Egil’s runhenda meter. Finnur Jonsson thought no model og Dr. Tryggvi J. Oleson (Jr Heimskringlu, 19. sept. 1923: ELD-VATNIÐ KOMIÐ S.l. laugardag komu til járn- brautar vagnhlöss af álengi til Winnipeg, til vínsölubúða fylk- isstjórnarinnar í Manitoba. Vín- ið kom frá Bretlandi og er mikið af því búið til þar, en surat í Svíþjóð, Frakklandi og Spáni. Verður byrjað að selja það í þessari viku. Alt sem til þess þarf nú að veita sér það, er því vínkaupaleyfið og borgunin fyr- ir brúsann. Laugardaginn 14. þ. m. börð- ust hinir heimsfrægu hnefaleika- kappar Jack Dempsey og Louis Firpo. Orustan var hin snarp- asta. Barði Dempsey Firpo flatan aftur og aftur, en Firpo spratt upp jafnhraðan. — Rak hann Dempsey slíkt feikna kjaftshögg í fyrstu “umferð” að hann hófst á loft, kollsteyptist aftur á bak út af pallinum og sá 8,000,000 stjörnur, samt enduðu viðskiftin svo, að Firpo lá endilangur í blóði sínu, meðan dómarinn taldi tíu og vissi hvorki í þennan heim né annan. need be sought, and that it was an invention of the Myramen. Neckel thought that Egil had learned this meter in England; and Heusler was of much the same opinion, that Egil had heard rimed poetry in the west and had adapted it to his needs. Nordal thinks that Egil during his stay at Athelstan’s court would have been impressed by the rimes of Latin and English poetry. G. Turville-Petre con- siders that Egil was not likely to be influenced by Old Eng- lish poetry in rime, scanty as that was, but by the rimed Latin hymns he would hear in church after he had been primesigned in England. It seems certain t'hat Old English end-rimed verse was itself written on the model of these Latin hymns, whose rime and perhaps meter have been shown by Stefan Einarsson to derive in turn from Irish-Latin hymns. The Old English poem to which Hofudlausn shows the closest metrical similarity is the so-called Riming Poem, though other end-rimed poems may possibly have been writ- ten but lost. Although the Riming Poem is substantially older than Hofudlausii( it is probably of the eighth cen- tury), it cannot of course be regarded as its model. Its signifcance consists in its evi- dence that end-rime poems were known in England, where Egil had spent some time; and that end-rime in Old English ' poetry preceded endrime in ■ Icelandic or Norse poetry. ‘ Egil, it is worth remarking, made no further use of end- ! rime. It had served him well 3 for a metrical tour-deforce, ] but was utterly inadequate for his heartfelt masterpieces, Sonatorrek and Arinbjarn- arkvida, in later years. For these he employed kviduhattr, a meter known in Scandinavia sinee the eighth century. —From the Introduction to the English translation of Egil’s S ag a, b y Prof. Gwyn Jones. Off. SP 2-9509—SP 2-9500 Res. SP 4-6753 OPPOSITE MATERNITY HOSPITAL Nell’s Flower Shop 700 NOTRE DAME Wedding Bouquets - Cut Flowers Funcrol Designs - Corsoges Bcdding Plants S. L. Stefanson—JU 6-7229 Mrs. Albert J. Johnson ICELANDIC SPOKEN Lennett Motor Service Operoted by MICKEY LENNETT IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Hargrave & Bonnatyne WINNIPEG 2, MAN. PHONE WHitehall 3-8157 Crown Trust Company Executors and Trustees since 1897 offering a full range of personal and corporate trust services to Clients. We invite you to cajl or write us todoy. No obligation. 364 Main Street WH 3-3556 C. R. VINCENT, J. A. WAKE, Manager. Estates Manager. Mundy’s Barber Shop 1116 Portage Avenue G. J. JOHNSON, Monoger 4 BARBERS Bezta og vinsælasta rakara- stofan í Winnipeg ASCEIRSON Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 SARGENT AVE. Builders' Hardware, Paints, Varnishes, Wollpapers SU 3-5967—Phones—SU 3-4322 Benjaminson Construction Co. Ltd. 911 Corydon Avcnue GR 5-0498 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Rcsidcntial and Commercial E. BENJAMINSON, Manoger Why not visil ICELAND now? ALL-WAYS Travel Bureau Ltd., 315 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg 2, Man., WHitehall 2-2535, is the recognized Agent of all steamship- and airlines, including Icelandic Airlines, and has assisted more Iceland- ers in Manitoba with their travel'arrangements than any other travel agent. Mr. P. E. Salomonsen and Mr. A. A. Anderson, both Scandi- navians, will render you every assistance in connection with your travel, in an endeavour to have your trip as comfort- able and pleasant, yet in- expensive, as possible. Consult ALL-WAYS Travel Bureau Ltd. 315 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg 2, Man. WHitehall 2-2535 Building Mechanic’s Ltd. Pointing - Decorating - Constructlon Renovating - Real Estate K. W. (BILL) JOHANNSON Manoger 384 MeDermot Ave., Winnipeg 2 A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNERAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Street Selur líkkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur útbúnaður sá bezti. Stofnað 1894 SPruce 4-7474 Goodman And Kojima Electric ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 384 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg 2 WH 2-7759 ARTHUR GOODMAN M. KOJIMA SP 2-5561 LE 3-4633 Evenings and Holidays SPruce 4-7855 ESTIMATES FREE J. M. Ingimundson Reroof, Asphalt Shingles, Roof repairs, install vents, aluminum windows, doors. J. Ingimundson. SPruce 4-7855 632 Simcoe St.# Winnipeg 3, Mon. Thorvaldson, Eggertson, Saunders & Mauro Barristers and Solicitors 209 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BLDG. Portage and Garry St. WHitehall 2-8291 S. A. Thorarinson Barrister and Solicitor 2nd Floor, Crown Trust Bldg. 364 MAIN ST. Office WHifeholl 2-7051 Residence HU 9-6488 The Business Clinic Oscar HJörleifson Office at 207 Atlantic Ave. Phone JU 2-3548 Bookkeeping — Income Tax Insurance A.E.Ames & Co. Limited Business Established 1889 Investment Securities 280 Broadway Winnipeg 1 WH 2-2253 K. Rothwell J. Ross Murroy HAGBORG FUEL LTD. Ph. SP 4-3431 Coal—Wood—Stoker—Coal Furnace Fuel Oil Distributors for Berwind Charcoal Briquets Serving Winnipeg Since 1891 Capital Lumber Co., Ltd. 92 Higgins Avenue Everything in Lumber, Plywood, Wall Board, Ceiling Tile, Finishing Materials, Insulation and Hardware J. REIMER, Monager WH 3-1455 Phone WH 3-1455 BETEL í erfðaskróm yðar



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