Lögberg-Heimskringla - 14.09.1967, Blaðsíða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 14.09.1967, Blaðsíða 8
8 LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 14. SEPTEMBER 1967 Universif'y Evening Institute Courses Courses for the adult public are offered by The University of Manitoba through its Eve- ning Institute. The prog- ramme includes many new courses as well as the per- ennially popular ones, and classes begin September 25th, 1967. The only requirement for enrolling is your interest in the subject. There are no examinations and no previous experience or academic record is required. Classes are held weekly on the Fort Garry Campus. Among the offerings this year are courses in: archae- ology, art appreciation, astro- nomy, conservation, interior decoration, investments, jazz music, languages, law political science psythic science, rea- ding improvement, religion, satire, sociology and writing. For a brochure describing all of the courses, write to the Evening Institute, The University of Manitoba or telephone 474—9621. GOING TO ICELAND? Or perhapa you wish to visit other countries or places herc, in Europe or elswhere? Where- ever you wish to travel, by piane, ship or train, let the Triple-A-Service with 40 years travel experience make the arrangements. Passports and other travel documents secured without extra cost. Write, call or telephone to- day without any obligations to: ARTHUR A. ANDERSON TRAVEL SERVICE 133 Claramont Ava., Winnipeg 8, Man. Tel.: GLobe 2-5446 WH 2-5949 Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. BUILDING MATERIALS 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg 3, Manitoba • All types of Plywood • Pre-finish doors and windows • Aluminum combination Úr borg og byggð Visil to Betel Thursday Sept. 21st, mem- bers of First Lutheran Church Ladies Aid, will make their annual trip to Betel at Gimli, Man. Bus to leave First Lutheran Church, Vic- tor St. at 12 noon, returning at 6 p. m. Visitors welcome while space permits. For re- servations phone Mrs. E. W. perry at GL 3-6874 or Miss K. Brynjólfsson at Gr. 5-6166. Fare $1.35 return. * * * Frá Bellingham, Wash. Dan Laxdal 3023 W. Alder- wood, hefir verið mjög veik- ur en er nú á góðum batavegi og læknar gefa góðar vonir að hann nái fullri heilsu aftur. * * * Framtíðar heimilisfang þeirra dr. Richards og Mar- gretar Beck, er: 28 Marl- borough Street, Victoria, B. C., Canada. Dánarfregnir Robert Ingimar Kardal 21 ára gamall sonur hjónanna Finnboga og Emmu Kardal að Gimli andaðist á sjúkrahús- inu að Gimli, 29. ágúst. Hann var jarðsettur í Gimli graf- reit 1. september af Rev. A. B. Sander. * * * Thorarinn Thorvardsson, 76 ára að aldri, búsettur í Winni- peg andaðist 2. september. Hann var jarðsettur frá Bar- dals af Dr. Valdimar J. Ey- lands 6. þ. m. * * * Sveinn Johnson frá Lundar andaðist á St, Boniface Hosp- ital 6. sept. níræður að aldri. Hann var jarðsettur í graf- reit sveitar sinnar 9. sept. af Dr. Valdimar J. Eylands. * * * John Thorkell Arnason On July 24, 1967, at Eriks- dale Hospital, Eriksdale, Manitoba; John Thorkell Arnason aged 79 ye^ars, bel- oved husband of Helga Arna- son of Oak Point, Manitoba. Mr. Arnason was born in Reykjavík, Iceland, coming to Oak Point 56 years ago, and had been in the Eriks- dale Hospital for the past three months. He was a Gen- eral Merchant for 40 years, retiring in 1944. Besides his wife he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Emil Johnson (Anna) of Oak Point, Mani- toba; 10 grandcrildren; two brothers Asmundur Arnason in Reykjavík, Iceland; and Guðmundur Arnason in New Jersey, U.S.A. Funeral service 2:45 p.m. Thursday, at the Bardal Funeral Home, Sher- brook at William, Rev. Svein- born Olafsson officiating Bu- rial in Brookside Cemetery. * * * GEORGE (GUÐNI) GOOD- MAN passed away August 26th at the Icelandic Old Folks Home, Blaine, Wash. where he had resided for the past ten years. He was born in Iceland, Jan 27th 1875, and came to America in 1878. He lived in North Dakota until 1918 when he went to Seattle, Wash. where his home was until he moved to Stafholt. He never married. He leaves one sister, Mrs. Gudrun Gunnarson, Milton, North Da- |kota, several nieces and nep- hews, also survive. Another sister, Mrs. Guðny Thorvald- son, Los Angeles, California, died in 1953. * * * Sigríður Sigurdson, kona Arnljótar B. Sigurdson 545 Basswood Place, Winnipeg, andaðist á Winnipeg General Hospital 7, ágúst s. 1. Foreldr- ar henar voru Jón Sigurdson og kona hans Anna Ólafs- dóttir, sem bjuggu í Selkirk, en Sigríður var fædd að Gimli 5. okt. 1898. Sigríður heitin var búsett í Winnipeg síðastliðin 37 ár. Hana lifa auk manns hennar tvær dætur, einn sonur, fimm barnabörn, ein systir og tveir 'bræður. Hún var jarðsett í Brookside Cemetery 10. ágúst af Dr. Valdimar J. Eylands. * * * WILLIAM VERNON EINARSON On September 6, 1967, at the St. Boniface Hosptal, William Vernon Einarson, aged 31 years, beloved hus- band of Della Anne Einarson of 392 Arnold Ave. Mr. Einar- son was a printer by trade and had not worked for the past three years on account of illness. Besides his wife he is survived by two daughrers, Misses Ila and Wendy and one son Vernon. Funeral ser- vice 2:45 p.m. Sept. 19. at the Bardal Funeral Home, Sher- brook at William. Rev. Ge- orge Morrison officiating. Bu- rial in Brookside Cemetery. Sigurverar í íþróttakeppni íslendingadagsins að Gimli 31. júlí 1967 The following report has been received on winners of the trophies and events in sports held at the Icelandic Celebration, Gimli, July 31, 1967. Baldur Sigurdson was chairman in charge of sports. The Einar B. Johnson Tro- phy was won by Ross Burg- ess of Winnipeg, affiliated with the Assiniboine Club. The trophy is given to the best in track only. The Skuli Hanson Trophy for best in track and field, grand aggregate, was won by Robert Lovatt, affiliated with the Gimli Track and Field Club. The Thorsteinn Oddson Shield, given to the club with MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta lúterska kirkja Sr. V. J. Eylands, Dr. Theol. Heimili: 686 Banning Street. Sími SUnset 3-0744. Guðsþjónustur á hverjum sunnudegi: The summer schedule during July and August: Worship Service: 9.45 only. — (No 11 o’clock service during the summer). the best record in track and field, was won by the Gimli Track and Field Club. Points earned by the top four competitors were as follows: Robert Lovat, 11 points; Ross Burgess, 10; Ro- bert Arnason, 6; Bob Green- way, 4. Individual race results were as follows. Girls' running broad jump — Cheryl Magnusson, Valerie Peterson, Christine Kerne- sted. Men‘s running broad jump — Robert Arnason, Ross Burgess, Robert Lovatt. Men‘s 220 yards—Ross Burgess, Robert Greenway, Robert Arnason. Men‘s hop, step, jump— Robert Lovatt, Ross Burgess, Robert Arnason. Girl‘s high jump—Valerie Peterson, Kathy Mattick, Di- ane Beauchemin. Men‘s high jump—Robert Lovatt, Ross Maddin, Glen Orris. Men‘s 880 yards—Robert Lovatt, Bruce Hughes, Dale Cook. Men‘s shot put: Rick Brac- ken, Ken Kristjanson, Bruce Arnason. Men‘s one mile — Dean Carriere, Bruce Hughes, Ro- bert Lovatt. Girl's five years and under —' Terra Jacobson, Karen Gordon, Sydney Stefanson. Boys‘ five years and und- er— Danny Thorsteinson, Wayne Sigurdson, Gaye Mac- kenzie. Girls 6 years—Laurie Sig- valdason, Lorelei Wayen, Sydney Korluck. Boys, 6 years—Erran Dann, Russell Thordarson, Jim Lovelaw. Girls, 7 years—Louise Val- gardson, Terry Christianson, Collen Fieldsted. Boys, 7 years—Michael O- man; Dirk Fridfinnson, Bobby Sigurdson. Girls, 8 years—Lorraine Johnson, Kathy Galt, Sharon Bergman. Boys, 8 years —Kevin Cleg- horn, Patrick 0‘Hara, Perry Danilchuk. Girls, 9 years-—Carol Wer- estiuk, Kathy Thorarinson, Karen Sigvaldason. Boys, 9 years—Alvin Ey- olfson, Roy Arnason, Tim Valgardson. Girls, 10 years—Cheryl Renner, Linda Emmerich, Laurelee Arnason. Boys, 10 years—Randy Thorsteinson, Gary Arnason, Lee Bonn. Girls, 11 years—Gayle Gor- don, Carolynn Josephson, Jennifer Roper. Boys, 11 years—Leonard Stefanaon, Ronald Isfeld, Da- vid Johnson. Girls, 12 years—Janet Wer- estiuk, Arlene Johnson, Carol Chase. Boys, 12 yiears—-David Haas, Randy Gottfried, Mark Rosenburg. Girls, 13 years—Dixie Cole- man1, Darlene Demchuk, Christine Kernested. Boys, 13 years—Sandy Price, Victor Eyolfson, Peter O'Hara. Girls, 14 years—Pat Brand- son, Dianne Sigvaldason-, Marilyn Erickson. Boys, 14 years—Dale Cook, Bruce Cherney, Gestur Jacob- son. Girls, 15 years—Karen Christianson, Ada Kristjan- son, Tena Fehr. Boys, 15 years—Melvin Ey- olfson, Ian Greave, Maynard Olson. Married women — Maure- en Greenberg, Linda Laxdal, Dianne Gard. Married men — Norman Valgardson, Gordon Wilson, Douglas Gordon. Girl, 100 yards — Valerie Peterson, Darlene Demchuk, Kathy Mettick. Men‘s 100 yards — Ross Burgess, Robert Greenway, Robert Arnason. doors • Sashless Units • Formica • Arborite • Tile Boards • Hard Boards etc. • Table Legs Phones SU 35-967 SU 34-322 FREE DELIVERY Want to know more about I C E L A N D ? You are invited to join our ever increosing number of subscribers, who have already found that ICELAND REVIEW gives them more and more information on lceland and the lcelanders in text and striking pictures. Makc it your magazinc. Start your subscription now. Beztu kveðjur frá íslandi. jjL lceland to Review P.O. Box 1238, Rcykjavik, lccland. Enclosc Can. $ 5.70 or US $ 5.25 for onc ycar of YOUR magaxinc.



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