Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.09.1968, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.09.1968, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 5. SEPTEMBER 1968 3 ln Agony, In Ánger and In Grief By GUS SIGURDSON ASSASSINATIONS: President John F, Kennedy, Nov. 22nd 1963. Civil-Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King, April 4th 1968. Senaíor Robert F. Kennedy, June 5th 1968. The agony, the anger, and the grief! — Why should these youthful lives be cut too brief To carry out their purpose as they chose By dedication for a cause? Who knows What hatred lurks behind a bullets force That finds its target in a noble life? What evil hate must guide it on its course To numb the hearts of children and of wife? What agony, what anger, and what grief, It stirs the very world like a leaf That blows within a cold and dreadful storm — And yet the love of God will keep it warm — Nourished by love, yet cannot understand The ways of hate. If love filled every heart When evil roams and stalks throughout the land, Such love would stop all shooting at the start. This grief, this anger, all this agony In these enlightened times, need never be, If we but understood the laws of God Far better than the gun, the fist, the rod. These men who wisely fought and bravely lost, Armed only with love, and faith in human right, Gallantly died and paid the terrible cost To prove love conquers all — wins every light. The grief, the agony, it lingers on! The anger slowly dies, until its gone. The world wipes its tears and smiles again; Yet underneath it all, the wounds remain To plague us by the spirits of these dead, Who left this life while proving love must rule. A world based on love and wisely led, Will banish hate, and educate the fool. the courteous co-operation of the Gimli Chapter of the Ice- landic National League, and the Festival Committee, who have arranged- your schedule honoured Sir; in such a man- fter as to make this luncheon possible. In conclusion, I wish to ex- Press on behalf of Mr. K. W. Johannson, President of the Betel Home Foundation, and the Board of Directors, our Warmest personal greetings to you, h e r r a Sigurður Sigur- geirsson, and to your good ''vife frú Pálína Guðmunds- dóttir. The staff of the Home and the residents alike, join in this expression of greeting and welcome. We trust that you will thoroughly enjoy your visit and carry home ''vith you, happy memories of these few days spent as a visitor in Manitoba. Við biðjum yður að bera kærar kveðjur til vina og ætt- ingja á gamla landinu, og það er von okkar að kærleiks- höndin austan hafs og vestan ^oegi styrkjast með ári hverju okkur öllum til blessunar og þroskunar um ókomin tíma. Aug. 2nd. — 1968, J. V. Jónasson, Administrator, Betel Home Foundation. FréHir frá íslandi Framhald frá bls. 1. siglingu kringum Vestmanna- eyjar og síðan var setzt að borðum, þar sem haldnar voru ræður í tilefni áfangans. Töl- uðu þar m. a. Sigurgeir Kristj- ánsson, forstjóri bæjarstjórn- ar, Magnús Magnússon, bæj- arstjóri, Þórhallur Jónsson, verkfræðingur, sem h e f u r haft yfirumsjón með verkinu, ráðherrarnir Ingólfur Jónsson og Eggert G. Þorsteinsson, al- þingismaður Guðlaugur Gísla son og Björn Fr. Björnsson, fulltrúar frá danska fyrirtæk- inu NKT, Páll Þorbjörnsson kaupmaður og Erlendur Árna son, oddviti í Landeyjum. Það var hátíðlegt í Vest- mannaeyjum þennan dag. S n e m m a um morguninn drógu menn fána að hún á hús um sínum og skip lágu í höfn fánum prýdd. — Þessi vatns- hátíð í Eyjum endaði svo með matarboði bæjarstjórnarinn- ar, en að þeirri veizlu sátu tæp tvö hundruð manna. Hefur þar trúlega ekki skort mat og því síður drykk. Vísir 23. júlí ÍSLAND AUÐUGAST NORÐURLANDA 1966 — segir í skýrslu frá SÞ ísland er auðugast Norður- landa, eða var það að minnsta kosti árið 1966. Nýútkomin hagfræðiárbók Sameinuðu þjóðanna sýnir, að þjóðartekj- ur á hvern íbúa árið 1966 voru 2066 dollarar á íslandi, 1808 í Danmörku, 1554 í Noregi og 1475 dollarar í Finnlandi. í bókina vantar upplýsingar frá Svíþjóð um þennan lið, en í skýrslunni yfir brúttóþjóðar- framleiðslu, bæði á markaðs- og framleiðsluverði er ísland feti framar en Svíþjóð: 2.837 — 2.732 dollarar á íslandi 2.388 — 2.386 dollarar í Sví- þjóð. Norðurlönd eru þó ekki allra fremst að þessu leyti. H v e r Kuwaítbúi hafði að jafnaði 3.257 dollara árstekjur og hver Bandaríkjamaður 3.153 doll- ara tekjur 1966. Indland er neðarlega á skrá með 79 doll- ara þjóðartekjur á hvern íbúa, og Ethiópía enn neðar með að- ins 44 dollara. Meðaltalið fyrir heiminn í heild er kringum 540 dollarar. VÍSIR Minnisf BETEL í erfðaskrám yðar Mr. A. G. EGGERTSON, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 303-209 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg 2, Man. Office 943-5635 Residence 453-0603. ICELANDIC GENEAL0GIES Americans of lcelandic origin can have their lcelandic ancestry traced ond irv formatlon about nearest llving relatlves In lcoland. MODERATE FEE. PLEASE CONTACT Stefán Ðjornason, P.O. Box 1355, Reykjovík, lcoland Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. BUILDING MATERIALS 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg 3, Maniloba • All types of Plywood • Pre-finish doors and windows 9 Aluminum combination doors • Sashless Units • Formica 9 Arborite • Tile Boards & Hard Boards etc. • Table Legs Phones SU 35-967 SU 34-322 FREE DELIVERY • Business and Professional Cards • ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAG ÍSLENDINGA í VESTURHEIMI Forseti: SÉRA PHILIP M. PÉTURSSON 681 Bonning Street, Winnipeo 10, Manitobo StyrkiS félagiS meS því aS gerast meSlimir. Sendist til fjármálarilara Ársgjald $2.00 — Tímarit félagsins fritt MRS. KRISTIN R. JOHNSON 1059 Dominion St., Winnipeg 3, Maniloba. Phone 783-3971 Building Mechanics Ltd. Painting - Decorating - Construction Renovating - Real Estate K. W. (BILL) JOHANNSON Manager 938 Elgln Avenue Winnipeg 3 Lennett Motor Service Operoted by MICKEY LENNETT IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Horgrave & Bonnatyne WINNIPEG 2, MAN. Phone 943-8157 A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNERAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Steret Selur líkkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur útbúnaður sá bezti Stofnað 1894 SPruce 4-7474 G. F. Jonasson, Pres and Man. Dlr. KEYSTONE FISHERIES LIMITED Wholesale Distributors of FRESH ond FROZEN FISH 16 Mortha St. 942-0021 Goodman and Kojima Electric ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 770 ELLICE AVE., WINNIPEG 10 774-5549 ARTHUR GOODMAN M. KOJIMA SP 2-5561 LE 3-6433 Evenings on4 Holideys Canadian Fish Producers Ltd. J. H. PAGE, Monoging Dlrector Wholeaale Distributors of Fresh ond Froxen Fish 311 CHAMBERS STREET Office: Bus.: 775-0481 772-3917 SPruce 4-7855 ESTIMATES FREE J. M. Ingimundson Re-roof, Asphalt Shlngles, Roof Repairs, Install Vents, Insulation and Eavcstroughing. SPruco 4-7855 632 Simcoe St., Winnipeg 3, Mon. Investors Syndicate of Canada, Limited H. Brock Smith Manager, Winnipeg Region 280 Broodway Ave. WH 3-0361 Thorvaldson & Company Barristers and Solicitors etc. 209 Banlc of Nova Scotla Bldg. Portage Ave. and Garry St. Wlnnipeg 1, Manitobo Telephones: 942-8291-2-3-4-5 LATHING AND PLASTERING CONTRACTORS H. Mel Sigurdaon, Manager Office and Werehoute 1212 St. Mary's Road Winnipeg 8 Ph. 256-4648 • Rea. 452-3000 S. A. Thorarinson Barrlster & Sollcltor 2nd Fioor, Crown Trust Bldg. 364 MAIN STREET Office WHItehall 2-7051 Residence HU 9-6488 TALUN, KRISTJANSSON PARKER, MARTIN & MERCURY Barrisfert & Solicltorf 210 Osborne Streot North WINNIPEG 1, MANITOBA 0SCAR HJ0RLEIFS0N Accountant ond Auditor 707 - 213 Notre Dame WINNIPEG 2, MAN. Telephone: 943-0526 The Wesfern Paint Co. Ltd. 521 HARGRAVE ST. WINNIPiG 'THE PAINTERS' SUPPLY HOUSE" U ÆT SINCE 1908 WH 3-7395 J. SHIMNOWSKl, Preildent A. H. COTE, Treaiurer Divinsky, Birnboim & Company Charterod Accountants 1471 Main Street 707 Monfreal Trust Bldg. Telephones: Telephone: 943-0526 Capital Lumber Co., Ltd. 92 Higglna Avenue Board, Ceiling Tile, Finishlng Materlaís, Everything In Lumber Plywood, Woll Insulation and Hordware J. REIMER, Manager WH 3-1455 Ptione WH 3-1455 Benjaminson Constructlon Co. Ltd. 911 Corydon Avenue GR 5-0498 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Rnldontlol ond Commerclol E. BENJAMINSON, Menagsr H. J. LAWRIE LUDLOW Barrister ond Sollcltor 2nd Floor, Crown Tru*t Bldg. 364 MAIN STREET WINNIPEG 1, MANITOBA Ph. WH 2-4135 At Gimli Hotel every Friday 9:30 to 12:30 RICHARDSON & COMPANY Barrlsters and Solicitors 274 Gorry Street, Winnipeg 1, Manitoba Telephone 942-7467 Q. RICHARDSON, Q.C. J. F. R. TAYLOR, LL.B. C. R. HUBAND, LL.B. W. S. WRIGHT, B.A., LL.B. W. NORRIE, B.A., LL.B. W. J. KEHLER, BA., L.L.B. G. M. ERICKSON, B.A., LLB. E. C. BEAUDIN, B.A., LLB. "GARTH M. ERICKSON of the firm of Richardson 8. Compony ottends ot the Gimli Credlt Unlon Office, Glmli, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the first ond third Wednesday of eoch month."



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