Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.10.1977, Side 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.10.1977, Side 7
LOGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 13. OKTOBER 1977 CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Gott tækifæri Voxtaaukalón A þessu ári gera Canada Savings Bond yður gott tilboð. Þér getið nú fengið venjulegt skuldabréf, sem vextir eru sreiddir af é hverju ári, og ný Compound Interest Bond (vaxtaaukalán) þannig að þér fáið þá groidda vexti á vextina, og innistcPða yðar vex. Ef þér viljið ávaxta sparifé yðar, leggja til hliðar fé fyrir framtíðina, eða leggja i sjóð til elliáranna, þá ættuð bér að velja nýju vaxtaaukalánin. Eftir fyrsta árið þá fáið þér vexti greidda á vextina, árlega 8,06^. Vextir af þessum lánum eru bundnir og verða ekki greiddir nema á gjalddaga, eða við uppsögn. Öryggi, reidufé og ábati Vaxtaaukaskirteinin er hægt að kaupa fyrir reiðufé, eða með mánaðarlegum afborgunum hjá viðskiptabönkunum og öðrum peningastofnunum. Verðgildi þeirra er 100, 300, 500, 1000 og 5000 dollarar. bað að verkum að mill.iónir Kanadamanna telja kaup, Canada Savings Bonds hagkvæmustu fjárfestingarleiðina. og hafa gert svo í 13 ár. Þetta er örugg og trygg fjárfesting. Þetta jafngildir reiðufé hvenær sem er. oe bau gefa vel af sér. ár eftir ár. Dtgáfudagur nýju spariskirteinanna er 1. nóvember, og meðalársvextir eru 8,06't, miðað við gjalddaga 1986. Af hverju nýju láni greiðast 70t■ vextir fyrsta árið, og svo 8.25ot á hverju ári i átta ár. Það er ljóst, að nú getið þér valið um tvenns konar spariskirteini, venjuleg spariskirteini og vaxtaskírteinin. Unnt er að fá skirteinin keypt fyrir samtals 15.000 dollara mest. Þau eru sérstaklega gerð til þess að þér getið sparað, og til þess að ná markmiði yðar, getið þér valið það, sem hentgr yður best. Venjulegf vaxfalán Ef þér hafið hug á árvissum tekjum af fjárfestingu yðar. þá hent.ar venjulegt spariskírteini vel. Það tryggir öruggar vaxtagreiðslur 1. nóvember á hverju ári. Þá getið þér annað hvort fengið vextina greidda i reiðufé. eða lagt þá inn á ávisunarreikning yðar, eða sparifjár- reikning. Þett.a er nýtt fvrirkomulag til hagsbóta fyrir yður. Spariskírteinin fást hjá viðskipta- hönkum og öðrum lánastofnunum, og er verðgildi þeirra 300, 500, 1000 og 5000 dollarar. Average Annual Interest to Maturity GOÐ KJOR VAXTAVEXTI R EÐA VENJULEGIR with their families again and experience the country that gave them the thrill that comes to a person once in a lifetime. Once again, thank you to the Icelandic communities, and to the manv personal friends who had faith in us and helped make our trip possible. Helga Anderson. ÁTRIBUTETO Hermann Johannes Fjeld- sted was born in Arborg, Manitoba, May 2, 1912. He was the son of Captain As- geir and Ingunn Fjeldsted. His father died suddenly on the eve of his battalion leav- ing for overseas during the First World War. That trag- ety left. Mrs. Fjeldsted with t.he responsibility of bring- ing up her three sons, Her- mann, Thor and Asgeir, a- lone. Hermann obtained his edu cation in Arborg, hís high school career being cut short by his joning the Roy- al Canadian Navy during World War II. Upon his re- turning to civilian life, he worked for Sigurdson, Thor- valdson Co. at Arborg for a number of years and later as a City Clerk for the Ash- down Hardware Company in Winnipeg. and later he accepted the position of custodian for t.he Winnipeg School Division which he held until the fatal accident whinh led t.o his death Before he left Arborg, he married Lauga (Laura) Bjornson and a short time later they adopted a little girl, Jo-Anne Kathryn, who became his pride and joy as thank you Cont. of pag'e S my love for Iceland, which had been instilled in me since I was a little child, is so great, I had filled my non Icelandic choir with a burn- ing desire to visit. Iceland. My greatest reward was when the choir sang “O, {1 Gud vors lands” for the last ( time in Iceland, there was i not a dry eye in the choir 1' the emotion was so great for ' ( this little island, that I know , ( all of them have resolved to (> visit. Iceland d;hemselves { ’ Hermann Fjeldsted he was passionately fond of children. He was also a lov- ing husband and a kind son- in-law. During the long illn- ess of Lauga’s mother, he drove to see her every day, a long distance to the Princess Ellzabeth Hospital until her suffering finally came to an end. Then Lauga’s father found his home with them until the last year’s of his life which he spent. at the Betel Home at Gimli, where he was visited frequently by Lauga and Hermann. Hermann was a very hand some man with a charming personality. When he was a little boy it was soon evident that he possessed a splendid singing voice. Later, as a member of the Arborg Church Choir he so often thrilled the congregation with his beautiful tenor sol- os. He and his brother Thor, who has a fine bass voice, were in great demand for entertainment at all musical gathering in our town. It was taken for granted that Hermann and Thor would sing on every important oc- casion. When they moved to Winnipeg they naturally found their true identity with their choir of the First Lutheran Church. After a lengthy illness, Her mann passed away at the Misericordia Hospital on February 8, 1977. The shock of the news hit all of us who knew him well. That he was gone, the debonair young man, who was so popular and friendly to all, was hard to believe. He will be sadly missed by his family and, judging by the crowd at his funeral, he had deep roots in the hearts of all his friends and acquaintances. Sella Johnson. This obituray is reprinted because of some errors in last weeks edition. DOMESTIC HELP We require a mature lady who will appreciate and en- joy our children: age 6, in school, 3% nursery school and 4 months, in our home, Staggard days. 3 days wk. max. Hours vary. No weekends or evenings. Please contact: 489-5840. Thank you. Mrs. K. TYMCHAK, 141 Brock Street, Winnipeg R3N OY5 Hér er sýnt hvernig verðgildi 100 dollara skírteinis vex: Nov. 1 Value Nov. 1 Value 1978 $107.00 1983 $158.78 1979 $115.81 1984 $171.77 1980 $125.34 1985 $185.81 1981 $135.63 1986 $200.97 1982 $146.76



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