Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.06.1979, Side 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.06.1979, Side 5
Lögberg-Heimskringla, föstndagnr 1. .júní, 1979 Latest News ♦ In the middle of May, there was a snow storm in north- ♦ ern Iceland with temperatures below the freezing level. ♦ Although the weather was not quite so severe in ♦ Reykjavik, even that city suffered from cold and windy ♦ weather. So it would appear that summer is late in 4 coming ail over the globe ... . . . The officers of the Icelandic Trade Fleet went on strike in late April. At the time of writing, some 30 ships still lay in harbour at Reykjavik and many oth- ers sat idle at other centres. . . . .. A young Icelandic mus- ♦ ican, Einar Johannesson, is ♦ one of six recipients of the ♦ well-known Leonie Sonn- ♦ ing grant. The grant is ♦ made only to those music- ♦ ians with great talent and ♦ involves a great deal of ♦ travel within the Nordic ♦ countries. Einar is a clarin- . ♦ etist... ♦ Einar Jóhannesson 4 ... The book “Paradisarheimt”, written by Nobel Prize 4 winner Halldor Laxness, (who is also the author of our ♦ serial in this paper), will be filmed in Iceland in late 4 June. The script will take the actors to a least 40 diff- 4 erent locations in Iceland, as well as some sites in 4 Scotland and the United States. The film is under the 4 direction of German director Rolf Hadrich . .. .. . Although sailing is not a very common sport in Ice- ^ land, it has grown in popularity over the past few $ years. Many have tried it, although blowing winds and $ high seas often make it a difficult sport for would-be ^ participants. ♦ A LETTER i ro*?' The Editor Dear Sir: The Canadian Society for Education through Art is now working on a major project that will aim at est- ablishing a permanent art collection representing the work of young Canadians be tween the ages of six and 19. To build our collection we are asking the public for contributions of two-dimens- ional artworks, that is: paintmgs, drawings, prints and sketches, from all areas of Canada and from all de- cades in Canadian history. Each item in the collection will be photographed and mounted for display. Any part of this collection will be available, for the cost of shipping, to galleries and museums, community and charitable organizations, to educational associations or researchers in child art. We ask that each example be documented with such in- SKÁLDA- OG HAGYRÐINGA TAL, ANNAR VIÐAUKI Eins og áður var sagt, mætti lengi telja þá sem einhvern- tíma á æfinni hafa sett sam- an vísu, eina eða fleiri. Sum- ar urðu fleygar bæja og jafnvel byggða á milli hér fyr á árum. Nokkrar geymd ust í minnum manna eða komust á prent, aðrar gleymdust eða tíndust. Marg ir voru duiir a frumorr, Ijoo, kannske létu eitthvað falla i samtölum kunningjum til skemmtunar, eða hripuðu stöku í lok sendibréís. Ekki má kalla þá alla skáld, en hvar skal svo draga línu milli skálda og hagyrðinga? Einstaklingar dæma hver íyrir sig gildi ljóða. Margra hefur nú verið get ið, þ.á.m. Ragnars Stefáns- sonar. Bróðir hans, Gunn- björn Stefánsson var líka vel hagmæltur. Þá eru bræðurnir Páll S. Páisson (Norður-Reykir, Skilarett, Eftirleit), Kristján Pálsson (Kvæðabók), og Jón as Pálsson (hans ljóð birt undir nafninu “Túöesen”). Böðvar H. Jakobsson var áður nel'ndur. Bróðir hans, Helgi Jakobsson, var ágætur hagyrðingur, einnig bróðir A low farc and a stoixner in lcdand? PufTms think that is a míghty good deal. Now you can take advantage of our $18* a day stopover tours of Iceland while you’re taking advantage of our low APEX fare fromNewYork, Chicago, or BaltimoreAVashington to Great Britain or Scandinavia. And $18* is a small price to pay to visit one of the most interesting countries in the world. Iceland is a land of volcanoes, Viking museums, glaciers, geysers, concerts, art shows, duty-free shopping and hot-spring pools. And it’s all yours for 1 to 3 days for just $18*a day. That price includes room with bath/shower at the first class Hotel Loftleidir, transfers between hotel and airport, sightseeing trips and two meals daily. So on your next trip to Norway, Sweden, Denmark or Great Britain, why not stop over in Iceland for a few days? Pufhns highly recommend that you do so. And Puffins are never wrong. For further information see your travel agent or contact Icelandic Airlines, P.O. Box 105, West Hempstead, NY11552. Phone 212-757-8585 (New York City only) or call 800-555-1212 for the toll-free number in your area. Trices in effect Apr. 1 thrii Oct. 31 and subject to cliange. IŒLANDAIR ICELANDIC TO EUROPE formation as the artist’s name, address, the date, title ethnic background (if relev- ant), place artwork was done and media used. All ex- amples will become the pro- perty of the C.S.E.A. at the University of Victoria, in B.C. It is not possible to include three-dimensional exampies or bulky craft items, bút good photographs would be most welcome. Please mail contributions to: Child Art Box 1700 Victoria, B.C. V8W 2Y2 A letter of acknowledgement will be sent. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Leona M. Cole Project Manager. Guðm. O. Einarssonar, Sig- ursteinn Einarsson. Sigur- steinn varð ungur að árum spönsku veikinni að bráð. Þá má telja: Jón Stefáns- son (Ljoð og Saga); Jóhan- nes H. Húnfjörð (Omar); Kristin Hansdóttir (Kristín ar Fró); Ásta Oddson og bróðir hennar Dr. Kristján J. Austmann (Poems for Pleasure). Faðir þeirra var Jón Ólafsson, skáld og rit- stjóri; Friðrik P. Sigurðsson (Römm er sú taug); Sveinn Björnsson áður nefndur, er þar átt við Dr. Svein E. Björnsson (Á Heiðarbrún) ? Aðrir sem hafa látið bund ið mál frá sér fara: (af Kyrrahafsströnd, Vatna- byggðarbúar, frá Nýja ís- landi, Winnipeg og víðar að) Jóhann P. Sólmundsson; Vil- hjálmur Stefánsson; Bogi Bjarnason; Ásgeir Gislason; Jakob og Jóhann Norman; Rósmundur Árnason; Valdi- mar Pálsson; Jón Magnús- son; Gunnar Erlendsson; Guðmundur Elíasson; Pálmi Lárusson (dóttursonur Bólu Hjálmars); Björn Hjöi’leifs- son; Anna Nordal; Gunnar Sæmundsson; Björn Bjarna- son; Sigurður Wopnford; Valdimar Jóhannesson; Magnús Einarsson (frá Mið- húsum); Þorsteinn Boi’g- fjörð; Franklin Johnson; systurnar Stefanía Halldórs- son, Sigrún LaVergne og Albertina Benson (dætur Baldvins Halldórssonar); Þorsteinn Kristjánsson; Dr. Jóhannes P. Pálsson; Guð- mundur Jónasson (N. Dak); Þórarinn Gíslason; Gunn- laugur Holm; Gestur Jó- hannsson; Ragnheiður Dav- íðsson. Þessi hafa ort á ensku: — Paul Sigurdson; Albert Hali- dorson; Frank Olson; Caro- iine Gunnarsson; W.D. Val- gardson; Stella Johnson; Elma Gislason; Kristiana Magnusson; Freda Bjorn; Helen Swinburne. Án efa fleiri, bæti aðrir við. A Sigvaldason. F UNKT Ar ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4444'



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