Lögberg-Heimskringla - 29.02.1980, Page 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 29.02.1980, Page 8
Subscribers in: CANADA, ICELAND, U.S.A. and ntore than 20 other countries in EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA ■363 138S lcelandic weekly Föstudagur 29. febrúar, 1980 AFGREIÐSLA Á ISLANDI: Birna Magnúsdóttir, Dúfnahólum 4, Reykjavík, Sími (91) 74153 Arni Bjarnarson, Norðurgötu 48, Akureyri, Sími (96) 23852 WHO ARETHEY? In the January 25 issue of this paper, this photo of five unidentified men appeared, along with a request for information from anyone able to identify those in the picture. As in the past, this has resulted in positive identification. To date, two letters have been received, one from Anna Helga Frisk of Winnipeg and the other from Hansina Gun- nlaugsson of Baldur, Manitoba. Both state that the picture is of Brynjolfur Gunnlaugsson and his four sons. Anna Frisk is a great- niece of Brynjolfur and Hansina is a granddaughter. Brynjolfur was born at Flaga in Breiddalur (Eastern Iceland) in 1848 and died in 1914. He and his wife Halldora Sigvaldadottir emigrated from Iceland with their eldest son in 1878, settling first in the Markland colony in Nova Scotia. In 1881 they moved to Winnipeg and from there in 1883 to Baldur, Manitoba where they farmed for many years. The eldest son, Sigvaldi Gun- nlaugsson, a farmer at Baldur (d. 1949) sits to the right of his father. To the left is Magnus. Standing are Hannes and Bjorn Gunnlaugsson. Bjorn, the only surviving son, lives at D’Arcy, Saskatchewan. Of Brynjolfur and Hálldora’s four daughters,' two survive, Solveig Johnson of Baldur and Ingibjorg Hurst of Saskatoon. The photo, taken in 1910, comes from the family of Brynjolfur’s sister, Kristin Gunnlaugsdottir, wife of Gudmundur Marteinsson of Riverton. Another sister, Vilborg, married a man named Einar Einarsson. They lived in the In- terlake. A brother, Johannes (died in Iceland), was father of Thorfinnur Johannesson of Glenboro. Another brother, Helgi, was father of Anna Helga Helgason of Fron near Arnes, Anna Frisk was raised at Fron. Einar Gunnlaugsson, a third brother, wcrs father of Dr. Stefan Einarsson^” professor at John Hopkins University in Baltimore. Halldora, Brynjolfur’s wife, was a sister to Josef Walterson of Gardar, N.D. and Bjorn Walterson of Bru, Manitoba. N. lll.ka.a.a-KWl’ga LaLXa ICELANDIC NATIONAL LEAGUE Arborg and Gimli Chapters Present Mid Winter Dinner and Dance on Saturday, March 29th, 1980 at ARBORG COMMUNITY HALL Arborg, Manitoba For tickets phone: Lögberg-Heimskringla ph. 943-9945 Gardar Printing Arborg ph. 376-5280 Viking Travel Gimli ph. 642-8276 D Sigurður Helgason FRAMTÍÐ FLUGLEIÐA (ICELANDAIR) Islenska flugfélagið FLUG- LEIÐIR hefur átt við mikla erfiðleika að etja að undan- förnu- Á örskömmum tíma hefur orðið mikill samdrátt- um á rekstri félagsins. Flugleiðir, og þá einkan- lega sú grein er löngum nefndist Loftleiðir, hafa um áratuga skeið verið aðal- tengitaug milli Islands og Vesturheims. Með fækkun flugferða þar á.milli hefur þessi taug veikst nokkuð. — Má því víst telja að lesend- um þessa blaðs leiki forvitni á að vita hvaða augum for- stjóri Flugleiða, Sigurður Helgason, lítur framtíð fé- lags síns. Honum farast með al annars svo orð í viðtali við Morgunblaðið: , „Vonandi er að árangur náist innan tíðar. Raunsæi er það sem skiptir mestu máli í stöðunni og hófleg bjartsýni gerir ekkert gagn. Eg tel að við höfum hjá fyr- irtækinu gott starfsfólk sem hefur einbeitt sér að lausn aðkallandi og knýjandi verk- efna sem er aðlögun að breyttum aðstæðum og ég vona og trúi að okkur takist að fullkomna það verk og koma því í kring snuðrulítið. Eg held að meginhluti starfs fólksins skilji þetta og ég treysti því að það fylki sér um þær aðgerðir sem um er að ræða. Það eru þeirra hags munir ekki síður en fyrirtæk isins sjálfs að dæmið snúist við og hagsmunir þjóðarinn- ar í heild.” BLatest News SP riefLt« ICELANDIC PRESIDENCY Iceland’s present Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olafur Johannesson is considering the possibility of joining in the race for the Icelandic presidency. According to newspaper reports, he will make his intention known before April 1. 700,000 TONS OF CRUDE OIL FROM SAUDI-ARABIA The Icelandic Ministry of Commerce, through the Embassy of Iceland in Washington, has just received an offer of purchase of 700,000 tons of crude oil. Special delegation will soon leave Iceland for Saudi-Arabia to investigate the feasibility of þurchase. CODFISHING OFFICELAND SEVERELY RESTRICTED The Icelandic Minister of Fisheries is now expected to introduce quite rigid regulations restricting the 1980 total catch of cod on Icelandic fishing banks to only 350,000 tons, which nevertheless exceeds the minimum volume ichtyologists have recommended by 50,000 tons. PROFITABLE JOBS Loading fish meal on freighters fetches high wages in Siglufjordur in north Iceland. According to latest reports, dock workers engaged in this kind of work have netted 600,000 kronur (Ca. 1750 Canadian dollars) for three days work, or 3,500.00 Can. per week. In Iceland you need a reasonably good income, particularly if you are a car owner. It now costs about 9,000.00 Can. a year to drive and maintain a medium size car. THE FIRST SHOVELFUL In late January digging for the foundation of a new nursing home for the aged was started by a 101-year-old lady, who removed the first shovelful. The nursing home will be in the town of Kopavogur just south of Reykjavik. ICELANDIC CREDTT CARDS A new Reykjavik firm has an- nounced its plans to obtain the necessary licences for the issuance of credit cards. The name of the firm is simply CREDI CARDS (Kreditkort). Maximum credit of- fered is $2,000.00 Can. per month. F UNKT Ar



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