Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.03.1986, Side 6
New supporters of our Paper
The drive for new subscribers con-
tinues as readers saw in a recent
issue. Mrs. Linda Collette pledged in
early September to find one hundred
new subscribers. With help of
numerous friends, she is nearing her
goal. More than 70 new subscribers
have been recorded and their
number keeps growing. The Icelan-
dic National League has been most
helpful and its Chapters, such as in
Gimli, Selkirk and Vancouver, have
assisted in locating new subscribers.
As the list of new subscribers
grows longer so will the number of
new advertisers. Ms. Diane Alex-
ander of Winnipeg has spent one
week on a volunteer basis with the
paper and has already found ten new
advertisers'. She has also written a
brief profile on these businesses,
some of which you'll find below.
Soon we will properly introduce
her to you but in the meantime it is
hoped that Icelandic businessmen
and also businessmen of other origin
will welcome Ms. Alexander as she
knocks ojL Shéir door. This year,
1986, is áj^eyý special year in the
publication of Icelandic newspapers
in North America. Heimskringla will
celebrate her hundredth birthday in
September. One expects all
Icelanders in North America will take
part in her birthday by supporting
the p.ubhcation. Businessmen should
be p’röud tö ádyéftisé'í'rt:such a uni-
que, ethnicaí newspaper, the oldest
in western Caháda. It similarly is the
duty of all Icelánðérs who value their
heritage to subscribe to the paper.
The paper can only improve with
such support. Who knows? The time
may come when the number of pages
will be increased to 12. Think about
it. In the meantime, listed below is
brief information on some of our new
supporters.i , ,j rv
1157 McLeod Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
We welcome Mr. Jeff Kendel of
Kendel's Shell as a new advertiser.
Mr. Kendel has owned and operated
his service station for 11 years. His
father, Howard Kendel, operated the
Shell for 30 years. Howard is a
member of the Shriners and has par-
ticipated in the Antique Car segment
of the parade at Islendingadagurinn
for many years. Jeff has been married
for 17 years to Lynn and they have
2 children, Jordan and Melanie. We
thank Mr.’s Jeff & Howard Kendel
for their support.
Complete Unisex Beauty Services
1065 Ellice at Wall Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Harold Einarson has been a barber
since 1947. Mr. Einarson originates
from Arborg as does his wife,
Blanche (nee Danielson). Mr. Einar-
son has been a long supporter of
Lögberg-Heimskringla and various
Icelandic organizations. He and his
wife moved to Winnipeg in 1955.
The salon which he owns and
operates has enjoyed 20 years of suc-
cess. They offer a complete beauty
make-over which ranges from Facial
Treatments to Mén's Hair replace-
ment rentals, sales, and services. The
shop is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00
p.m. Monday to Friday and from 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday. L.-H.
thanks the Einarsons for their in-
valuable support and hope for many
more years of success in exciting new
and innovative hair styles.
42 Rockspur St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
We welcome Mr. Arthur P. Kilgour
as a new advertiser. Mr. Kilgour is
president of B&A Mfg. while his
wife, Grace Kilgour, is vice-
president. The company manufac-
tures effluent ejectors, check valves,
plastic catch Basin rings and covers.
Mr. Kilgour is also the Western Sales
Manager for Cánron Indusfries. Mr.
Kilgour was brought up on a farm in
Blackdale, Manitoba and met his
wife Grace Irene Magnusson in
Gimli. Grace was born and raised in
Gimli. They still enjoy their retire-
ment home which is situated in Loni
Beach, Gimli. Mr. Kilgour is a long-
standing member of the Icelandic
Festival Committee and serves as an
active member on their Board of
Directors. We thank Mr. and Mrs.
Kilgour for their support.
141 Sherbrook St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Ron Bart has been in the camera
business for 12 years. Upon learning
his trade in Vancouver he moved east
to Winnipeg and set up shop on Sher-
brook St. He has enjoyed 6 years at
his present location. Ron is of Ukrai-
nian descent and his parents have a
farm at Shoal Lake. Working with
him is Bruce Isak. Bruce and his wife
Calla lived in Gimli for two years.
Calla taught for those years at the
Gimli Composite High School. Bruce
has been with Computech for 5
years. The shop is open 9:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. On
Saturday the shop is open from 10:00
a.m. - 2:00 p.m. We thank Ron and
his staff for their support.
1428 Henderson Hwy.
Saxon Village Plaza
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Owner Inge Kettner has operated
her flower shop for three years in the
Saxon Village Plaza. Mrs. Kettner is
originally from East Germany and
her husband, Werner, is from West
Germany. They have lived in
Lockport for ten years. Mrs. Kettner
contributes to the Zeit German
Weekly and has generously con-
tributed to the Lögberg-Heimskr-
ingla. We of the Icelandic commurii-
ty wish Mrs. Kettner many more
years of sucCess. Her shop is open
9:00-5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and
9:00-5:00 p.m. Saturday.
Hair Lair
103-1100 CONCORDiA AVE.
Appointments preferred
“Where the look
of the 80 ’s begins.’’
103-1100 Concordia Ave.
Concordia Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba
We welcome owner/operator An-
nette Kettner as a new advertiser to
the Lögberg-Heimskringla. Ms. Kett-
ner will be celebrating her fourth
year at the same location come
March 1, 1986. She lived in Lockport
for 4 years and graduated from
Selkirk High School in 1978. Shortly
after Ms. Kettner attended the
Marvel School of Beauty whereupon
she completed her course in hair styl-
ing in 1979. After two years of work-
ing in various hair styling salons, she
opened up her shop in 1982. The
salon is open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00
p.m. Monday to Friday and from 8:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays.
Wolfe's Hair Lair is featuring tann-
ing on their UVA Tanning Bed, Mon-
day to Friday until 11:00 p.m. for the
month of March.
Designs For All Occasions'Cj'
Silk, Dried And Fresh Flowers
Saxon Village Plaza
1428 Henderson Hwy., Winnipeg, Man.
339-4252 338-5700
567 Panet Rd., Transcona