Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.04.2003, Page 14
page 14 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday, 18 April 2003
continued from page 1
I Will Do My Very Best
2) How have you been involved in
Currently I am the newsletter editor.
We produce at least four newsletters a
year, sometimes more. I am also the
advertising and promotions chairperson
for the INL/NA convention in
I am also Walter Sopher’s
protégé. Walter and I do a lot of work
together for the benefit of the
club. Walter asks for a membership
renewal letter, I produce it. Walter does
the legwork and has all the ideas; I try
and help him out by automating some of
the process. I maintain the membership
list so that we can produce a club direc-
tory and phone lists.
I have been a member since 1993,
have been on the executive for the last
four years, and have been secretary. In
the past, I have been responsible for
producing the club membership directo-
ry. I was chairperson for the Icelandic
Millennium Celebrations - we hosted
ten different events and had about 1000
in attendance. It was a great success.
3) How did the crowning happen?
There were two nominations made
by members of the executive. As a
result of a vote, I was elected Fjallkona
for this year. I was at this meeting. I was
crowned at Þorrablót on March lst. The
current Fjallkona from Markerville was
there to hand over the crown to me.
Being crowned this early was only done
because Edmonton is hosting the
INL/NA convention this year.
4) What was your reaction? What do
you see as your roie?
I was surprised to be chosen as the
Fjallkona, but at the same time, very
honoured. As Fjallkona, I will continue
to spread the word about the Icelandic
Currently, I am heavily involved in
promoting the INL/NA convention in
Edmonton. We plan to promote the
Icelandic heritage to the media so that
we can create greater awareness of our
culture. We hope to have some of the
general public come down to our con-
vention’s cultural show. I will also be
involved in the promotion of the
Scandinavian exhibit at Edmonton’s
Klondike Days.
I look forward to visiting other
clubs and meeting the people that make
them a success. I hope to leam from
these visits as to new ways to involve
our membership. I also want to use this
opportunity to promote unity within the
Icelandic population. I want to encour-
age more interaction between clubs and
sharing of information and resources.
We can all help each other out and
together make a good name for the
Icelandic population in Alberta.
I also want to look for ways of get-
ting the youth more involved. We need
to keep the Icelandic culture and tradi-
tions alive. The Fjallkona is our most
important symbol of our homeland, and
more specifically, of our heritage and
culture. I will do my very best to live up
to this honour.
Johann Kristjanson is pictured
here with his Iceland Project which
was on display at his school’s
Heritage Fair in March. Johann is
eleven years old, in grade six at
Winnipeg’s Laura Secord School.
He is the son of Stefan Kristjánson
and Sherri McConnell. His pater-
nal grandfather was Kristjan
Kristjanson, who was born in
Gimli, MB and died in 1999. His
great-grandfather was Hannes
Kristjánson, who was born in
Iceland. Johann’s family has a cot-
tage in Gimli, MB.
This spring, Johann also played
the role of the emperor in the
school’s excellent production of the
musical The Emperor’s New
Match the Icelandic word or phrase
to its English meaning.
(Answers below)
hljómsveit victory
söngur judge
útsetja orchestra
áhorfendur representative
keppni arrange
sigur song
fulltrúi competition
dómari audience
oSpnf ‘UEtuop íoAtjBjuosojdoj ‘trujjjnj
íXjojoia ‘jnSis íuoijijoduioo ‘luddojj
íoouoipnn ‘jnpuojioqn ‘.oSuiijji: ‘nfjosjn
íSuos ‘jnSuos íBJjsoqojo ‘jiOASUiofpj
Children 's Corner
by Árný Hjaltadóttir
Hún heitir Tíra
Her Name is Tíra
Næsta morgun fara Anna og Michelle snemma á fætur. Michelle spyr Önnu strax
hvort hún sé búin að ákveða nafnið á kettlingnum. Anna segir henni að hún ætli að
kalla kettlinginn Tíru.
The next morning Anna and Michelle get up early. Michelle asks Anna right away
if she has decided on a name for the kitten. Anna tells her that she is going to call
the kitten Tíra.
Michelle: Af herju ætlar þú að kalla hana Tíru?
Hún er ekki með ljós í skottinu,
broddurinn á skottinu er svartur,
ekki hvítur. Þetta er öfugmæli.
Anna: Já, einmitt, þessvegna ætla ég
að kalla hana Tíru.
Michelle: Jæja, þú.ræður því víst, þetta er
kettlingurinn þinn. Mér finnst
Stjariia bara miklu fallegra nafn.
Anna: Já, við gætum látið hana heita Tíru
Stjömu, eða Stjömu Tím. Ég ætla að
kalia hana Tíru. Þú getur kallað hana
Stjörnu. Hvað finnst þér?
Why are you calling her Tíra?
She doesn’t havc light in her tail,
the tip of her tail is black,
not white. lt is contradictory.
Yes, precisely, therefore I am going
to call her Tíra.
Well, it’s your decision, it is
your kjtten. I just think Star is
a much morc beautiful name.
Yes, we could name her Tíra
Star, or Star Tíra. I am going to
call her Tíra. You can call her
Star. What do you think?
Michelle: Heldurðu ekki að hún mglist í ríminu Don’t you think it will confuse her
að hafa tvö nöfn, svona sitt á hvað? to have two altemate names?
Anna: Nei, ég er viss um að það reddast alveg. No, I am certain that it will work
Michelle: Þú heldur það? Við getum prufað það.
Anna: Við skulum gera það.
Michelle: Guð minn almáttugur! Við verðum of
seinar í skólann ef við flýtum okkur
You think so? We could try it out.
Let’s do that.
Oh, God Almighty! We will be
late for school if we don’t hurry.
Stelpurnar flýta sér að klæða sig og busta tennurnar og þvo sér í framan. Hlaupa svo
í hendingskasti niður í eldhús til að gleypa í sig morgunniat. Mamma hennar Önnu
réttir hverri þeirra poka með hádegismat í og segir þeim að flýta sér ekki of mikið.
“Því flas er ekki til fagnaðar,” segir hún.
The girls hurry up and dress and brush their teeth and wash their faces and run in
a monient down to the kitchen and gobble down their brcakfast. Anna’s mom hands
each of them a bag with their lunch and tells them not to hurry too much. “Because
haste makes waste,” she says.
næsta next ætli að is going to fallegra more beautiful prufað try réttir hands
snemma early öfugmæli contradictory ruglast confused almáttugur almighty hádegismat lunch
á fætur get up einmitt precisely nöfn names flýtum hurry flas haste
spyr asks þessvegna therefore sitt á hvað alternately hendingskasti in a moment fagnaðar rejoicing
ákveða decide ræður decision reddast work out gleypa gobble
<m ih Rin* im mi 'nrhRiw hri u rwiRr Hiir'KRirm & rim \ rin 'h^'hri^imh