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Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.03.2005, Blaðsíða 14

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.03.2005, Blaðsíða 14
14 « Lögberg-Heimskringla » Friday 25 March 2005 Send information to appear in the Calendar of Events to david@lh-inc.ca or fax to (204) 284-7099. Events must be typed out as they are to appear; please indude date, place, time and other particulars. Print deadline is the Tuesday the week prior to the issue date. For more listings. vislt our webslte at www.lh-inc.ca. Arts Until April 22 Winnipeg, MB: “Ágætis byrjun — a fine beginning,” joint exhibition featuring work by fontana swing and craig koshyk, The Dr. Paul H. T. Thorlakson Gallery, The lcelandic Col- lection, Elizabeth Dafoe Library, University of Manitoba. Events April 2,2005 Winnipeg, MB: The Jón Sigurdson Chapter of the IODE will hold its Birthday Bridge and Whist Luncheon at Betelstadur, 1061 Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg. Lunch at 12:30 p.m., fol- lowed by card playing. Admission $10. Home Baking Saleat 11:30 a.m. Thursday 21 April Selkirk, MB: The Selkirk Brúin Ctub holds its annual Sumarsagurinn fyrsti Concert at the Legion Hall, 403 Eveline Street. Doors open at 7 pm, and the program will start at 7:30pm. The raffle prizes are 3 x $100, tickets are $2 each.The club will be offering entertainment, a raffle, silent auction and the most important thing, kaffi sopi (coffee)! Saturday 23 April Winnipeg, MB: First Lutheran Church Wom- en invite you to attend their annual Spring Tea from 1 to 3 p.m. at 580 Victor Street. Sales of home baking, meat pies, handicrafts, books, plus white elephant and touch and take tables and a silent acution. Handicap access. April 28 -May 1,2005 Foam Lake, SK and area: The 86th lce- landic National League Convention, “Come Home to Vatnabyggð.” Take part in seminars, walking tours, þorrablót, and much more. Registration is required in advance, dead- line is April 1 — $90 CAD. Late registration is $125 CAD. For more information, contact Dave or Audrey Shepherd at (306) 554-4131 orol.shepherd@sasktel.net, or Joan Eyolfson Cadham at (306) 272-4994 or jcadh @ sasktel. net. Trust and the Department of English. For general information about these lectures call 853-7656. April 6,2005 Gimli, MB: A Pall Gudmundsson Memorial Presentation: Dr. Guðmundur Hálfdánarson, professor in History at the University of lce- land, gives a lecture on lcelandic emigration to the New World at the New lceland Heritage Museum in Gimli, 7:30 p.m. Thursday 7 April Winnipeg, MB: A Pall Gudmundsson Memo- rial Presentation: Dr. Guðmundur Hálfdánar- son, Professor of History, University of lce- land, speaks on “History and the Nation: On the Construction of National Identity in 20th Century lceland.” 7 p.m., Iceland Reading Room, The lcelandic Collection, Elizabeth Dafoe Library. Free admission, free parking (B-Lot). RSVP by April 3 to (204) 474-8487 if you wish to attend. Sunday17April Toronto, ON: “What are the Sagas All About?” (a presentation by. Haraldur Bessas- son). He will talk about the development of saga writing in the 12th and 13th Centuries. 2:30 p.m. Scandinavian-Canadian Club, 91 Stormont Ave. (Bathurst/Lawrence) $5 mem- bers, $6 non-members Literature Thursday 31 March 2005 Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag Winnipeg pres- ents Deep Structure Comedy by Kevin Jon Johnson. Icelandic Collection Board Room, University of Manitoba, 7 p.m.The author will be in attendance. Sundays Toronto, ON: The ICCT Library will be open in its new home at the Scandinavian Cana- dian Club, 91 Stormont Ave. on Sunday af- ternoons, 2:30 to 4:30: April 17, May 15 and more to come. Festivals Saturday 16 July Kinmount, ON: lce Fest — ICCT joins with Kinmount's Moonlight Mania summer festival to provide a fun-filled event, including a Viking play, Tom Bjarnason’s art, a tour of the railway worked on by the original settlers, narrated by Don Gislason, lceland travel videos, pön- nukökurdemonstration, and much more. Info: Gudrun Girgis, gudrun@on.aibn.com. Icelandic Classes For information about lcelandic language dasses available near you, visit www.inlofna. org/BB/viewtopic.php?t=93. Lectures/Workshops April 5-7 Victoria, BC:The Richard and Margaret Beck Lectures on lcelandic Literature and the Uni- versity of Victoria present Hannes Lárusson, artist and author. April 5: Artifacts: Function and Art in Tradi- tional lcelandic Turf Houses, 10:30 a.m., Ma- cLaurin Building, Room D103. April 6: Time, Space and Language: A Pre- sentation of the Artist's Own Work, 7:30 p.m. Human and Social Development Building, Room A240. April 7: Structural Aspects of the Old lce- landic Farmhouse: A First-Hand Experience, 7:30 p.m., Human and Social Development Building, Room A240. Presented by the Richard and Margaret Beck Meetings Saturday 9 Aprii 2005 Winnipeg, MB: The Jón Sigurdson Chapter of the IODE will hold its monthly meeting at 12 noon at Betelstadur, 1061 Sargent Avenue. Movies Thursday 31 March Toronto, ON: 1.0 by lcelandic director Mar- teinn Thorsson, a thriller in English. National Film Board, 150 John St., 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. $8 adults $6 st/sr/NFB members. Thursday 28 April Toronto, ON: Movie Cold Light (Kaldaljos) Directed by Hilmar Oddson, starring Ingvar E. Sigurdsson, it premiered in lceland last year, to great reviews and good attendance, receiv- ing 5 “Edda” Awards. 6:30 and 8:30 National Film Board, 150 John St. $6 students/seniors/ NFB Members; $8 others. Thursday 26 May Toronto, ON: Movie Noi Aibinoi, Directed by Dagmar A young man growing up in an isolated lcelandic community doesn’t quite fit in. Another award-winning film, with English subtitles. National Film Board, 150 John St. 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. $6 students/seniors/NFB members; $8 others. Music Bill Bourne tour dates: Aprii 30: Ottawa, ON with Tri-Continental May 1: Ottawa, ON at The Great Canadian Theatre Co. Maria Dunn opens. June 19 - July 4: European Tour w/Tri-Conti- nental. July 15-17: Vancouver, BC at Vancouver Folk Music Festival, with Eivor Pálsdóttir (tentative). July 22 - 24: Dawson City, Yukon at The Dawson City Music Festival, with Eivor Pálsdóttir July 31 - August 1: Canmore, AB at Canmore Folk Festival, with Eivor Pálsdóttir. August 4-7: Edmonton, AB at Edmonton Folk Music Festival, with Eivor Pálsdóttir. August 18 - September 5: European Tour with Tri-Continental. September 17: Edmonton, AB at Northern Lights Folk Club (tentative). November 12: Twisp, Washington. Tickets & info (509) 923-2391. Weakerthans tour dates (with the Constantines): March 25: Moncton, NB at Manhattans March 26: Fredericton, NB at UNB March 28: Quebec City, QC at Kashmir March 29: Quebec City, QC at LAnti March 30: Montreal, QC at Cabaret Music Hall March 31: Montreal, QC at Cabaret Music Hall April 1: Ottawa, ON at Barrymores Music Hall April 2: Ottawa, ON at Barrymores Music Hall April 8:Toronto, ON at Lee’s Palace April 9: Toronto, ON at Lee’s Palace, after- noon April 9:Toronto, ON at Lee’s Palace April 15: Winnipeg, MB at Le Rendezvous April 16: Winnipeg, MB at Le Rendezvous April 19: Regina, SK at University of Regina April 20: Saskatoon, SK at University of Sas- katoon April 21: Edmonton, AB at University of Al- berta (U of A) April 22: Edmonton, AB at U of A April 23: Calgary, AB at Wykham House at MRC April 24: Calgary, AB at Wykham House at MRC April 26: Kelowna, BC atThe Warehouse April 28: Victoria, BC at Sugar April 29: Vancouver, BC at Richards On Rich- ards April 30: Vancouver, BC at Richards On Rich- ards Þorrablót Saturday March 26 Phoenix, AZ: The Society of lcelanders in Arizona is holding their annual þorrabiót at the Fredrickson Hall at St. Stephens Episco- pal Church starting at 5 p.m., located at 2310 N. 56th Street, Phoenix AZ, 85008. The cost is $40 for members and $45 for non-mem- bers. The price indudes entrance fee, dinner of traditional food brought in from lceland for the event and two raffle tickets. An RSVP is required by March 1, and payment is required prior to March 5, 2005 so the food can be ordered and shipped from lceland in timely fashion. Anyone interested should contact Óskar M. Jónsson (602) 318-6433, e-mail icemaninus@cox.net; or Kristín Ólafsdóttir (480) 727-7364, cell phone (602) 509-7888, e-mail Kristin.Olafs@asu.edu. Saturday 2 April Toronto, ON: Þorrabtót — annual ICCT dinner-dance featuring fabulous food, a new Viking play with the children, presentation of scholarship, and entertainment. 6 p.m., North York Memorial Hall North Yonge St. To book, contact Mel Johnson at mljjohnson1@aol. com. ‘Tamilv (Jnnouncomonts DonaldWynn Axford September 16,1920 - March 3,2005 Don was born in Winnipeg, the third of four sons of Ethel and Gudmunder Ax- ford. Don and his brothers spent their early years surviving the great Depression and caring for their mother after their father’s death. In 1943, Don joined the Canadian Navy and was a radar operator on convoy duty in the North Atlantic, protecting allied shipping lanes between Canada and Ire- land. Don often joked of the jubilation and embarrassment of celebrating VE day with extra rum rations and rough seas. After the war, Don completed a Bachelor of Science degree in geology and phys- ics from the University of Manitoba. Early work experiences surveying around Lake Superior and canoeing the Mackenzie Delta provided the early fascination for a remarkable fifty-seven year career in the oil industry. At about this same time, on a cold Winnipeg street corner, Don was for- tunate to bump into Ruthie Hartig, whom he had met before but not seen for years. They were engaged within a month and spent fifty-four wonderful years together. Don and Ruth lived in Calgary, Texas and New York as Don spent the first twenty- eight years of his career with Mobil Oil. Through this time, Don and Ruth were blessed with four healthy children (Ja- net, Jon, Bob, Eric) and some character dogs. Don was a pioneering figure in the discovery and development of Canada’s east coast energy industry. By his mid-fif- ties, Don joined Petro-Canada briefly and then started his own small company (to- gether with son Jon) and enjoyed another twenty-eight years pursuing his passion for exploration. Ruth and the other chil- dren also worked at the family business from time to time. Don was called by some a “wild-eyed explorationist”, “the father of Canada’s east coast energy industry”, the “billion barrel man" or simply “the Chief”. Don received numerous recognitions for his achievements including a Gold Medal from the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists and induction into the Ca- nadian Petroleum Hall of Fame in 2001. Throughout his career, Don was also a Director of several energy corporations and other organizations including Betha- ny Care Centre and Lutheran Life Insur- ance Society of Canada. Don particularly enjoyed spending time with his family, playing with his six grandchildren and go- ing on long walks. Shuswap Lake was a favorite retreat. He highly valued his long association with many special friends and colleagues and loved everything lcelan- dic, the lineage of his ancestors. He had a life-long love of music, from Wagner and Mozart to Abba and Johnny Cash. Don was a man of steadfast faith and a strong mentor and role model to many. People will remember his endless energy, enthusiasm, curiosity for everything and everyone, and the twinkle in his eye. Even in deteriorating health, Don remained always curious of industry events and dreamed of his next big venture. Don is survived by his wife, children (and spous- es) and grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother Dr. Herbert Axford (and wife Joan) of Victoria; sister-in-law Phyllis Ax- ford of Winnipeg; brother-in-law the Rev. Herbert Hartig of Cambridge Ontario; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. A Memorial Service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9, at Lutheran Church of the Cross, 10620 Elbow Drive S.W., Calgary (Pastors William Wiegert and Corliss Holmes officiating). Donations in Don’s memory, if desired, may be made to the Memorial Fund of Lutheran Church of the Cross or the Canadian Red Cross. Arrangements in care of FIRST MEMO- RIAL FUNERAL SERVICES Directors. Phone: 403-216-2222. Bjorg Elliott August 2,1916 - March 1,2005 Peacefully at Gimli, Bjorg (Bunny) Elliott, born Snjolaug Bjorg Guttormson, passed away. Predeceased by her loving husband Arvid in 1993, sisters-in-law Mabel, Do- reen, Noreen and Alice and brothers-in- law Evrett and Jens. The memory of Bjorg will be cher- ished by her children Sherman (Karen) Elliott, Mavis (Grant) Kolodie and Karen (Dan) Laing; by her grandchildren Sheila (Kevin), Shayne, Gayle (Tim), Stewart, Curtis, Tristin (Bill), Deanna (Jordan) and Brett (Megan); great granddaughter Kyrra; by her brothers and sisters, Herman, Ag- nes (Bill), Thor, Mike, Anna (Don), Diane (Charlie) and Lu (Joe); sisters-in-law Eldeen and Mildred and brother-in-law Clarence (Sue) and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Bjorg was born the second eldest of Oddur and Nya Guttormson. Bjorg was very proud of her lcelandic heritage. Be- ing raised in the community of Husavik, where lcelandic was her first language, she remained fully fluent. In this setting, Bjorg also gained a deep sense of family, which was very evident in her constant interest and pride in her family’s thoughts and activities. Special thanks to Selkirk Chapter No. 35,0.E.S. and Harrow United Church Seniors Group, where Bjorg was a proud member and from whom she received frequent visits, cards and gifts. Many thanks for the special care Bjorg received at Bethania BTU and Gimli Betel where she came home to spend her final months near her beloved community. Funeral service waas held on Sat- urday, March 5, 2005 at Harrow United Church, 955 Mulvey Avenue. Interment at Husavik Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Husavik Cemetery Fund, c/o N. Affleck, Box 1205, Gimli, Mb., R0C 1B0. Góða nótt elskan. Neil Bardal Inc. in care ot arrange- ments. THANKYOU Thorvaldson We, the family of the late Gordon Helgi Thorvaldson express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness and concern during Gordon’s illness and his passing on Feb- ruary 19th. He will be sadly missed as husband, father, afi, brother and friend. Evelyn, Signy, Matthew, Kevin, Blake, Paul, Brenda andAlexis Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca



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