
  • fyrri mánuðurmars 2005næsti mánuður

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.03.2005, Blaðsíða 15

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.03.2005, Blaðsíða 15
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 25. mars 2005 • 15 Nearly 85 years since the Winnipeg Falcons became Olympic champions Daily life in the 223rd Battalion Among those who fought in the First World War were soldiers of the 223rd, the Scandinavian-Ca- nadian Battalion. Hockey was an important pas- time and Konnie Johannesson kept a diary which covers the 223rd hockey team in the spring of 1917. The players played for the famed Winnipeg Falcons and became Olympic champions in 1920. Brian Johannesson of Kitchener, ON collected excerpts from his father’s account. Konnie and many other people in the diary had enlisted in the Cana- dian Army in March or April 1916. Frank F., Wally Byron, Bobby Benson, Harvey Benson and Konnie were now playing on the 223rd Division Hockey team. Hebby Axford was on the Executive and Gordon Sig- urjonsson was the Trainer. Selected days from the 1917 Diary: Wednesday Jan 3rd: Hockey practice at 4 p.m. Went down early to Recruiting Office then over to the Am- phitheatre. Skated awhile then practiced. Fair condition. Got seats for game on the fourth. Got home from practice at 6:30. Thursday Jan 4th: Took skates to Brawells. Went down to Recruiting Office in after- noon. Ordered special sticks. Played Vics (Victorias) our game, their score 4-3. Was in fair shape. Friday Jan. 5th: Took 12:05 train for Portage la Prai- rie (to Camp Hughes) Wrote F. on train. Rode up to Portage Hotel in bus. Idled away af- temoon. Supposed to practice but didn’t. Skated at Portage rink for first time. Frank and I alone all night, many apolo- gies to girls. Saturday Jan. 6th: (at Portage) Got up at 8:00 a.m. No breakfast, not time. Over on parade at 8:15. Beat it again at 8:45 for Wang’s had break- fast with Capt. Lindal and Tom Johnson. Hockey practice at 3:00 p.m. Fair work out. Ate at 6:00. Home and cleaned up and went to dance, helped Bill G. Played one extra on fiddle and drums rest of evening. Monday Jan. 8th: (at Portage) Arose at 7:40 a.m. On parade. Beat it, went to Tailors. Bummed around Canteen and Pay Office all morning. Hock- ey practice at 3:00. Noticed bad hip for first time. Home at 6 PM. Meeting of hockey players at 8:00 PM in Capt. Hannesson’s rooms in Portage Hotel. Went over to rink and looked on. Then home to bed. rI\iesday Jan. 9th: (at Por- tage) Arose at 7:40 a.m. Went on Parade, skipped off. Went to Tailor’s and Barber’s. Bummed around canteen. Went down to Villa at 10. Lay down from 10 to 12. Hockey practice at 3. Didn’t go out. Wednesday Jan. lOth: (at Portage) Arose at 7:40. Break- fasted at mess, almost choked. On parade at 8:00, Paymas- ter’s muster parade. Beat it at 10:00, home to Villa, Frank and I. Ate at 12:40. On parade at 2:00. Vaccination, I excused (hockey players) Beat it down to rink to pack stuff and send in to city (Winnipeg). Retired at 12:00 Thursday Jan llth: (at Portage) Arose at 8:15, break- fasted at Mess. Went home and packed my junk. Woke up Frank and Joe. Took train for city at 10:40. Train 20 mins. late. Got home at 1:00. Ate and called up F. couldn’t get hold of her. Went down to Re- cruiting Office at 2:00 then to Orpheum with the boys. Went to Monarch-Vics game in eve- ning with Lun (?), Monarchs 7, Vics 4. Retired at 11:30 p.m. Saturday Jan. 13th: Hockey practice at 4:00. Home again at 7:20 p.m. H. Baldwin called up at rink, about 7. Joe, Ole and I decided to go to To- boggan party. Monday Jan. 15th: Stayed home all moming. Went to Tom’s with Frank and got special sticks made. Played Frank game of Snooker, beat him 42-6. Played Monarchs, beat them 5-4. Fastest game yet. F. waited, bunch went to Kensington. The 2 Bills beat it to catch train. Wednesday Jan. 17th: Hockey practice at 4:00 p.m. Home at 6:30. Took F. to Walker (Theatre) in evening. Home at 11:40 after spending time in Waverly. Party already there, some girls and Axford too. Retired at 12:00 Thursday Jan. 18th: Stuck around house all mom- PHOTO COURTESY OF BRIAN JOHANNESSON 223rd O.S. Battalion (Canadian Scandinavian) Hockey Club, Winnipeg Patriotic Leaguye, Season 1916 -1917. Top row, from left: Staff Sgt. G.G. Bjornson, Rover. Sgt. G. Sigurjonsson, Trainer. Capt, A,H. Lund, President. St. H. Axford, Executive. F. W. Walker, Defense. Bottom row: Cpl. Wally Byron, Goal. Pte. B. J. Benson, Defence. Sgt. Konnie Johannesson, Defence. C.S.M. H. Benson, Right Wing. Corp. Frank Fredrickson, Captain. Sgt. J. Olson, Left Wing. ing. Went out to Baldwin’s and Recruiting Office in after- noon. Then to Mart Hooper’s for sticks. Stuck around Stag, bowling for a while. Home at 5:00. Game in evening 223rd & Vics. Left for game at 7:00. Vics defeated us 6-3. Retired at 12:30. Saturday Jan. 20th: (at Portage) Stuck around all moming, didn’t do anything in particular. Refereed game be- tween 223rd and Monarchs in evening, made a great success of it. Banquet of hockey play- ers after game. Home at 1:30. Sunday Jan. 21st: (at Portage) Stuck around house all afternoon. Invited out to Metcalfe’s for evening. Capts. Scholer and Hannesson there. I did some sketching for them. Pretty fair likenesses. Home at 12:30 a.m. P.S. Hockey prac- tice from 3 to 4 in aftemoon. Thursday Jan. 25th: (at Portage) Took train for city at 10:20, amved home at 12:40. Hockey practice at 4:00. Went out to Waverly about 9:30. Re- tired about 12:30. Friday Jan. 26th: Stuck around house. Went to Amphi- theater in aftemoon. Hockey practice. Had a good workout. Home at 6:30. Tubs came over, F. called up at time. I went home and made a punch. Re- tired at 10:45. Saturday Jan. 27th: Went to Pantages with Frank. Hock- ey practice at 5:00 PM. Went to Orpheum in evening with F., dropped into Waverly on way home. Ole to be there, he was not. Wednesday Jan. 31st: Stuck around house all mom- ing. Did sketch of F’s portrait in ink. Hockey practice at 5:00. Went over to F’s after practice, stayed the evening. Got home about 12:00. The Falcons Exhibit will be unveiled at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg in April, 85 years af- ter the team won the Olympic gold in 1920. Brian Johannes- son is a member ofthe Falcons Forever Exhibit Campaign, whicli plans to raise $30,000 for the exhibit. V 1“ J The Falcons Forever Exhihit Campaign inpammhipwkh Ihe Manitoba Sports Haliof Fame To make a donation, please fill out and return this form. Name Address Home Telephone: (Oplional) E-mail:_____________ Work Telephone: (Optional) (Oplional) Amount: $50Q $100Q $200 Q Other$_ Contributions are payable to The Manitoba Sports HallofFame. 1. Please forward your cheque to the following address: Mr. Brent Stefanson, 200B Polo Park, 1485 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3G 0W4 or 2. Payment by Q VISA □ MasterCard Card Number □ Expiration Date Signature (Required) _ Ifyou know someone who would be interested in the Falcons Forever Campaign, please forward their name and address to the address above. Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca



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