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Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.03.2005, Blaðsíða 16

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.03.2005, Blaðsíða 16
16 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday 25 March 2005 thor’s Making nets keeps him busy - Meats and Groceries Fresh Meats Wholesale and Retail Custom Cuttingand Wrapping Tel: 204-482-4424 Fax: 204-785-4966 I Springbank Cheese Co. SPR1NG13ÁNKCHEKSH.CA 1 (800) 661-2349 WE HAVE OVER 300 TYPES OF CHEESE iféjaisr , r\ , c-í shlfi fliA.ywhíKe í.ia. cawada wíth stores ír; Igflry, AB Woodstocte, ON Complimcnts of. . . Stefanson & Lee CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Brenl Stefanson, C.A. Ken Lee, C.A. Phil Romaniuk. C.A. <20™642-5577 Open 1' & 3' Thursday ol every month (204) 775-8975 200B Polo Park Shopping Centre. 1485Portage Ave.. Winnipeg. R3G0W4 ‘r&ecái ‘&e*c€aýe Descendents and friends of Hecla Island Heritage Inc. Assisting in the development ofHecla’s Icelandic Maritime Village We welcome suitable artifacts Visít the Museum & Village Steinþór Guðbjartsson Vancouver, BC Net maker Jón Óli Jóhan- nesson, from Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland, has worked in his pro- fession in Vancouver, BC for about 15 years. “Before, I was in the business in Vestman- naeyjar for about 22 years, and I wanted a new challenge,” he says, explaining why he and his family moved to Canada. Cantrawl Nets has been keeping Jón Óli busy for the last few years. The company manufactures deep sea fish- ing nets, experimental nets, marine industrial safety nets and aquaculture, golf and oth- er sport nets. “We have been quite busy and are booked four months ahead,” he says, hardly looking up from his work. Yet he has much more free time than he had in Ice- land and the work is more di- verse. “Back home we often worked for 36 hours, rested for six hours, and then had another heavy workload. Here we never work in the evening and only occasionally on Sat- urdays.” For centuries, Icelanders have been looking for adven- ture in one form or another. In lícelandic Ijerilagc Calendur CliftPTliK MM-TCrJuHS The Icelandic National League ofNorth America HERITAGE CALENDAR ONLY $10.00 CAD K* 2005 m CONTACT INL OF N/A 103-94 First Avenuc Gimli, MB R0C 1B0 Canada Tei: 204-642-5897 Fax: 204-642-9382 E-tnail: inl@mts.net PHOTO: STEINÞÓR GUÐBJARTSSON Net maker Jón Óli Jóhannesson from Vestmannaeyjar, Ice- land, works for Cantrawl Nets in Vancouver, BC. 1989 Jón Óli and his wife Ólöf Andrésdóttir, along with their two daughters Andrea, then three years old, and Auður, then fourteen years old, decid- ed to move from Vestmanaey- jar to Vancouver. “Our friends, engineer Jón Ari Sigurjónsson and his wife Sigríður Gunn- laugsdóttir, had lived here for a few years and our idea was to accompany them and try something new for a few years,” Jón Óli recalls. “We are still here and its too late to move back to Iceland.” In Iceland, Jón Óli was used to working with heavy bottom trawls for big trawlers, but here most of the customers don’t need nets that large, as they are operating smaller ves- sels with lpwer horsepower. Yet making small or big nets requires the same skills. “It’s all about making nets, and that keeps me busy,” he says. After having worked as a net maker in Vestmannaeyjar for about 20 years, Jón Oli thought of moving with his family to Bellingham, WA in 1987, but he could not get a green card. “In a way I’m glad, because I prefer living in Canada. The athmosphere is more European on this side of the border.” Ólöf and Jón Óli have been active members of the Icelan- dic Canadian Club of British Columbia since they settled in the province. They are mem- bers of the board and keep in good touch with people of Icelandic descent: “Soon af- ter we arrived in Vancouver, we went to a Christmas craft fair,” Óli recalls. “We were surprised how many Canadi- ans spoke Icelandic. The lan- guage tied us together and we got to know many people of Icelandic descent, people we have kept in touch with ever since.” MfD-JoWN mmmmmFORD m SALES Lmrrto 1-800-665-1632 204-284-7650 100-1717 WAVERLEY STREET WINNIPEG, MANIT0BA R3T 6A9 WAVERLEY AUT0 MALL EALER TFRID Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca



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