
  • fyrri mánuðurjúní 2005næsti mánuður

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 03.06.2005, Blaðsíða 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 03.06.2005, Blaðsíða 6
6 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday 3 June 2005 Rebuilding the Fénsala Hall 1195 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T2A5 Tel: (204)452-2689 Fax: (204) 452-2701 ToBFne 1-800-260-3713 ^FLBUSHEJP nrivlng Crowtb Eric Stefanson, FCA Regional Managing Partner Manitoba 800-200 PORTAGE AVENUE WlNNIPEG, MANITOBA T: 204.926.7200 F: 204.926.7206 www.bdo.ca Bvery klnd of tlag imaglnable... VISIT OUR SHOWROOM FOH YOUR IŒIANDICFLAG ► FLAGS OF AU. NATIONS »*■ PROVINCIAL AND STATE FLAGS PINS, CRESTS, DECALS FLAGPOLES &ACCESSORIES »► CUSTOM-SEWN OR PRINTED FLAGS / BANNERS Kathleen Raines Manager, Historic Markerville Creamery Markerville, AB IBÐO BDO Dunwoody LLP Chartered Accountants and Advísors Makes replicas of old houses Leslie Johnson is a busy man, but in his spare time he makes replicas of old historical houses in Markerville. To date he has built 19 houses, and among them are a replica of the library, the first Iibrary in Alberta, and Stephansson House. “I like doing the replicas and that'is one way of pre- serving the heritage,” he says. His replicas are on a display at the MarkerviIIe Cream- ery. Fensala Hall is the oldest continuously operating com- munity hall in Alberta. By the turn of the 21 st century, though, it was becoming ap- parent that without upgrading, this heritage building would have to close. The Stephan G. Stephansson Icelandic Society, owners and operators of the Historic Markerville Creamery, undertook a feasibility study and committed to the restora- tion of the hall. The Icelandic settlement of Tindastoll was over a decade old and thriving by 1900. The Ladies’ Aid Society, Vonin, spearheaded a drive to build a social centre in the growing community, renamed Marker- ville in 1903. Later that same year, a group of 46 settlers came together to form the Fen- sala Stock Company Limited, contributing $237 to build a community hall on the banks of the Medicine River. The original Fensala Hall (named for the home of the Norse goddess Frigga) was a 24’ x 40’ frame building which became the community’s social and cultural gathering place, hosting musical and theatrical productions, dances, traveling Chataqua shows, the annual Tombola bazaar and family cel- ebrations. In the 1920s an addition housing a stage with two wings for kitchen and storage areas was placed to the north of the existing hall. Designation as a Provincial Historic Resource in 2003 en- sured that the building would Marie Sveinson, Chair of the Fundraising Committee, and her husband Ken Sveinson, take a break in the Fensala Hall, which will be reopned later this summer. Stan and Helen Johannson have spent many hours working as volunteers on restoring the Fensala Hall. Helen will be crowned Alberta’s fjallkotia on June 18. be preserved, but it also meant that an addition, incorporating kitchen, washrooms, storage and new mechanical services would have to be built to enable the original hall to be restored to its 1920s condition. Just as in 1903, volunteers have come together to build the newly restored Fensala Hall as it prepares for The Second Hun- dred Years. The $316,650 proj- ect, broken into four phases, commenced in 2001 and is now moving into the final stages with the completion of the addition and the interior and exterior restoration of the historic hall. Outstanding support from the community, corporate donors and partner Icelandic societies in Calgary and Edmonton have matched grants received from the Alberta Historical Resourc- es Foundation, Community Ini- tiatives Program, Community Facility Enhancement Program and The Red Deer and District Community Foundation. Volunteers have contribut- ed hundreds of hours planning and executing this huge project — raising funds, hammering and operation plan for the new nails, dismantling and reassem- hall and countless other tasks. bling the old structures, hauling It is a massive undertaking for materials, cooking for the work a small community, and one we crews, developing a business commit to with pride. Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca



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11. tölublað and Destination: Markerville (03.06.2005)
