
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Bókasafnið - 01.04.1994, Qupperneq 54

Bókasafnið - 01.04.1994, Qupperneq 54
myndir. Auk þessa teiknaði hann margar myndir og tvær af þeim er birtar hér. Þetta er að sjálfsögðu einungis brot af því sem fram kom á námskeiðinu. Flest var áhugavert, en þessi atriði vöktu mesta athygli okkar. Margt af því sem kom fram á þessu námskeiði undir- strikaði viðhorf og hugmyndir sem við höfum verið að fá undanfarin ár í gegnum námskeið og lestur. Við höfum hins vegar ekld verið nógu frökk við að hrinda þessum hug- myndum í framkvæmd. Það kostar hugarfarsbreytingu, vilja og þor. Það er allt og sumt! Marta Hildur og Pálína. SUMMARY Let’s market the librarian A report on a five days library science course held by the Danish School of Library Science in Copenhagen in Oct. 1993, attended by five Icelandic public librarians. The subject of the course was the image and marketing of libraries and their services, where the importance of good personnel was stressed. Researches show that 90% of library users prefer good services to good library holdings. Librarians have to consider that they are running a business enterprise and have to sell the services, reach out and communicate e.g. with users, local governments, the mass media and the part of the general public which is not using the libraries now. Further the importance of positive self-image of librarians was stressed and their self-confidence with main emphasis on professional ability. In Sweden PR librarians have already been employed in public libraries. 54 Bókasafhið 18. árg. 1994
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