Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

  • fyrri mánuðurseptember 1998næsti mánuður

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 25.09.1998, Blaðsíða 16

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 25.09.1998, Blaðsíða 16
sunnudagur 27. september 1998 09.00 Morgunsjónvarp barnanna. 10.45 Hlé. 11.40 Formúla 1. Bein útsending frá kappakstrinum á Nurburgring í Þýskalandi. 14.00 Kappreiðar Fáks. Bein útsend- ing frá kappreiðum Fáks á Víðivöllum. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Galdrakarlinn í Oz (2:2). Leikrit byggt á sögu eftir Frank Baum. 18.40 Egill Skallagrímsson (2:2). Brúðuleikrit úr Stundinni okkar. 19.00 “10“ . Heimildarmynd frá 1990 um Ásgeir Sigurvinsson sem gerðist atvinnumaður í knattspymu aðeins 17 ára. 20.00 Fréttir og veöur. 20.35 Vetrardagskráin. Kynning á íslenskum þáttum í vetrar- dagskrá Sjónvarpsins. 21.00 Grandavegur 7. Upptaka af sýningu Þjóðieikhússins á verki Vigdísar Grímsdóttur (leikgerð Kjarlans Ragnarsson- ar og Sigríðar Margrétar Guðmundsdóttur. Grandavegur 7 er saga fjölskyldu, stéttar og húss, saga sem nær yfir landamæri lífs og dauða. Leikstjóri er Kjartan Ragnarsson. 23.25 Helgarsportið. 23.45 Tjarnarkvartettinn. 00.35 Útvarpsfréttir. 00.45 Skjáleikurinn. SJÓNVARPIÐ 16.00 Skjáleikurinn. 09.00 í erilborg. 09.25 Brúmmi. 09.30 Tímon, Púmba og félagar. 09.50 Andrés Önd og gengiö. 10.15 Urmull. 10.40 Nancy. 11.05 Húsið á sléttunni (19:22). 11.55 Berfætti framkvæmdastjórinn (e) (Barefoot Executive) 1995. 13.25 Perlur Austurlands (5:7) (e). í fimmta þætti myndaflokksins um náttúruperlur Austurlands heimsækjum við Loðmundarfjörð, eyðifjörð austan Borgarfjarðar. 13.55 ítalski boltinn. 15.50 Lois og Clark (17:22) (e). 16.40 ★★★ Koppafeiti (e). (Grease) Bíómyndin sem kveikti Grease- æðið um allan heim. Aðalhlutverk: John Travolta, Olivia Newton- John og Stockard Channing. Leikstjóri: Randal Kleizer.1978. 18.30 Glæstar vonir. 19.0019>20. 20.05 Ástir og átök (7:25). (Mad about You) 20.30 Rýnirinn (18:23) (The Critic). Teiknimyndaflokkur fyrir fullorðna. 21.00 ★★★★ Enski sjúklingurinn (The English Patient). Ógleymanleg bíómynd sem hlaut níu óskarsverðlaun, þar á meðal sem besta mynd ársins 1996. Myndin gerist í síðari heimsstyrjöldinni og fjallar um mann sem liggur milli heims og helju eftir aö flugvél hans hrapar í afrískri eyðimörk. Kanadísk hjúkrunarkona hlúir að manninum og smám saman kemur saga hans fram í dagsljósið. Aðalhlutverk: Juliette Binoche, Ralph Fiennes, Kristin Scott Thomas og Willem Dafoe. Leikstjóri: Anthony Minghella.1996. Bönnuð börnum. 23.40 60 mínútur. 00.30 ★★ Sögur að handan: Djöflabaninn (e) (Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight). 1995. Stranglega bönnuö börnum. 02.00 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur 14.50 Enski boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik Leicester City og Wimbledon. 16.50 Ameríski fótboltinn (NFL Touchdown). 17.50 jslensku mörkin. 18.25 ítalski boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik Parma og Juventus. 20.15 ítölsku mörkin. 20.35 Golfmót í Bandaríkjunum (PGA US 1998). 21.30 ★★ Á suðupunkti (Boiling Point). Spennumynd um alrík- islögreglumanninn Jimmy Mercer sem á óuppgerðar sakir við vafasama náunga. Leikstjóri: James B. Harris. Aðal- hlutverk: Dennis Hopper, Wesley Snipes, Lolita Davidovich og Viggo Mortensen.1993. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 23.00 Evrópska smekkleysan (2:6) (Eurotrash). 23.25 ★★★ Á indíánaslóðum. (Comancheros) Þriggja stjörnu hasarmynd. Aðalhlutverk: John Wayne, Lee Marvin og Stu- art Whitman. Leikstjóri: Michael Curtiz.1961. Bönnuö börn- um. 01.10 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 icki. Frú Winterbourne (Mrs Winterbourne). 1996. 08.00 Þytur í laufi (Wind in the Willows). 1996. 09.40 Gerð myndarinnar Matthildur. 10.00 ickk Matthildur (Matilda). 1996. 12.00 ★★★ Margfaldur (Multipliclty). 1996. 14.00 ★★★ Matthildur (Matilda). 1996. 16.00 kick Frú Winterbourne (Mrs Winterbourne). 1996. 18.00 Punktur, punktur, komma, strik. 1981. 19.30 Gerð myndarinnar Margfaldur. 20.00 ★★★ Jerry Maguire. 1996. 22.15 ★★ Kristín. (Christine) 1983. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.00 icki. Margfaldur (Multipliclty). 1996. 02.00 kk Kristín (Christine). 1983. Stranglega bönnuð börn- um. 04.00 kkk Jerry Maguire. 1996. vl/ 'O BARNAHÁSIN 8.30 Allir í leik. Dýrin vaxa. 9.00 Kastali Melkorku. 9.30 Rugrats. 10.00 Nútímalff Rikka. 10.30 AAAhhll! Alvöru skrím- sli. 11.00 Ævintýri P & P 11.30 Skólinn minn er skemmtilegurl Ég og dýrið mitt. 12.00 Námsgagnastofnun. 12.30 Hlé. 16.00 Skippf. 16.30 Nikki og gæludýrið. 17.00 Tabalúki. 17.30 Frank- lin. 18.00 Grjónagrautur. 18.30 Róbert bangsi. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrir i dag! Allt efni talsett eða með íslenskum texta. Hallmark 5.05 What the Deaf Man Heard 6.40 Timepiece 8.10 Murder in Coweta County 9.50 A Day in the Summer 11.40 Daemon 12.50 The Most Dangerous Game 13.55 Twilight of the Golds 15.25 Sunchild 17.00 The Disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain 18.35 Intimate Contact 19.35 Romance on the Orient Exprress 21.15 Spoils of War 22.50 Crossbow 23.25 Daemon 0.35 The Most Dangerous Game 1.40 Twilight of the Golds 3.10Sunchild 4.45 Crossbow VH-1 6.00 Breakfast in Bed 9.00 Sunday Brunch 11.00 Pop-up Video - Movie Special 11.30 Pop-up Video - the Road Trip 12.00 Ten of the Best: Adam Garcia 13.00 Clare Grogan at the Movies 14.00 Hits from the Movies 18.00 Pop-up Video - Movie Special 18.30 Pop-up Video - the Road Trip 19.00 Talk Music 20.00 Elvis in Memphis 21.30 Blondie live at the beatclub 23.00 Greatest Hits Of... Blondie 0.00 More Music 2.00 Hits from the Movies The Travel Channel 11.00 Wild Ireland 11.30 Around Britain 12.00 On Tour 12.30 The Flavours of Italy 13.00 Origins With Burt Wolf 13.30 The Great Escape 14.00 Great Australian Train Joumeys 15.00 Transasia 16.00 Wild Ireland 16.30 Go 2 17.00 The Flavours of Italy 17.30 The Great Escape 18.00 Great Splendours of the World 19.00 Around Britain 19.30 Holiday Maker 20.00 Travel Live - Stop the Week 21.00 The Flavours of France 21.30 On Tour 22.00 Secrets of India 22.30 Reel World 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Xtrem Sports: ‘98 X Games in San Diego, Califomia, USA 7.00 All Sports: Vito Outdoor Special 7.30 Triathlon: France Iron Tour 8.30 Marathon: IAAF World Half Marathon Championships at Uster, Zurich, Switzerland 10.00 Formula 3000: FIA Intemational Championship in N.rburgring, Germany 11.00 Tractor Pulling: European Cup in Wndenhof, France 12.00 Motocross: Motocross of Nations in Foxhill, England 13.00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 15.00 Motocross: Motocross of Nations in Foxhill, England 16.00 Four Wheels Drive: Formula 4x4 Off Road in Hella, lceland 16.30 NASCAR: Wnston Cup Series in Martinsville, Virginia, United States 19.30 Boxing 20.30 Cycling: Tour of Spain 21.30 Motorcycling: Offroad Magazine 22.30 Motocross: Motocross of Nations in Foxhill, England 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 Ivanhoe 5.00 The Fruitties 5.30 Thomas the Tank Engine 5.45 The Magic Roundabout 6.00 Blinky Bill 6.30 Tabaluga 7.00 Johnny Bravo 7.30 Animaniacs 8.00 Dexter’s Laboratory 9.00 Cow and Chicken 9.30 I am Weasel 10.00 Beetlejuice 10.30 Tom and Jerry 11.00 The Flintstones 11.30 The Bugs and Daffy Show 12.00 Road Runner 12.30 Sylvester and Tweety 13.00 Paws and Claws Weekender 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Flintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It’s the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30 Omer and the Starchild 2.00 Blinky Bill 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00 The Real Story of... 3.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 Fortress Britain 4.30 The Developing Worid: Lessons from Kerala 5.00 BBC Worid News 5.20 Prime Weather 5.30 Wham Bam! Strawberry Jam! 5.45 The Brolleys 6.00 Melvin and Maureen 6.15 Activ8 6.40 Aliens in the Family 7.05 Blue Peter 7.30 The Genie From Down Under 7.55 Top of the Pops 8.25 Style Challenge 8.50 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 9.30 Only Fools and Horses 10.20 Prime Weather 10.25 To the Manor Bom 10.55 The Limit 11.25 Kilroy 12.05 Style Challenge 12.30 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 13.00 Only Fools and Horses 14.05 Wlliam’s Wish Wellingtons 14.10 The Demon Headmaster 14.35 Blue Peter 15.00 The Genie From Down Under 15.30 Top of the Pops 16.00 BBC World News 16.25 Prime Weather 16.30 Antiques Roadshow 17.00 Ballykissangel 18.00 999 19.00 BBC Biography: Hemingway 20.00 BBC World News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 Heading Home 22.00 Songs of Praise 22.35 TBA 23.05 Exams: a Curious Kind of Ritual 23.30 Images of Disability 0.00 English, English Everywhere 0.30 Children and New Technology 1.00 Fetv: Information Technology ‘95 2.00 Italianissimo Discovery 7.00 Wings 8.00 First Flights 8.30 Flightline 9.00 Lonely Planet 10.00 Disaster 10.30 Survivors! 11.00 Wings 12.00 First Flights 12.30 Flightline 13.00 Lonely Planet 14.00 Disaster 14.30 Survivors! 15.00 Wngs 16.00 First Flights 16.30 Rightline 17.00 Lonely Planet 18.00 Disaster 18.30 Survivorsl 19.00 Discovery Showcase: Master Spies 20.00 Discovery Showcase: Master Spies 21.00 Discovery Showcase: Master Spies 22.00 Discover Magazine 23.00 Justice Files 0.00 Lonely Planet 1.00 Close MTV 4.00 Kickstart 8.00 European Top 20 9.00 Top 100 14.00 Hitlist UK 16.00 News Weekend Edition 16.30 StarTrax 17.00 So 90’s 18.00 Most Selected 19.00 MTV Data 19.30 Singled Out 20.00 MTV Live 20.30 Beavis and Ðutt-Head 21.00 Amour 22.00 Base 23.00 Sunday Night Music Mix 2.00 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 8.30 Business Week 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 The Book Show 11.00 News on the Hour 11.30 Media Monthly 12.00 News on the Hour 12.30 Walker’s Worid 13.00 News on the Hour 13.30 Showbiz Weekly 14.00 News on the Hour 14.30 Week in Review 15.00 News on the Hour 16.00 Live at Rve 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Media Monthly 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 Showbiz Weekly 21.00 Prime Time 22.30 Week in Review 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC Worid News Tonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 Business Week 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 The Book Show 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC World News Tonight CNN 4.00 Worid News 4.30 News Update / Global View 5.00 Worid News 5.30 World Business This Week 6.00 Worid News 6.30 World Sport 7.00 World News 7.30 World Beat 8.00 Worid News 8.30 News Update / The artclub 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 Worid News 10.30 Earth Matters 11.00 World News 11.30 Science and Technology 12.00 News Update / World Report 12.30 Worid Report 13.00 Worid News 13.30 Inside Europe 14.00 World News 14.30 World Sport 15.00 World News 15.30 Showbiz This Weekend 16.00 Late Edition 16.30 Late Edition 17.00 World News 17.30 Business Unusual 18.00 Newstand 19.00 World News 19.30 Pinnacle Europe 20.00 World News 20.30 Best of Insight 21.00 World News 21.30 World Sport 22.00 CNN World View 22.30 Style 23.00 The World Today 23.30 World Beat 0.00 World News 0.15 Asian Edition 0.30 Diplomatic License 1.00 The WoridToday 2.00 Newstand / CNN and Time 3.00 Worid News 3.30 Pinnacle Europe National Geographic 4.00 Asia This Week 4.30 Europe This Week 5.00 Randy Morrison 5.30 Cottonwood Christian Centre 6.00 Hour of Power 7.00 Asia in Crisis 7.30 Dossier Deutchland 8.00 Europe This Week 8.30 Directions 9.00 Time and Again 10.00 Natural Bom Killers: Kimberíy’s Sea Crocodiles 10.30 Natural Bom Killers: Killer Whales of the Fjord 11.00 North to the Pole 1 12.00 Reef Fish: Where Have They All Gone? 13.00 Eclipse Chasers 14.00 Extreme Earth: Avalanche! 15.00 Beauty and the Beast: a Leopard’s Story 16.00 Natural Born Killers: Kimberly’s Sea Crocodiles 16.30 Natural Bom Killers: Killer Whales of the Fjord 17.00 North to the Pole 1 18.00 Mysteries of the Past: Mysteries of the Maya 18.30 Mysteries of the Past: Machu Picchu: the Mist 19.00 Mysteries of the Past: Mystery of the Inca Mummy 19.30 Mysteries of the Past: Chinese Mummies 20.30 Animal Attraction 21.00 Cold Water, Warm Blood 22.00 Battle for the Great Plains 23.00 North to the Pole 2 0.00 Mysteries of the Past: Mysteries of the Maya 0.30 Mysteries of the Past: Machu Picchu: the Mist 1.00 Mysteries of the Past: Mystery of the Inca Mummy 1.30 Mysteries of the Past: Chinese Mummies 2.30 Animal Attraction 3.00 Cold Water, Warm Blood TNT 4.00 Ringo and His Golden Pistol 5.45 The Spartan Gladiators 7.30 The Yellow Rolls-Royce 9.45 The Postman Always Rings Twice 12.00 Gone with the Wmd 16.00 Forbidden Planet 18.00 Singin’ in the Rain 20.00 Casablanca 22.00 Poltergeist O.OOTelefon 2.00 Casablanca 26. September Cartoon Network 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Flintstones 22.30 Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help!...lt’s the H air Bear Bunch 00.00 Hong Kong Phooey 00.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 01.00 Ivanhoe 01.30 Omer and the Starchild 02.00 Blinky Bill 02.30 The Fruitties 03.00 The Real Story of... 03.30 Tabaluga Animal Planet 05.00 Dogs With Dunbar 05.30 It’s A Vet’s Life 06.00 Human / Nature 07.00 Rediscovery Of The World 08.00 Spiríts Of The Rainforest 09.00 Wildest South America 10.00 Profiles Of Nature 11.00 Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures 11.30 Kratt’s Creatures 12.00 Jack Hanna’s Zoo Life 12.30 Going Wild With Jeff Corwin 13.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid 14.00 The Giraffe Of Etosha 15.00 The Wild Yaks Of Tibet 16.00 Giants Of The Nullarbor 17.00 Breed 17.30 Horse Tales. Polo Kings 18.00 Animal Doctor 18.30 Animal Doctor 19.00 Deadly Season 20.00 Life On The Edge 21.00 Troubled Waters 22.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid Computer Channel 17 00 Game Over 18.00 Masterclass 19.00 Dagskráríok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá sam- komum Bennys Hinns vfða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburðir. 18.30 Lff í Orð- inu - Biblíufræösla með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburinn - Blandað efni frá CBN-fréttastofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náð til þjóðanna (Possessing the Nations). með Pat Francis. 20.30 Llf í Orðinu - Biblíu- fræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Ðenny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víða um heim, viðtðl og vitnisburðir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurtekið efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Líf í Oröinu - Bibl- íufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandaö efni frá TBN-sjónvarpsstöðinni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. mánudagur 28. september 1998 13.25 Skjáleikurinn. 16.25 Helgarsportið. Endursýning. 16.45 Leiðarljós (Guiding Light). 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Eunbi og Khabi (12:26). Teiknimyndaflokkur um tvo álfa. 18.30 Veröld dverganna (16:26) (Worid of the Gnomes). 19.00 Emma í Mánalundi (21:26) (Emily of New Moon). Kanadísk- ur myndaflokkur fyrir alla fjöískylduna, gerður eftir sögum Lucy Maud Montgomery. Þýðandi: Yrr Bertelsdóttir. 20.00 Fréttir og veður. 20.35 Ástir og undirföt (21:22) (Veronica’s Closet). 21.05 Víf og vín (2:6) (Les filles du maitre de chai). Franskur myndaflokkur um ástir og örlög á stórum vínbúgarði í Bor- deaux á árunum 1929-1945. 22.00 Hitler og Stalín -Hættulegt samband (2:3) (Staline- Hitler: Liaisons Dangereuses). Franskur heimildarmynda- flokkur þar sem fram koma nýjar upplýsingar um þessa al- ræmdu leiðtoga. í pessum þætti er sagt frá því að nasistar og Sovétmenn hafi hafið um það samvinnu þegar árið 1936 að skipta Evrópu á milli sín og að þjóðarmorðið á Pól- verjum hafi þeir skipulagt í sameiningu. 23.00 Ellefufréttir. 23.15 Dansspor. Þáttur um gerð biómyndarinnar Dansinn eftir Ágúst Guðmundsson. 23.35 Skjáleikurinn. 13.00 *** Skopskyn (e) (Funny Bones). Myndin fjallar um Tommy Fawkes sem langar óskaplega mikiö til að slá f gegn sem grínisti. Hann lifir alilaf í skugga föður sfns, George Fawkes. Aðalhlutverk: Oliver Platt, Lee Evans og Richard Griffiths. Leikstjóri: Pet- er Chelsom.1995. 15.10 Á báðum áttum (13:17) (e) (Relativity). 16.00 Kóngulóarmaðurinn. 16.20 Bangsímon. 16.45 Lukku-Láki (2:26) (e) (Lucky Luke). 17.10 Glæstar vonlr (Bold and the Beautiful). 17.30 Lfnurnarílag. 17.45 SJónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 18.00 Fréttlr. 18.05 Nágrannar. 18.30 Ensku mörkin. 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Að hætti Sigga Hall (9:12). Við erum nú komin yfir til Frakklands þar sem Sigurður L. Hal! er staddur í héraðinu Charentes-Maritim. 20.40 ■*** Hamskipti (Vice Versa). Feðgar verða skyndilega mjög nánir þegar þeir verða fyrir dularfullum álögum og skipta um likama! Aðalhlutverk: Judge Reinhold, Fred Savage og Corinne Bohrer. Leikstjóri: Brian Gilbert. 1988. 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 Ensku mörkin (e). 23.15 Skopskyn (e) (Funny Bones)1995. Bönnuð bömum. 01.20 Dagskrárlok. Isrm SJÓNVARPIÐ 17.00 í Ijósaskiptunum (Twilight Zone). 17.30 Knattspyrna í Asíu. 18.25 Taumlaus tónlist. 18.40 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 18.55 Enski boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik West Ham United og Sout- hampton í ensku úrvalsdeildinni. 20.50 Trufluö tilvera (South Park). Teiknimyndaflokkur fyrir full- orðna um fjóra skrautlega félaga. Bönnuð bömum. 21.20 •**• Á gelgjuskeiði (Mischief). Gamanmynd um ungt fólk og áhugamál þeirra sem oftar en ekki snýst um hitt kynið. Við kynnumst félögunum Jonathan og Gene. Jonathan er lítt reyndur í samskiptum við hitt kynið en Gene, sem er úr stórborginni, lumar á góðum ráðum í þeim efnum. Ráð- leggingarnar hitta þó ekki alltaf í mark eins og Jonathan kemst að raun um. Leikstjóri: Mel Damski. Aðalhlutverk: Doug McKeon, Catherine Mary Stewart, Kelly Preston og Chris Nash. 1985. 22.55 Stöðin (1:24) (Taxi 5). 23.20 Ráðgátur (X-Files). 00.05 Fótbolti um víða veröld. 00.30 í Ijósaskiptunum (e) (Twilight Zone). 00.55 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 Til hamingju með afmælið, Gillian (To Gillian on Her 37th Blrthday) 1996. 08.00 Leiðin heim (Fly Away Home). 1996. 10.00 *-** Barnfóstrufélagið (The Baby-Sitter’s Club). 1995. 11.45 Gerð myndarinnar Leiðin heim. 12.00 **** Kramer gegn Kramer (Kramer vs. Kramer). 1979. 14.00 Leiöin heim. 16.00 *** Barnfóstrufélagið. 18.00 Atómstöðin.1984. 20.00 Til hamingju með afmælið, Gilllan. 22.00 ** Djúpið (The Deep). 1977. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.00 Kramer gegn Kramer. 02.00 *** Nornaklík- an (The Craft). 1996. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. BARNARÁSIN Kl. 16.00 Ur ríki náttúrunnar. 16.30 Skippí. 17.00 Róbert bangsi. 17.30 Rugrats. 18.00 Nútímalif Rikka. 18.30 Clarissa. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrir í dag! Allt efni talsett eða með íslenskum texta. Hallmark 5.10 The Disappearance of Azaria Chamberiain 6.45 Intimate Contact 7.45 Romance on the Orient Exprress 9.25 Spoils of War 11.00 The Westing Gamb 12.40 Anne of Green Gables 14.20 Incident in a Small Town 15.50 Sheriock Holmes: The Woman in Green 17.00 Frostfire 18.30 Eli’s Lesson 20.20 Six Weeks 22.10 The Westing Game 23.50 Anne of Green Gables 1.30 Incident in a Small Town 3.00 Lonesome Dove 3.50 Frostfire VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 8.30 VH1 Upbeat 11.00 Ten of the Best: Billie Myers 12.00 Mills’n’tunes 13.00 Jukebox 14.00 Toyah & Chase 16.00 five a five 16.30 Pop-up Video 17.00 The Clare Grogan Show 18.00 Mills ‘n’ Tunes 19.00 The VH1 Album Chart Show 20.00 Talk Music 21.00 Premiere: Greatest Hits Of...: Bryan Adams 22.00 Soul Vibration 23.00 The Nightfly 0.00 Around and Around 1.00 VH1 Late Shift The Travel Channel 11.00 On the Loose in Wildest Africa 11.30 Summer Getaways 12.00 Holiday Maker 12.30 The Food Lovers’ Guide to Australia 13.00 The Flavours of France 13.30 Secrets of India 14.00 Whicker’s Worid - The Ultimate Package 15.00 Go 2 15.30 Wortdwide Guide 16.00 A Fork in the Road 16.30 Cities of the Worid 17.00 The Food Lovers’ Guide to Australia 17.30 On Tour 18.00 On the Loose in Wildest Africa 18.30 Summer Getaways 19.00 Holiday Maker 19.30 Go 2 20.00 Of Tales and Travels 21.00 Secrets of India 21.30 Worldwide Guide 22.00 On Tour 22.30 Cities of the Worid 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Marathon: IAAF Worid Half Marathon Championships at Uster, Zurich, Switzeriand 8.00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 9.00 Motocross: Motocross of Nations in Foxhill, England 10.00 NASCAR: Winston Cup Series in Martinsville, Virginia, United States 12.00 Archery: European Championships at Boe, Agen, France 13.00 Athletics: IAAF Permit Meeting in Tokyo, Japan 14.00 Triathlon: France Iron Tour 15.00 All Sports: Vito Outdoor Special 15.30 Stock Car: Super Indoor Stock-Car in Paris-Bercy, France 17.00 Formula 3000: FIA Intemational Championship in N.rburgring, Germany 18.00 Xtrem Sports: YOZ MAG - Youth Only Zone 19.00 Tractor Pulling: '98 European Championships at Great Eccleston, England 20.00 Strongest Man: 1998 Grand Prix in Helsinki, Finland 21.00 Football: Eurogoals 22.30 Boxing 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 The Fruitties 5.00 Blinky Bill 5.30 Tabaluga 6.00 Johnny Bravo 6.15 Beetlejuice 6.30 Animaniacs 6.45 Dexter's Laboratory 7.00CowandChicken 7.15SylvesterandTweety 7.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 8.00 Cave Kids 8.30 Blinky Bill 9.00 The Magic Roundabout 9.15 Thomas the Tank Engine 9.30 The Fruitties 10.00 Tabaluga 10.30 A Pup Named Scooby Doo 11.00 Tom and Jerry 11.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 11.30 Road Runner 11.45 Sylvester and Tweety 12.00 Popeye 12.30 Droopy: Master Detective 13.00 Yogi’s Galaxy Goof Ups 13.30 Top Cat 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 Scooby Doo 15.00 Beetlejuice 15.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 16.00 Cow and Chicken 16.30 Animaniacs 17.00 Tom and Jerry 17.30 The Flintstones 18.00 Batman 18.30 The Mask 19.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 19.30 Dynomutt Dog Wonder 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter's Laboratoiy 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Flintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30 Omer and the Starchild 2.00 Blinky Bill 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00 The Real Story of... 3.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 Walk the Talk 4.30 How Do You Manage? 5.00 BBC Worid News 5.25 Prime Weather 5.30 Jonny Briggs 5.45 Blue Peter 6.10 Not the End of the Worid 6.50 Style Challenge 7.15Can’tCook, Won’tCook 7.40 Kilroy 8.30 TBA 9.00 TBA 9.55 Change That 10.20 Style Challenge 10.45 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 11.10 Kilroy 11.55 Songs of Praise 12.30 TBA 13.00 TBA 13.55 Prime Weather 14.00 Change That 14.25 Jonny Briggs 14.40 Blue Peter 15.05 Not the End of the Worid 15.35 Can't Cook, Won’t Cook 16.00 BBC World News 16.25 Prime Weather 16.30 Wildlife 17.00 Survivors: a New View of Us 17.30 Rick Stein’s Fruits of the Sea 18.00 Dad's Army 18.30 Waiting for God 19.00 Ballykissangel 20.00 BBC World News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 Travels With Pevsner 21.30 Floyd on Britain 22.00 The Lifeboat 22.50 Prime Weather 23.05 Following a Score 23.30 Nature Display’d 0.00 Glasgow - Funding the Arts 0.30 On Pictures and Paintings 1.00 France 2000 3.00 Leaming Languages Discovery 7.00 Rex Hunt Specials 7.30 Driving Passions 8.00 Flightline 8.30 Time Travellers 9.00 The Adventurers 10.00 Rex Hunt Specials 10.30 Driving Passions 11.00 Flightline 11.30 Time Travellers 12.00 Zoo Story 12.30 Untamed Africa 13.30 Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious Universe 14.00 The Adventurers 15.00 Rex Hunt Specials 15.30 Driving Passions 16.00 Flightline 16.30 Time Travellers 17.00 Zoo Story 17.30 Untamed Africa 18.30 Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious Universe 19.00 The Adventurers 20.00 Killer Weather. Avalanche 21.00 Water Wonderiand 22.00 Wings 23.00 Flightline 23.30 Driving Passions 0.00 Adrenalin RushHour! 1.00Close MTV 4.00 Kickstart 7.00 Non Stop Hits 14.00 Select MTV 16.00 Hitlist UK 17.00 So 90's 18.00 Top Selection 19.00 MTV Data 20.00 Amour 21.00 MTVID 22.00 Superock 0.00 The Grind 0.30 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 9.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY World News 11.00 SKY News Today 14.00 News on the Hour 15.30 SKY World News 16.00 Live at Five 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 SKY Business Report 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Worid News 21.00 Prime Time 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC Worid News Tonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Business Report 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 SKY Worid News 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC Worid News Tonight CNN 4.00 CNN This Moming 4.30 Best of Insight 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Managing with Jan Hopkins 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Worid Sport 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Showbiz This Weekend 8.00Newstand/CNNandTime 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 Worid News 10.30 American Edition 10.45 World Report - 'As They See It' 11.00 Worid News 11.30 Pinnacle Europe 12.00 Worid News 12.15 Asian Editíon 12.30 Business Asia 13.00 Worid News 13.30 CNN Newsroom 14.00 World News 14.30 Worid Sport 15.00 Worid News 15.30 The Artclub 16.00 Newstand / CNN and Time 17.00 Worid News 17.45 American Edition 18.00 Worid News 18.30 World Business Today 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Q & A 20.00 Worid News Europe 20.30 Insight 21.00 News Update / World Business Today 21.30 Worid Sport 22.00 CNN Worid View 22.30 Moneyline Newshour 23.30 Showbiz Today 0.00 World News 0.15 Asian Edition 0.30 Q & A 1.00 Larry King Live 2.00 Worid News 2.30 Showbiz Today 3.00 World News 3.15 American Edition National Geographic 4.00 Europe Today 7.00 European Money Wheel 10.00 Battle for the Great Plains 11.00 North to the Pole 2 12.00 Mysteries of the Past: Mysteries of the Maya 12.30 Mysteries of the Past: Machu Picchu: the Mist 13.00 Mysteries of the Past: Mystery of the Inca Mummy 13.30 Mysteries of the Past: Chinese Mummies 14.30 Animal Attraction 15.00 Cold Water, Warm Blood 16.00 Battle for the Great Plains 17.00 North to the Pole 218.00 The Mountain Sculptors 18.30 Okavango Diary 19.00 Natural Bom Killers: Realm of the Great White Bear 20.00 Rocket Men 21.00 Statue of Liberty 22.00 Great Lakes, Fragile Seas 23.00 Retum to Everest 0.00 The Mountain Sculptors 0.30 Okavango Diary 1.00 Natural Bom Killers: Realm of the Great White Bear 2.00 Rocket Men 3.00 Statue of Liberty TNT 4.00lvanhoe 6.00 Interrupted Melody 7.45 The Pirate 9.30 YoungBess 11.30 The Three Musketeers 13.45 The Wonderful Worid of the Brothers Grimm 16.00 The Jazz Singer 18.00 Clash of the Titans 20.00 2001: A Space Odyssey 22.30 The Big Sleep 0.30 Hysteria 2.00 Bachelor in Paradise Animal Planet 05.00 Kratt’s Creatures 05.30 Jack Hanna’s Zoo Life 06.00 Rediscovery Of The World 07.00 Animal Doctor 07.30 It’s A Vet’s Life 08.00 Kratt’s Creatures 08.30 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer 09.00 Human / Nature 10.00 The Dog's Tale 11.00 Rediscovery Of The World 12.00 Breed 12.30 Zoo Story 13.00 Australia Wild 13.30 Jack Hanna’s Zoo Life 14.00 Kratt’s Creatures 14.30 Two Worids 15.00 Wild At Heart 15.30 Rediscovery Of The Worid 16.30 Human / Nature 17.30 Emergency Vets 18.00 Kratt’s Creatures 18.30 Kratt’s Creatures 19.00 The Vet. Vet Or Bust 19.30 Going Wild With Jeff Corwin 20.00 Champions Of The Wild 20.30 Going Wild 21.00 Animal Doctor21.30 Emergency Vets 22.00 Human / Nature Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer’s Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 Leaming Cun/e 18.30 Dots and Queries 19.00 Dagskráriok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkom- um Bennys Hinns víöa um heim, viötöl og vitnisburðir. 18.30 Líf í Oröinu - Bibl- íufræösla með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburinn - Blandað efni frá CBN-frótta- stofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náð til þjóðanna (Possessing the Nations). með Pat Francis. 20.30 Lff í Orðinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburðir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurtekið efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Lff ( Oröinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandað efni frá TBN-sjónvarpsstööinni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. Taktana heim! Komdu í Pizzahúsið Taktana heim og kauptu tvær pizzur, þú borgar aðeins fyrir eina. f Styttu biðina og hringdu á undan bér! iÍðWði 16 f Ókus 25. september 1998


Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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