Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

  • fyrri mánuðurseptember 1998næsti mánuður

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 25.09.1998, Blaðsíða 18

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 25.09.1998, Blaðsíða 18
fimmtudagur 1. október 1998 föstudagur 2. október 1998 13.20 Setning Alþlngis. Bein út- sending frá athöfn í Dómkirkj- unni og Alþingishúsinu. 15.30 Skjáleikurinn. 16.45 Leiðarljós (Guiding Light). 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýslngatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 18.00 Krói (21:21) (Cro). Teiknimyndaflokkur um fsaldarstrák. 18.30 Undraheimur dýranna (11:13) (Amazing Animals). 19.00 Emma í Mánalundi (24:26) (Emily of New Moon). 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.30 Almennar stjórnmálaumræður. Bein útsending frá Al- þingi þar sem forsætisráðherra flytur stefnuræðu sína, og frá umræðum um hana. 23.00 Ellefufréttir. 23.20 Skjáleikurinn. ^ SJÓNVARPIÐ 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 13.00 Hart á móti hörðu: Leyndar- málið (e) (Hart to Hart: Secrets of the Hart). Jonathan og Jenni- fer Hart eru í San Francisco þar sem þau hjálpa til við uppboð sem haldið er í þágu góðgerð- armála. Aðalhlutverk: Jason Bateman, Robert Wagner og Stefanie Powers.1995. 14.30 Daewoo mótorsport (e). 15.00 Oprah Wlnfrey (e). 15.45 Eruð þið myrkfælin? (3:13) (Are You Afraid of The Dark?) 16.10 Bangsímon. 16.30 Meðafa. 17.20 Glæstar vonir (Bold and the beautiful). 17.40 Línurnar f lag. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 18.30 Nágrannar. 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Melrose Place (5:32). 21.00 Hér er ég (6:6). (Just Shoot Me). 21.35 Þögult vitni (6:16) (Silent Witness). 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 New York löggur (22:22). 23.35 ki. Nótt hershöfðingjanna (e) (Night of the Generals). Spennandi bresk sakamálamynd sem gerist í heimsstyrj- öldinni síðari. Geðsjúkur morðingi innan þýska hersins gengur laus og yfirmaður leyniþjónustunnar leggur ofur- kapp á að klófesta kauða. Grunur fellur á hershöfðingja úr röðum nasistanna. Aðalhlutverk: Omar Sharif, Peter O’Toole og Tom Courtenay. Leikstjóri: Anatole Litvak.1967. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 01.55 Hart á móti hörðu: Leyndarmálið (e) (Hart to Hart: Secrets of the Hart). 1995. 03.25 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur 17.00 í Ijósaskiptunum (Twilight Zone). 17.30 Taumlaus tónlist. 18.15 Ofurhugar. 18.45 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 19.00 Walker(e). 20.00 Meistarakeppn! Evrópu (UEFA Champions League). Svipmyndir úr leikjum 2. um- feröar riðlakeppninnar, sem fram fóru í gærkvöldi. 21.00 iri í þögn og ótta (Hear No Evil). Spennumynd um líkams- ræktarþjálfara sem flækist í uppgör glæpamanna. Jillian Shanahan, sem er heyrnarlaus, er sfðasta manneskjan sem sá Mickey O’Farrell á lífi. Einhver sá ástæðu fil að ryðja hon- um úr vegil. Leikstjóri: Robert Greenwald.Aðalhlutverk: Mar- lee Matlin, Martin Sheen, D.B. Sweeney og John C. McG- inley. 1993. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 22.35 Óráðnar gátur (e) (Unsolved Mysteries). 23.25 Hlnlr aðkomnu (Alien Nation). Hasarmynd í vísinda- skáldsagnastíl. Sagan gerist í framtíðinni á götum Los Angeles-borgar eftir að 300.000 innflytjendur frá annarri reikistjörnu hafa sest þar að. Aðalhlutverk: James Caan, Terence Stamp og Mandy Patinkin. Leikstjóri: Graham Baker. 1988. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.50 í Ijósaskiptunum (e) (Twilight Zone). 01.15 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 8.30 VH1 Upbeat 11.00 Ten of the Best: Sheryf Crow 12.00 Mills'n'tunes 13.00 Jukebox 14.00 Toyah & Chase 16.00 Planet Rock Profiles: Sheryl Crow 16.30 Pop-up Video 17.00 Ten of the Best:sheryl Crow 18.00 Mills'n'tunes 19.00 Greatest Hits Of...: Sheryl Crow 19.30 VH1 to 1: Sheryl Crow 20.00 VH1 Hits 21.00 American Classic 22.00 Talk Music 23.00 The Nightfly 0.00 VH1 Spice 1.00 VH1 Late Shift The Travel Channel 11.00 The Friendship Drive 11.30 Stepping the World 12.00 Holiday Maker 12.30 Floyd On Oz 13.00 The Flavours of France 13.30 Around Britain 14.00 Widlake's Way 15.00 Go 215.30 Worldwide Guide 16.00 Ridge Riders 16.30 Cities of the World 17.00 Floyd On Oz 17.30 On Tour 18.00 The Friendship Drive 18.30 Stepping the World 19.00 Travel Live 19.30 Go 2 20.00 Widlake's Way 21.00 Around Britain 21.30 Worldwide Guide 22.00 On Tour 22.30 Cities of the Worid 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Sailing: Magazine 7.00 Archery: European Championships at Boe, Agen, France 8.00 Athletics: IAAF Permit Meeting in Tokyo, Japan 9.00 Formula 3000: FIA Intemational Championship in N.rburgring, Germany 10.00 Football: Worid Cup Legends 11.00 Tractor Pulling: ‘98 European Championships at Great Eccleston, Great Britain 12.00 Motorsports: Motors Magazine 13.00 Equestrianism: World Equestrian Games in Rome, Italy 15.00 Olympic Games: Olympic Magazine 15.30 Rally: Master Rallye 98 16.00 Motorcycling: Offroad Magazine 17.00 Football: Worid Cup Legends 18.00 Football: UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup 20.00 Football: UEFA Cup Winners' Cup 22.00 Motorsports: Motors Magazine 23.00 Rally: Master Rallye 98 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 The Fruitties 5.00 Blinky Bill 5.30 Tabaluga 6.00 Johnny Bravo 6.15 Beetlejuice 6.30 Animaniacs 6.45 Dexter’s Laboratory 7.00 Cow and Chicken 7.15SylvesterandTweety 7.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 8.00 CaveKids 8.30 Blinky Bill 9.00 The Magic Roundabout 9.15ThomastheTank Engine 9.30 The Fruitties 10.00 Tabaluga 10.30 A Pup Named Scooby Doo 11.00 Tom and Jerry 11.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 11.30 Road Runner 11.45 Sylvester and Tweety 12.00 Popeye 12.30 Droopy: Master Detedive 13.00 Yogi’s Galaxy Goof Ups 13.30 Top Cat 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 Beetlejuice 15.00 Scooby Doo 15.30 Dexter's Laboratory 16.00 Cow and Chicken 16.30 Animaniacs 17.00 Tom and Jerry 17.30 The Flintstones 18.00 Batman 18.30 The Mask 19.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 19.30 Dynomutt Dog Wonder 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter's Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Flintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe I. 30OmerandtheStarchild 2.00 Blinky Bill 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00TheReal Storyof... 3.30Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 Walk the Talk: Confidence a la Carte 4.30 Walk the Talk: Seconding the Best 5.00 BBC Worid News 5.25 Prime Weather 5.30 The Brollys 5.45 Bright Sparks 6.10TheLimit 6.50 Style Challenge 7.15Can’tCook, Won’tCook 7.40 Kilroy 8.30 TBA 9.00 Ballykissangel 9.50 Prime Weather 9.55 Change That 10.20 Style Challenge 10.45 Can't Cook, Won’t Cook 11.10 Kilroy 12.00 Abroad in Britain 12.30 The Limit 13.00 Ballykissangel 13.50 Prime Weather 14.00 Change That 14.25 The Brollys 14.40 Bright Sparks 15.05 TBA 15.30 Can't Cook, Won't Cook 16.00 BBC Worid News 16.25 Prirne Weather 16.30 Wildlife: TBA 17.00 The Limit 17.30 Antiques Roadshow 18.00 It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum 18.30 To the Manor Bom 19.00 Common as Muck 20.00 BBC Worid News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 999 21.30 TBA 22.00 Between the Lines 22.55 Prime Weather 23.05 Introduction to Psychology: Two Research Styles 23.30 Surviving the Exam 0.00 In Search of Identity 0.30 Somewhere a Wall Came Down 1.00 Basic English 3.00 The Truman Show - Life on Camera 3.30 Mulan - Filming Folktales Discovery 7.00 Rex Hunt Specials 7.30 Roadshow 8.00 Flightline 8.30 Time Travellers 9.00 Science of the Impossible 10.00 Rex Hunt Specials 10.30 Roadshow 11.00 Flightline 11.30 Time Travellers 12.00 Zoo Story 12.30 Gorilla, Gorilla 13.30 Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious Universe 14.00 Science of the Impossible 15.00 Rex Hunt Specials 15.30 Roadshow 16.00 Flightline 16.30 Time Travellers 17.00 Zoo Story 17.30 Gorilla, Gorilla 18.30 Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious Universe 19.00 Science of the Impossible 20.00 Wheels and Keels: Supertrains 21.00 Medical Detectives 21.30 Medical Detectives 22.00 Forensic Detectives 23.00 Flightline 23.30 Roadshow 0.00 Wonders of Weather 1.00Close MTV 4.00 Kickstart 7.00 Non Stop Hits 14.00 Select MTV 16.00 The Lick 17.00 So 90's 18.00 Top Selection 19.00 MTV Data 20.00 Amour 21.00 MTVID 22.00 Altemative Nation O.OOTheGrind 0.30 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 9.00 News on the Hour 9.30 ABC Nightline 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY Worid News 11.00 SKY News Today 13.30 Your Call 14.00 News on the Hour 15.30 SKY Worid News 16.00 Live at Rve 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 SKY Business Report 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Worid News 21.00 Prime Time 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC Woríd News Tonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Business Report 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 Fashion TV 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC Worid News Tonight CNN 4.00 CNN This Morning 4.30 Insight 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Moneyline 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Worid Sport 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30Showbiz Today 8.00 Larry King 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 Worid News 10.30 American Edition 10.45 Worid Report - ‘As They See It' 11.00 Worid News 11.30 Science and Technology 12.00 Worid News 12.15 Asian Edition 12.30 Biz Asia 13.00 Worid News 13.30 CNN Newsroom 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Worid Sport 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Travel Guide 16.00 Larry King Live Replay 17.00 Worid News 17.45 American Edition 18.00 Worid News 18.30 Worid Business Today 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Q&A 20.00 Worid News Europe 20.30 Insight 21.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 21.30 Worid Sport 22.00 CNN Worid View 22.30 Moneyline Newshour 23.30 Showbiz Today 0.00 Worid News 0.15 AsianEdition 0.30 Q&A 1.00 Larry King Live 2.00 Worid News 2.30Showbiz Today 3.00 Worid News 3.15 American Edition 3.30 Worid Report National Geographic 4.00 Europe Today 7.00 European Money Wheel 10.00 Egypt: Quest for Etemity II. 00 The Prince of Slooghis 11.30 Spunky Monkey 12.00 The Environmental Tourist 13.00 Rocket Men 14.00 The Shakers 15.00 Franz Josef Land: Filming Through the Arctic Night 16.00 Egypt: Quest for Etemity 17.00 Giants of the Bushveld 17.30 Great Bird, big business 18.00 Stalin’s arctic disaster 19.00 Bali: Island of artist 19.30 In the footsteps of Crusoe 20.00 Vanishing Birds of the Amazon 21.00 Looters! 22.00 Tides of War 23.00 Giants of the Bushveld 23.30 Great Bird, big business 0.00 Stalin's arctic disaster 1.00 Bali: Island of artist 1.30 In the footsteps of Crusoe 2.00 Vanishing Birds of the Amazon 3.00 Looters! 06.00 Áfram leigubílstjóri. (Carry on Cabby)1963. 08.00 ★★★ Þumalína (Thumbelina) 1994. 10.00 ★★★ Fúlir grannar (Grumpier Old Men)1995.12.00 ★★★ Stjörnuskin (The Stars Fell on Henrietta) 1995.14.00 Þumalína. 16.00 Áfram leigubíl- stjóri. 18.00 ★★★ Nadine. 1987. 20.00 Fúlir grannar. 22.00 Plágan (The Pest) 1997. Bönnuð börnum. 00.00 Stjörnuskin. 02.00 Nadine. 04.00 Plágan. vf/, 'O BARNARASIN 16.00 Skólinn minn er skemmtilegur! 16.45 Ég og dýrið mitt. > 17.00 Allir í leik. Dýrin vaxa. 17.30 Rugrats. 18.00 Nútímalíf Rikka. 18.30 Clarissa. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrir í dag! Allt efni talsett eða með íslenskum texta. TNT 5.45 Tom Thumb 7.30 Boys Town 9.15 Captain Blood 11.30 Dark Victory 13.30 Green Dolphin Street 16.00 Tom Thumb 18.00 Take the High Ground 20.00 Crucifer of Blood 22.00 Diner 0.00 Shaft's Big Score! 2.00 Executive Suite 4.00 Invasion Quartet Animal Plantet 05.00 Kratt's CreaturesError! Bookmark not defined. 05.30 Jack Hanna's Zoo Life 06.00 Profiles Of Nature 07.00 Human / Nature 08.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 08.30 Rediscovery Of The Worid 09.30 Dogs Wit h Dunbar 10.00 Horse Tales 10.30 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer 11.00 Animals In Danger 11.30 Wild Guide 12.00 Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures 12.30 Wild Rescues 13.00 Australia Wild 13.30 Human / Nature 14.30 Zoo Story 15.00 Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures 15.30 Wldlife SOS 16.00 Absolutely Animals 16.30 Australia Wld 17.00 Kratt’s Creatures 17.30 Lassie 18.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid 19.00 Animal Doctor 19.30 Wild Sanctuaries 20.00 Two Worids 20.30 Emergency Vets 21.00 Wildlife Rescue 21.30 Untamed Africa 22.30 Emergency Vets Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer’s Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 Blue Screen 18.30 The Lounge 19.00 DagskrBríok Omega o7.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns vföa um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburöir. 18.30 Líf í Orðinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700-klúbburinn - bland- aö efni frá CBN-fréttastofunni. 19.30 Boðskapur Central Baptist klrkj- unnar (The Central Message) meö Ron Phillips. 20.00 Frelslskallið - Freddie Filmore prédikar. 20.30 Líf í Orðinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta or þlnn dagur með Benny Hlnn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburðir. 21.30 Kvöldljós - bein útsending frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Líf í Orðinu - Biblíufræðsla meö Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandaö efni frá TBN- sjónvarpsstööinni. 01.30 Skjákynnlngar. 13.45 Skjáleikurinn. 16.45 Leiðarijós (Guiding Light). 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Þytur í laufi (56:65) (Wind in the Willows). 18.20 Fjör á fjölbraut (13:14) (Heartbreak High VI). 19.05 Emma í Mánalundi (25:26) (Emily of New Moon). 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.45 Slgur lífsins. Skemmtiþattur í sjónvarpssal sem jafnframt er liður í landssöfnun SlBS fyrir endurhæfingu á Reykja- lundi. Fjöldi landskunnra listamanna kemur fram. 22.50 -kictck Ókindin (Jaws). Bandarisk tfmamótamynd frá 1975 um skelfingu þá sem grípur um sig á austurströnd Bandaríkjanna við árásir hákarls, og glímuna við að ráða niðurlögum hans. Leikstjóri: Steven Spielberg. Aðalhlut- verk: Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss og Lorraine Gray. Kvikmyndaeftirlit ríkisins telur myndina ekki hæfa áhorfendum yngri en 16 ára. 00.50 Saksóknarinn (20:21) (Michael Hayes). Bandarískur sakamálaflokkur. Endursýning. 01.35 Útvarpsfréttir. 01.45 Skjáleikurinn. 13.00 New York löggur (22:22) (e). 13.50 Stéttaskipting (2:4) (e) (Class). 14.45 Punktur.is (8:10) (e). Vefsmíð- ar fyrir einstaklinga. 15.10 Billie Holiday (1:2) (e). Athygl- isverður þáttur um líf og störf þessarar þekktu söngkonu. 16.25 Bangsímon. 16.45 Orri og Ólívía (1:26). 17.10 Glæstar vonir (Bold and the beautiful). 17.30 Línurnar í lag. 17.45 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 60 mínútur (e). 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Elskan, ég minnkaði börnin (Honey I Shrunk the Kids). 21.00 Húsið á sléttunni (Little Houseon the Prairie). Sjónvarps- mynd um Charles Ingalls og fjölskyldu hans en sögu þeir- ra ættu nú flestir að vera farnir að þekkja. Aðalhlutverk: Michael Landon, Matthew Laborteaux, Melissa Gilberl, Dean Butler og Victor French. Leikstjóri: Michael Landon. 22.45 Árþúsundaskiptin (Alien Nation: Millennium). Spennandi sjónvarpsmynd sem gerist í framtíðinni. Aldamótin eru á næsta leiti og flestir eru í hátíðarskapi. En þegar illa þokk- aöir náungar komast yfir óútskýrt fyrirbæri úr fortíð nýverja verður fjandinn laus. Aðalhlutverk: Gaty Graham, Eric Pi- erpoint, Michele Scarabelli og Terri Treas. Leikstjóri Kenn- eth Johnson. 1996. Bönnuð börnum. 00.20 kk Hinir heimilislausu (e) (Saint of Fott Washington). Bönnuð börnum. 02.00 Kletturinn (e) (The Rock) 1996. Stranglega bönnuð börn- um. 04.15 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur 17.00 í Ijósasklptunum (Twilight Zone). 17.30 Taumlaus tónlist. 18.15 Heimsfótbolti með Western Union. 18.45 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 19.00 Fótbolti um víða veröld. 19.30 Yfirskilvitleg fyrirbæri (11:22) (PSI Factor). Hér eru óþekkt fyrirbæri til umfjöllunar. 20.30 Beint f mark. Nýjustu fréttirnar úr enska boltanum. 21.00 ÍTrúr sjálfum sér (A Man for All Seasons). Dramatísk sjón- varpsmynd sem gerist í Englandi á valdatíma Henrys áttunda. Hjónaband kóngsins er til vandræða og hann óskar skilnaðar. Leikstjóri: Charlton Heston. Aðalhlutverk: Charlton Heston, Vanessa Redgrave, John Gielgud og Richard Johnson. 1988. 23.30 Sonur Satans 2 (Warlock 2: The Armageddon). Sonur Satans sný: r.ftur til jarðarinnar til að frelsa föður sinn. Hann hefur aðeins sjö daga til að Ijúka ætlunarverki sínu. Leik- stjóri: Anthony Hickox. 1993. Stranglega bönnuð bórnum. 01.05 í Ijósaskiptunum (e) (Twilight Zone). 01.30 ★ikiútlagarnir (Bandolero). Hér segir frá alræmdum hópi útlaga sem gera tilraun til að ræna banka en ætlun þeirra fær óvæntan endi. Leikstjóri: Andrew V. McLaglen. 03.15 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 kkkk Arnarborgin (Where Eagles Dare) 1969. 08.40 kkkk Amor utanlands (A Foreign Affair) 1948. 10.35 Greifynjan Angelique (Angelique Marquise des Anges) 1964. 12.20 Saga frá Lissabon (Lisbon Story) 1994. 14.00 Amor ut- anlands. 16.00 Arnarborgin. 18.20 Greifynjan Angelique. 20.00 Saga frá Lissabon (Lisbon Story). 22.00 Úlfur í sauð- argæru (Mother, May I Sleep wlth Danger) 1996. Bönnuð börnum. 00.00 Á valdi óvinarlns (Dark Breed) 1996. Strang- lega bönnuð börnum. 02.00 Úlfur í sauðargæru. 04.00 Á valdi óvinarins (Dark Breed). U/ 'O BARNARASIN 16.00 Úr ríki náttúrunnar. 16.30 Skippí. 17.00 Róbert bangsi. 17.30 Rugrats. 18.00 Nútímalff Rikka. 18.30 Clarissa. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrir í dagl Allt efni talsett eða með fslenskum texta. Hallmark 6.00 Rags to Riches 7.20 Take Your Best Shot 9.00 Shattered Spirits 10.38 Blue Fin 12.00 Eivis Meets Nixon 13.45 Prime Suspect 15.25 In the Wrong Hands 17.00 Tears in the Rain 18.40 Father 20.15 Stronger than Blood 21.45 The Five of Me 23.25 Blue Fin 0.55 Elvis Meets Nixon 2.40 Father 4.15 In the Wrong Hands VH-1 23.00 The Friday Rock Show 1.00 Ac/dc Uncut 3.00 VH1 Late Shift 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 8.30 VH1 Upbeat 11.00 Ten of the Best: Kim Wlde 12.00 Mills’n’tunes 13.00 Jukebox 14.00 Toyah & Chase 16.00 five @ five 16.30 Pop-up Video 17.00 The Kate & Jono Show Live Marathon The Travel Channel 11.00 Secrets of India 11.30 Wet and Wld 12.00 Travel Live 12.30 Origins With Burt Wolf 13.00 The Flavours of France 13.30 Tread the Med 14.00 Of Tales and Travels 15.00 Go 2 15.30 Reel Worid 16.00 Wet and Wild 16.30 Secrets of India 17.00 Origins With Burt Wolf 17.30 On Tour 18.00 Travel Live - Stop the Week 19.00 Holiday Maker 19.30 Go 2 20.00 Dominika’s Ptanet 21.00 Tread the Med 21.30 Reel Woríd 22.00 Travel Live - Stop the Week 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 5.10 Motorcycling: Worid Championship - Australian Grand Prix in Phillip Island 6.30 Football: UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup 8.30 Motorcycling: World Championship - Australian Grand Prix in Phillip Island 9.00 Motorcycling: Worid Championship - Australian Grand Prix in Phillip Island 10.00 Motorcycling: Worid Championship - Australian Grand Prix in Phillip Island 11.00 Motorsports: International Motorsports Magazine 12.00 Football: UEFA Cup Winners' Cup 14.30 Tennis: ATP Toumament in Mallorca, Spain 16.00 Motorcyding: Worid Championship - Australian Grand Prix in Phillip Island 17.00 Tractor Pulling: ‘98 European Championships at Great Eccleston, Great Britain 18.00 Truck Sports: *98 Europa Tnx:k Trial in Alcarras, Spain 19.00 Boxing 21.00 Motorcycling: Australian Grand Prix - Pole Position Magazine 22.00 Xtrem Sports: YOZ Action - Youth Only Zone 23.00 Xtrem Sports: ‘98 X Games in San Diego, Califomia, USA 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 The Fruitties 5.00 Blinky Bill 5.30 Tabaluga 6.00 Johnny Bravo 6.15 Beetlejuice 6.30 Animaniacs 6.45 Dexter's Laboratory 7.00 Cow and Chicken 7.15 Sytvester and Tweety 7.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 8.00 CaveKids 8.30 Blinky Bill 9.00 The Magic Roundabout 9.15ThomastheTank Engine 9.30 The Fmitties 10.00 Tabaluga 10.30 A Pup Named Scooby Doo 11.00 Tom and Jerry 11.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 11.30 Road Runner 11.45 Sylvester and Tweety 12.00 Popeye 12.30 Droopy: Master Detective 13.00 Yogi’s Galaxy Goof Ups 13.30 Top Cat 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 Beetlejuice 15.00 Scooby Doo 15.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 16.00 Cow and Chicken 16.30 Animaniacs 17.00 Tom and Jerry 17.30 The Fliritstones 18.00 Batman 18.30 The Mask 19.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 19.30 Dynomutt Dog Wonder 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Flintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It’s the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30Omerand the Starchild 2.00 Blinky Bill 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00TheReal Storyof... 3.30Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 Boys Can Do Better 4.30 Go Higher: Getting into Higher Education 4.45 Teaching Today Special 5.00 BBC Worid News 5.25 Prime Weather 5.35 Wham! Bam! Strawberry Jam! 5.50 Blue Peter 6.15 The Genie From Down Under 6.50 Style Challenge 7.15 Can’t Cook, Won't Cook 7.45 Kilroy 8.30 EastEnders 9.00 Moon and Son 9.55 Change That 10.20 Style Challenge 10.45 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 11.10 Kilroy 12.00 Wildlife 12.30 EastEnders 13.00 Moon and Son 13.55 Change That 14.20 Wham! Bam! Strawberry Jam! 14.35 Blue Peter 15.00 The Genie From Down Under 15.30 Can’t Cook, Won't Cook 16.00 BBC Worid News 16.25 Prime Weather 16.30 Wildlife: Secret Nature 17.00 EastEnders 17.30 Tracks 18.00 2point4 Children 18.30 Chef 19.00 Casualty 20.00 BBC Worid News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 Later With Jools Holland 21.30 TBA 22.00 The Young Ones 22.35 The Glam Metal Detectives 23.05 Dr Who: The Talons of Weng-Chiang 23.30 Making Contact 0.00 Children First 0.30 The Academy of Waste? 1.00 Deaf-Blind Education in Russia 1.30 Glasgow 1998 - Supporting the Arts 2.00 Authority in 16th Century Europe 2.30 Changes in Rural Society: Peidmont and Sicily 3.30 The Liberation of Algebra Discovery 7.00 Rex Hunt Specials 7.30 Roadshow 8.00 Flightline 8.30 Time Travellers 9.00 Lonely Planet 10.00 Rex Hunt Specials 10.30 Roadshow 11.00 Flightline 11.30 Time Travellers 12.00 Zoo Story 12.30 The Giraffe of Etosha 13.30 Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious Universe 14.00 Lonely Planet 15.00 Rex Hunt Specials 15.30 Roadshow 16.00 Flightline 16.30 Time Travellers 17.00 Zoo Story 17.30 The Giraffe of Etosha 18.30 Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious Universe 19.00 Lonely Planet 20.00 MedicaJ Detectives 20.30 Medical Detectives 21.00 Speed Freaks 22.00 A Century of Warfare 23.00 Flightline 23.30 Roadshow 0.00 Medical Detectives 0.30 Medical Detectives 1.00 Close MTV 4.00 Kickstart 7.00 Non Stop Hits 14.00 Select MTV 16.00 Dance Floor Chart 18.00 Top Selection 19.00 MTV Data 20.00 Amour 21.00 MTVID 22.00 Party Zone O.OOTheGrind 0.30 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 9.00 News on the Hour 9.30 ABC Nightline 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY Worid News 11.00 SKY News Today 13.30 Your Call 14.00 News on the Hour 15.30 SKY Worid News 16.00 Live at Five 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 SKY Business Report 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Worid News 21.00 Prime Time 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC Worid NewsTonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Business Report 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 Week in Review 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC Worid News Tonight CNN 4.00 CNN This Moming 4.30 Insight 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Moneyline 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Worid Sport 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30Showbiz Today 8.00 Larry King 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 World News 10.30 American Edition 10.45 Worid Report - 'As They See lt' 11.00 Worid News 11.30 Earth Matters 12.00 Worid News 12.15 Asian Edition 12.30 Biz Asia 13.00 World News 13.30 CNN Newsroom 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Worid Sport 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Inside Europe 16.00 Larry King Live Replay 17.00 World News 17.45 American Edition 18.00 Worid News 18.30 Worid Business Today 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Q&A 20.00 Perspectives 21.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 21.30 Worid Sport 22.00 CNN Worid View 22.30 Moneyline Newshour 23.30 Showbiz Today 0.00 Worid News 0.15WoridNews 0.30 Q&A 1.00 Larry King Live 2.00 7 Days 2.30 Showbiz Today 3.00 Worid News 3.15 American Edition 3.30 Worid Report National Geographic 4.00 Europe Today 7.00 European Money Wheel 10.00 Tldes of war 11.00 Giants of the Bushveld 11.30 Great Bird, big business 12.00 Stalin’s arctic dis- aster 13.00 Bali: Island of artist 13.30 In the footsteps of Crusoe 14.00 Vanishing Birds of the Amazon 15.00 Looters! 16.00 Tides of War 17.00 Amazon: The gen- erous river 17.30 Silence of the sea lions 18.00 lcebound: 100 years of antartic discovery 19.00 Black Market Birds 19.30 Snakebite 20.00 An african Rainforest 21.00 The Monarch: A butterfly beyond borders 22.00 Stolen treasures of 22.30 Southem harbour 23.00 Amazon: The generous river 23.30 Silence of the sea lions 0.00 lcebound: 100 years of antartic discovery 1.00 Black Market Birds 1.30 Snakebite 2.00 An african Rainforest 3.00 The Monarch: A butterfly beyond borders TNT 5.45 The Alphabet Murders 7.30 Broadway Melody of 1940 9.15 East Side, West Side 11.15 Kim 13.15 Shoes of the Fisherman 16.00 The Alphabet Murders 18.00 Billy the Kid 20.00 WCW Nitro on TNT 22.35 WCW Thunder 0.15 Cry Terror 2.00 Blow-Up 4.00 Bridge to the Sun Animal Plantet 05.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 05.30 Jack Hanna's Zoo Life 06.00 Animals In Danger 06.30 Wild Guide 07.00 Human / Nature 08.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 08.30 Rediscovery Of The World 09.30 It's A Vet's Life 10.00 Zoo Story 10.30 Wildlife SOS 11.00 Wild Sanctuaries 11.30 Two Worlds 12.00 Animal Doctor 12.30 Australia Wild 13.00 Wildlife Rescue 13.30 Human / Nature 14.30 Zoo Story 15.00 Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures 15.30 Wildlife SOS 16.00 Absolutely Animals 16.30 Australia Wild 17.00 Kratt's Creatures 17.30 Lassie 18.00 Rediscovery Of The World 19.00 Animal Doctor 19.30 Wild At Heart 20.00 Wild Veterinarians 20.30 Emergency Vets 21.00 ESPU 21.30 Wild Dogs 22.30 Emergency Vets Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer's Guide 17.45 Chips With Everyting 19.00 Dagskrárlok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þlnn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víöa um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburöir. 18.30 Líf í Oröinu - Biblíufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburlnn - Bland- að efni frá CBN-fréttastofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náð tll þjóöanna (Possessing the Nations) meö Pat Francis. 20.30 Líf í Orðinu - Bibliufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þlnn dagur með Benny Hlnn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburðir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurtekið efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Líf í Orð- inu - Biblíufræösla með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Loflö Drottln (Praise the Lord). Blandað efni frá TBN-sjónvarpsstöðinni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. SJÓNVARPK) lsm-2 16.00 Töfravagninn.


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