

Atuagagdliutit - 28.11.1990, Side 8

Atuagagdliutit - 28.11.1990, Side 8
Aalisartut piniartullu ulluat Sisamanngorneq november 15-iat 1990 Kalaallit Nunaanni »Aalisartut Piniartullu Ulluat«-tut nalliussineqarpoq Ulloq soorunami Kalaal- lit Nunaanni tamarmi piffinni aalisartut pini- artullu peqatigiiffiinnit amerlanemit assigiinn- gitsutigut nalliussine- qarpoq. Ataatsimut isigalugu ulloq aallartippoq inuussutissar- siumminnik ilaatigut ilun- gersunartumik ingerlatsisil- lutik ajunaarsimasut eqqaa- niarlugit. Nuummi aalisar- tut piniartullu peqatigiiffi- anni ilaasortarpaaluit inger- laaqatigiipput, aammalu KNAPK’p allaffeqarfiata, Nuup kommuniata Nammi- nersornerullu allaffeqarfia- ta silataani oqalugiartoqar- poq, kingullermilu aalisar- nermut tunisassiomermul- lu naalakkersuisup Kaj Ege- dep aalisartut piniartullu ti- killuaqquai kaffisortillugit, tiitortUlugit kaagisortillu- gillu. Piffinni amerlanerpaani ullup ingerlanerani kaffil- lertoqarpoq, ilaannilu ka- laallit mamartuliaannik ne- reqatigiittoqarluni, sineris- samilu piffinni arlalinni un- nukkut qittattoqarluni. 1989-imut sanilliullugu ukioq manna piffinni arla- linni sinerissamut qanittu- mi saarullinniarneq kapisi- linniarnerlu annertuumik appariarsimavoq, allanili naammaginartumik inger- lasoqarsimalluni. Taamatut ineriartornerup soorunami uUormi oqalugiaatit aam- malu aalisartut piniartullu peqatigiiffiisa assigiinngit- sut oqaaseqaataat sunnersi- mavaat. Pingaarnerusukkut saa- rullinniarnerup kapisilinni- amerullu ajutoorsimaneri pissutigalugit illoqarfinni nunaqarfinnillu assigiinn- gitsuniit kaammattuutigi- neqarpoq puisit amiisa tara- jukkat qerititalluunniit tu- nisaalernissaat, qipoqqarni- arsinnaatitaalernissaq siun- nersuutigineqarluni, Ka- laallit Nunaanni piffiit assi- giinngitsut arfattassanik naligiinnerusumik agguaas- sivigineqartalernissaanik siunnersuuteqartoqarluni, taarsigassarsianut assi- giinngitsunut akilersugas- sanik kinguartitsivigineqar- nissaat siunnersuutigine- qarluni, politikerit inuit qi- nigaat qinnuigineqarlutik aalisartut akornanni anner- tuumik akiligassaminnik kinguaattoorsimasut paa- seqqllugit il. il. Aamma minnerunngitsu- millu KNAPK’p immikkoor- tortaqarfii imminnut pillu- aqqoqattaapput - massalu kingusinaalaaraluarluta ua- guttaaq aalisartut piniartul- lu ullorsiorsimanerannik pilluaqquagut, aammalu aaqqissuisoqarfimmiit avii- sitaavannik »Aalisaat«-mik pilluaqqullugit. Soorunalu- mi neriuutigaarput aalisar- tut piniartullu siunissami pissutsit maanna atukkat, ineriartorneq aammalu aali- sarnermik piniarnermillu ingerlatsinerup siunissaa pillugu oqalliseqataalluaru- maartut, taakkumi pissutsit qanorluunniit ikkaluarpata innuttaasut aningaasatigut isaatitsineranni inuussutis- saqarniarnerannilu maani nunatsinni pingaarnerpaa- jummata. Sisamanngorneq novemberip 15iat »aalisartut piniartullu ulloraat«. Aalisartut piniartullu kattufliata KNAPKip isumai Nuummi allagariarsualisaarutigineqarput. Thursday the 15th of November, was the »Fishermen’s and the Hunters’ Day«. In Nuuk, the views of the fishing- and hunting organisation KNAPK were made clear through a demonstration. (Photo: Knud Josefsen). i The Fishermen’s and Hunters’ Day In Greenland, thursday the 15th of November 1990, was celebrated as »The Fishermen’s and Hunters’ Day« It’s the second time that the fishermen and the hunters celebrate their day, which was establis- hed from a congress de- cision in KNAPK in 1989. The day was of course ce- lebrated in most of the local hunter and fishermen unions in Greenland in seve- ral different ways. Generally, the day was started by honoring the me- mory of those killed perfor- ming this sometimes ungra- teful profession. In Nuuk, a parade was held with parti- cipation of a lot of the local union-members, and spee- ches were held outside the KNAPK headquarters, out- side the local municipality budding and The Green- landic Homerule, where the minister of fishing and indu- stry Kaj Egede received the fishermen and the hunters with coffe, tea and cake. In most places coffeemik (coffeemik is a typical Gre- enlandic phenomenon held at joyful occasions, where guest are invited and served with coffee, tea and cake) was held for everybody along the day, some places dinners consisting of special delicacies from the Green- landic kitchen were held. In the evening, dances were held in several towns along the coast. Several locations along the coast have shown a dra- stic decrease in the Coastal cod- and salmon fishing this year, compared to 1989, ot- her locations though, have had a satisfactorary season. This development of course affected the speeches and re- marks given along the coast in the local unions. Because of the failing cod- and salmonfishing, several towns and smaller settle- ments sent out requests to start trading either saltet or frossen sealskins, proposals were made concerning allo- wing humpbagwhale hun- ting and a more fair distri- bution of the whale-quotas to the different locations along the Greenlandic coast. Requests for respite concer- ning different loans were al- so made, and proclamations to the elected politicians to show understanding concer- ning the unstable situation with many arrears among the population of fishermen etc. And at last, but certainly not least, a lot of messages of congratulations were sent among the local branches of KNAPK - and even though it’s a little late, we of the editorial staff would also li- ke to congratulate the fis- hermen and the hunters on their day, and on their new speech organ »Aalisaat«. And we of course hope that the fishermen and hunters in the future will actively participate in the debate about the present situation, the development and the fu- ture of the fishing- and hun- ting profession, which after all is the most important source of income as well as food for the population of Greenland.



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