

Atuagagdliutit - 30.12.1991, Side 3

Atuagagdliutit - 30.12.1991, Side 3
NR. 8 1991 AALISAAT/INUIT HUNTERS 3 Kalaallit naalakkatut pisinnaalluarnerupput Allattoq: Kalaaleq naalakkatut atuarnikoq (aqqa aaqqissuisoqarfimmit ilisimaneqarpoq) Siornatigut umiarsuaaqqat naalaganngortut allagartar- taarneranit. From an earlier graduation of new trawler-captains in Nuuk. Oktoberip 24-iani kuja- taata radioatigut Kaj Egede tusarparput ka- laallinik kilisaatini naa- lagassatut ilinniamiku- nik atorfissaqartitsin- ngitsoq. Tassagooq tati- ginanngimmata, oqarlu- nilu aamma ikittuinnaat piukkunn artut. Ikittuinnaat piukkunnar- tut! Qanormi paasineqar- sinnaanerpa? Imaassoraara kilisaatit GHT-iip pigisai ul- lutsinni aalisartinneqartut ikittuinnaammata taava naalakkat ikittuinnaat pisa- riaqartinneqartut. Isumaqarpunga aalisar- nermut naalakkersuisoq er- seqqissaavigeqq aartariaqa- riga makkuninnga: Siullermik: Kalaallit naa- laganngorniat atuaraanga- mik inatsisit amerlanerusut inuiannit allaniit ilinniar- tarpaat, tassa Kalaallit. Nunaanni inatsisit sania- tigullu nunat tamakkerlugit atuuttussaatitaasut inatsi- sit. Inatsisartullu ataatsi- miinnerisa nalaanni Kaj Egede-p ilaatigut oqaatigaa naalakkat naatsorsuuseri- nermut pikkorissuusaria- qartut. Kaj Egede-mut paaseqqu- galuaqaara naalagassatut atuarnermi sumiluunniit atuaraanni fag-i taanna naatsorsuuserineq ilaasan- ngitsoq. »Naalakkat tatiginartut pikkorissut«, Kaj Egede, tassaanerpat maannaltkut naalagaatitaasut savalim- miormiut ingammik GHT- mi? Tassami avataani aali- sartilluta tusartuartaratsi- git imminnut oqaluuttut. On the 24th of October, it was heard over Sout- hern Greenland’s regio- nal radio, that Kfy Egede had made a statement, saying that there was no need for Greenlandic captains aboard traw- lers. The reason given that the captains were unqualified. He also sta- ted that only a few were suitable. Only a few captains suita- ble? How is that to be inter- preted? It is my understan- ding that there are but a few trawlers owned by GHT, and that is the reason for the lack of captains needed. Tamakkulu aamma aalisa- qatigisarlugit, oqaloqatigi- samerisigullu paasisarlugit ullormut pisarisartagaat ikinneroqisut, naak aalisar- fipput ataasiinnaagaluar- toq. Savalimmiormiullu Kaj Egede-p kalaallinit pikko- rinnerarneragai pillugit as- sersuutinnguamik imaattu- mik oqaluttualaassaanga: Novemberi qiteqquttoq Sisimiut avataaniitilluta GHT-iip kilisaataataasa ti- kippaatigut, siullermik ataatsip, ullorlu naanngit- soq ilai takkullutik. Taanna siulleq takkuttoq keermiaa- siit savalimmiormiumik naalagalik, »tatiginartumik pikkorissumillu«! Pikkoris- susiatalu aajuna oqaluttu- assartaa: Sikuusamiippugut puu- gutaasaaralimmi, kisiat uat- sinnut kalaallinut akornu- taanngitsunik, taakku siul- lermeerlutik kalikkamik nassipput, nassigamillu wi- re-t paarlattoortillugit amoornerinilu ajortivillugit, paarlattooqqanerisalu peer- niarnerini qalut puttallartil- lugit, qaqikkamikkilu qalut sikunik ulikkaarlugit, ta- massumalu kingornatigut naalagaqatini oqaluukkaa tusarnaarpara. Issuaaneq: »Qanoq ilillu- ta orsissanerpugut taama si- koqartigisoq kisianni Sisi- miuliarluta orserluta«. Ta- makkumi aamma avataani orsertarmata. Aappaata inerterlugu unitseqqarpaa oqaluullugu puugutaasat akornutaan- ngimmata, oqarpormi: »Pisariaqanngilaq, Sisi- miuliarasi maani orsissaasi I think there is a point that needs to be made to the governmental representati- ves of the fishing industry. The Greenlandic students attending school to become captains, learn more of the laws pertaining to trawling than any other students of any nationality. They learn the Greenlandic laws, and also the laws that apply to all countries. At the parlaiment’s Au- tumn gathering, Kaj Egede was also quoted in saying that the captains should ha- ve a greater financial know- ledge. I think that Kaj Egede should be made aware of the taava orsiisup tulaffigissa- vaasi«. Taamaaliorpullumi, ingerlaannarlu orserneqar- lutik, soorunami puugutaa- sat mikinerpaannguamil- luunniit akornutigineqan- ngillat. Tassa tamakkuu- nerlutik Kaj Egede-p taasa- gai »pikkorissut akisussaas- susermik tigumminnilluar- tut naatsorsuuserilluarsin- naasut«. Kiisalu kikkut tamarmik nalunngilaat taamanikkut GHT-iip kilisaassuisa ilaat Elias Kleist Qassimiut eq- qaanni kivillarmattassanilu naalagaavoq savalimmior- mioq. Uagulli paasitinne- qarnerput tunngavigalugu taamanikkut aquttarfim- miittoq aquttua aamma sa- valimmiormioq taartissima- voq kilisaallu qeqertamut aportissimallugu. Tupinnaqaaq taamak nakkutigineqanngitsigisu- mik pisortat kilisaataataan- ni aquttunngortitsisoqar- tarsimassappat - tassami ki- naluunniit taartissinnaa- nermik nappaateqaruni kili- saammi aquttooqqusaan- ngilaq! Naggataatigulli Kaj Ege- de kaammattorusuppara kalaalht kilisaatini naalak- kat savalimmiormiunut sa- nilliullugit qanoq aalisar- nikkut pikkoritsigineri mis- issuataaqqullugit kilisaatit immersortagaat Kalaallit Nunaanni Aalisarnermik Akuersissutinik Nakkutillii- soqarlimmut KANUAA- NA-mut nassiunneqartar- tut tunngavigalugit. Kilisaatimmi tikinnerit tamaasa nalunaaqqusaap- put inuttat kikkut inuttari- fact that students, no mat- ter where they are educated, wouldn’t have any classes in fmancing. »Captains that are trust- worthy, and do their jobs well.« said Kaj Egede. Is that implying the Faroese skippers aboard the GHT trawlers today? It is not unusual that we hear them talking over the ship’s radio, when we are out at the fis- hing banks. At times we fish the same waters as them. Through some of the con- versations we’ve heard, I understand that they have lower catches daily than us, simanerlugit, qanoq sivisu- tigisumik angalasimanerlu- tik qanorlu pisaqartigisima- nerlutik. Tamakku tamar- mik Nuummut nassiunne- qartarput, tamarmillu imaasiallaannaq Kaj Ege- de-p takusinnaavai. Neriuppunga tamakku al- laaserineqartut qisuariarfi- gineqarumaartut Kaj Ege- de-mit allaniillu. Nammineq kalaaliuvunga naalakkatut allagartalik GHT-mit atorfissaqartinne- qanngitsoq. Kiisalu naalakkersuinik- kut akisussaasup taamak kalallinut qinersisartumi- nut mitallernera kusanan- ngilluinnarpoq kajumissaa - taanngilluinnarlunilu - im- maqaana nammineq savaa- tilinnut siunnersortaasima- nini tunngavigalugu sava- limmiormiut tatiginarneru- sutut isigisimagai. Qanoruna kalaallit ilillu- git ilinniartinneqartariaqar- tut naalagassatut piukkun- narsarlugit? Amerlaner- paartaasa imarsiorneq mee- raanerminiit misilittagaqar- figereertarpaat taamaattu- millu imarsiortutut piuk- kunnaateqarluartuullutik. Kiisalu kalaalht pisaria- qartinneqarmatamik oqar- lutik ilinniaqqoriarlugit, ilinniarteriarlugit, al lagar- tartaarteriarlugit taava oqarfigalugit »atorfissaqar- tinneqanngilasi piukkun- naateqannginnassi«. Aali kalaahit taamatut so- raarummeeruteqareersima- sut suhluunniit qanoq pik- koritsigineri aammalu tati- ginartigineri takunagit! even if we are in the same area. Let me relate a httle inci- dent regarding the Faroese captains that Kaj Egede thinks so favorable of: About the middle of No- vember, we were heading to- wards Sisimiut to trawl. At first there was but one other trawler, but as the day wore on, more trawlers caine. The first trawler had a Faroese captain, »One that was trustworthy, and did his job well.« The proof of his capa- bility is shown here; We we- re in an area where there was a plate of ice over parts of the water. It didn’t cause any problems for the Green- landic captains. But when the Faroese captain put out his trawl, it became caught on the sea’s bottom. The wi- res tangled themselves, and it was very hard for the crew to bring the line in. It beca- me more of a disaster when the net was brought up to the surface and on deck, the ice plate was in it. I overhe- ard the conversation betwe- en the captain and his Faro- ese colleage: Quo te, »How are we going to gas up? We will have to go to Sisimiut for more.« It is possible to refuel out on the sea. His colleage convinced him that the ice wouldn’t become a problem, and that it wouldn’t be necessary to go on to Sisimiut, by saying, »We don’t have to go on, we can remain here. The tan- kership can simply pull alongside ofyou.« So that is what they did. The ice wasn’t a problem. This is ob- viously a fine example of those »good, responsible captains, with great financi- al knowledge«, that are spo- ken so highly of by Kaj Ege- de. Also the wreck by Elias Kleist at Qassimiut is widely known. The captain in this incident was also Faroese. The information we know, the night watchman, also Faroese, had a disease which results in occasional fainting. As a result of this disease, he suddenly fainted, resulting in the trawler sai- ling in to an island. It is completely unbelieva- ble to me, the lack of know- ledge on the state of whom the directors hire as their captains. It shouldn’t be possible to employ a captain who suffers from a disease that causes him to faint. I only want Kaj Egede to do- cument that the Greenland- ic captains are better qualifi- ed than the Faroese, on the background of the crew list, or other schedules, such as the ones that any trawler sends to »The Greenlandic Fishing and license Control in Nuuk«, at each arrival, every trawler is instructed to give a crew list, and infor- mation regarding how long the trip has been, and the amount of the catch. All of this information is available to Kaj Egede at GFLK. It is my hope that this let- ter will convince Kaj Egede, or others, to give an answer. I, myself, am educated as a captain. I am Greenlandic, and I was one of the captains that wasn’t needed by GHT. It is also wrong that Kaj Egede is always making complaints about his elec- tors. He was once a consula- te for shepards, maybe that is the reason why he thinks that the Faroeses are more trustworthy. How is it that Greenlan- ders should be taught how to be more dependable as captains when most of them have been out on the sea from the time they were children? They have a natu- ral background, also a great knowledge as sailors. This is the reason why they are so appropriate for this job. It is said that there is a great need for educated Gre- enlandic people in a large va- riety of jobs, which is why there is such a push for edu- cation. But after they finish their education, and receive their diploma, they are told, »We don’t need you, because you are unqualified«. They say this, without ha- ving tested the Greenlan- der’s knowledge, without even knowing how good, and trustworthy they really are. Greenlandic ship captains are the hest qualified (Written by af Greenlandic ship captain, who wants to be anonymous)



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