

Ægir - 01.05.1982, Blaðsíða 68

Ægir - 01.05.1982, Blaðsíða 68
“Have you heard that Nor- Fishing’82 will attract more than 20,000 specia- lists from all over the world tothefisheries fairin Trondheim?" BAITNO. 1 Around 200 exhibitors at thefishing industry’s international trade fair is no mean bait. Moreover, they represent more than 400 manufacturers from over 20 countries. No wonder that those who are in the swim will find'their way toTrondheim between 9 and 15 August this year. BAITN0.2 Nor-Fishing ’82 is the 9th international fisheries fair to be held in Norway - and it is regarded as one of the world’s leaders of its kind. In the course of 7 days you will meat representatives of many of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of products for tne fishing industry. You will beabletodiscussfishing vessels.and equipment, fishing gear, machinery and electronic instruments. Equipment for fish processing, trans- port and packaging. Supplies... BAITN0.3 Trondheim’s well known Nidaro Hall will be transformed into a fisheries showcase. In a colour- ful environment we have created the natural mee- ting place for specialists from the world’s fishery nations. You will also have the opportunity of taking part in our seminars on 11 and 12 August, dealing with the themes “Extended economic zones” and “Fishing intothe 1990s” (Simultaneoustranslation Nor- wegian/English.) The entrance fee is NOK 30,- per Pers°otfer ever, as a courtesy to our foreign guests, we you free admission to Nor-Fishing ’82. ion Use the coupon below, and your admis= cards will arrive in a few days! ■ gr We also have a visitor’s brochure and sem'1 0f programme giving full details of the fair- > r course. Fill inthecoupon and mail itto.4^ietry0^ Organizers:The Royal Norwegian Mm^,. íj0n Fisheries/Directorate of Fisheries, in coope with The Norwegian Fair Organization. Opening times: Weekdays 11 a.m.—6 p m- Saturday 10 a.m.—6 pm- Sunday 1 p.m,—6 p.m. i □ Please send me the visitor’s brochure and s programmefor Nor-Fishing’82. fnrN°r' □ Pleasesend me____________admission cards to Fishing ’82. NORGES VAREMESSE The Norwegian Fair Organization P.O. Box 130 Skoyen, Oslo 2, Norway Telephone: 02/55 37 90 Telex: 18748 messe n Name:_ Company:_ Address:_ Post code:_ Country:. L_ Mail the coupon to Nor-Fishing’82 ->Nof^'J NorgesVaremesse, P.O. Box 13OSk0yen,Oslo^^^--- “Yes. They must fiave some pretty good bait!”
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