Árdís - 01.01.1953, Page 87

Árdís - 01.01.1953, Page 87
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 85 October all schools in the interlake area, were visited, with the exception of one. Until the secretaries visited these schools, there had been practically nothing done regarding the teaching of the new manual. Secondly we have established a closer relationship with A.S.M. School. It is designed to meet the needs of teachers, Social workers, etc., and what it lacks in extent, it makes up in quality. The Gov- ernment gave them a grant of $5,000.00 this year. We have asked our secretaries to recommend this A.S.M. School wherever they can. Thirdly; for the past three years we have sent a lecturer to the Gimli Teachers Summer Camp, the lecturers being; lst year Rever- end D. B. Johnson 2nd Miss Elsie Wright of Edmonton and this year Mr. I. A. Floyde of Sanford. Whether it will be necessary for this to be continued, we do not know, now that the Manual is in the hands of the teachers. It may come about—that this will be dealt with in the Normal Schools. In closing, Mr. Johnson expressed appreciation for the manner in which he had been assisted during the past two years. When he accepted the presidency the Board members pledged their support, and that promise of two years ago has been fulfilled. I mentioned that Judge Hamilton had been one of the speakers at our convention. Here I want to quote a few of his remarks on “Temperance and Crime.” He gave statistics such as the cost of penitentiaries, and the number of convictions in Canada last year. Is the problem getting worse or better. In ten years convictions have doubled. The cost in dollars, and crime is difficult to compute. Judge Hamilton then gave us the case history of six individuals who came before him that day. He suggested that we get the facts, and let us realize that education is not enough “The anchor of religion gives purpose to education, together, religion and informa- tion would free all young people of the danger of warped or ruined lives through liquor.” A late issue of the New Liberty was shown to the audience. This Magazine which has the largest circulation in Canada, contained 32 liquor advertisements. He closed his address with the request that we be total abstainers ourselves, be an in- dividual witness to What we know, not—only silent witness, but a living witness. Our new president is Rev. M. R. McLuhan minister of the Deer Lodge United Church, for the past four years. He has the largest
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