Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2008, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2008, Blaðsíða 8
8 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 14—2008 INTERVIEW BY DeSIRee AnDRewS What was your reaction when you were asked to come to Iceland to speak at Driving Sustainability? I was psyched. You know, Iceland’s got a reputa- tion for a lot of renewable energy, which is the missing link on electric cars. I’ve always wanted to come to Iceland, so this was a big opportunity, and then I saw the program and it looked like they’d put together a tremendous group of Euro- pean, Icelandic and American expertise on these issues. It sounds like a great conference. What does it take to make alternative trans- portation work? The three secret ingredients are battery technolo- gy, renewable electricity, motivated consumers— well, I just said three and I’m already up to four— and wise government leadership. Just looking at the conference, those elements all seem to be in place. Over 90% of Iceland’s electricity comes from renewable energy so it makes sense for the country to go electric in terms of transporta- tion. Do you think it makes as much sense for the rest of the world? Absolutely. I mean there’s no one transportation solution for everything you need to do, but for pure electric, for any place where you have 100 miles or less in a day of driving, which is really almost every urban area and every place where the daily commute of people is 60 miles or less, it’s just perfect. That is a gigantic percentage of transportation. In addition to coming to Iceland to speak at Driving Sustainability, you’re also coming to film your sequel to Who Killed the Electric Car? We’re calling it a new film. The last film was sort of a case study about why it’s so difficult to cre- ate change. Especially when you’re up against entrenched interest like petroleum and the auto industry and consumer habits. It’s just difficult for people to say: “Oh am I going to start plugging my car in? Am I going to stop going the gas station? What does that mean?” These are difficult hurdles and industry doesn’t want to change the way peo- ple make money so you’re threatening industry: “I don’t want to give up my oil revenues,” or “don’t let the utilities take over,” So, the movie was about why it’s so difficult to change. Now that oil prices have gone up so much even Americans are dialling into global warm- ing. A huge renaissance is hap- pening with electric drives for cars. That’s why were calling the next film The Revenge of the Electric Car—the coming back from the dead, as it were. Who killed the electric car seemed to provoke a sense of outrage and foul play. Do you think this film will be more optimistic or are you finding things that are just as daunting that stand in the way of moving forward on renewable energy in trans- portation? It’s much more optimistic. It’s about people saying to hell with it we’re just going to do it. We’ll do it with or without industry. If industry is not go- ing to get onboard we’ll do it anyway. It’s about making a better future come hell or high water and to do it smartly. We want to make sure that electric transportation does not end up building coal plants every- where, which really isn’t a lot better than making gasoline. What do you hope to find when you come to Iceland/ Driving Sustainability when it comes to content for your film or the future of renewable energy in general? I want to look at your geothermal plant. I want to talk to ordinarily folks, Icelanders, about their attitude about their cars. I know a lot of people drive Range Rovers and trucks and sort of manly- men-cars that go from place to place and I’m very much interested in the projection that cars have. Men want tough cars because they radiate a lot of power and women are attracted to that. I think there’s a lot of primal stuff in cars. I’m interested in what the general population has to say about their willingness to embrace either smaller cars or bigger cars that use electricity. I’m interested to see what the balance is on hydro- gen. I’m very sceptical about hydrogen fuel cells. I know there’s been a hydrogen push in Iceland and I want to sort of investigate what the reality is on hydrogen versus batteries. I fear that the world has been severely misled about hydrogen fuel cells for cars and that this is a stalling strategy, a very ex- pensive stalling strategy, and batteries are ready to go today for short trips. Is Ice- land buying the hydrogen hype and if so who’s pushing it? Why is the push for hydro- gen a stalling strategy? What is it stalling for? I think there’s a lot of people in hydrogen that have very good intentions and it’s certainly a beautiful vision for transpor- tation in 100 years. But, the problem is there’s only so many dollars for alternative transpor- tation because new technology is expensive and batteries can do it now. Initially, the oil com- panies were pushing hydrogen because they want to control electricity as a fuel. Hydrogen is basically electricity as a fuel so they get to keep playing the game. They get to ship the hy- drogen around in their trucks, but the problem is that it’s very inefficient and very energy in- tensive way to do it. We don’t need the fuel companies ship- ping hydrogen. We already have the infrastructure for electricity and when we use batteries and existing electrical infrastruc- ture, we don’t need the oil com- panies. We can do it ourselves and at a big savings. If the oil companies have convinced Ice- land that they want hydrogen, I think that Iceland will lose more time in efficiently getting off oil. It’s good that hydrogen is an option it just shouldn’t be on the front burner. It should be on the back burner. What should be on the front burner are plug-in hybrids and plug-in electrics, in my view. Do you think a small country like Iceland can be a role model for the rest of the world? Of course, Iceland can definitely be a role model. I think it already is and that’s why I’m looking for- ward to coming, to see how that role model plays out. Chris Paine is the director of the acclaimed 2006 film Who Killed the Electric Car, a documentary about the decline of a technology that seems to be making a come- back in Iceland. He will be coming to Reykjavik to speak at Driving Sustainability, an international conference about alternative energy sources in transportation. In addition to screening his hit film, he will also be speaking at the conference and getting footage for his upcoming documentary The Revenge of the Electric Car. We gave him a call in his Los Angeles studio to find out what we can expect. It’s Electric Chris Paine talks about the future of energy alternatives for cars in Iceland and his new film. those electric cars sure look complicated ARTIClE The second conference of its kind, Driving Sustainability will bring together some of the most high level and powerful minds in science and technology from around the world. They’re meeting in Reykjavík to confront the serious and immediate international issues of depleting fossil fuels and the future of transportation. The three-day summit will offer seminars on groundbreaking tools that will jet us forward into the dawn of a green day, and you’re invited. Iceland is the ideal place to hold this summit, not only because it holds a treasure trove of renewable energy but, as managing partner Teitur Þorkelsson says, “Icelanders are early adapters and we love technology.” If you think it’s going to be boring, think again. There will be high-tech innovations that would make James Bond jealous, speakers who are out of this world, and a glimpse into a sustainably bright tomorrow. The star-studded list of attractions include an opening address from Iceland’s President, a look at plans for a solar powered plane that can fly around the globe, and a visit from the man behind the fastest electric motorcycle on the planet. THAT MAGNIfICENT MAN AND HIS flYING MACHINE Bertrand Piccard, world famous astronaut and the first man to ever circumnavigate the world in a hot air balloon, is scheduled to be the first keynote speaker. He will discuss Solar Impulse, a project that is underway to build a plane that is propelled by solar energy and can stay in the air for days at a time while producing no pollution. ENTER, THE KIllACYClE If you think of dinky golf carts and powerless compacts when you think of electric vehicles, Bill Dubé, creator of the world’s fastest electric motor cycle, has a surprise for you. No one, from the speed junkies to the mechanically curious, will want to miss Bill’s design of high-performance electric vehicles. And while there has been no confirmation, the Killacycle itself might make special appearance on the only drag strip in Iceland. INVASION Of THE ElECTRIC CARS Director of the blockbuster documentary Who Killed the Electric Car, Chris Paine, will share his talent of taking titbits of news and turning them into stories people actually care about. “We made that first movie a murder mystery and for this next film we’re going to try and make a monster movie. I’ll talk a little bit about keeping things fun because if the environment and going green is a drag, people can tune out.” Start Your Engines BY DeSIRee AnDRewS CHRIS PAINE “Who killed the electric car” premiered at Sundance Film Festival in 2006 and was later distributed worldwide by Sony Pictures Classic. His other film credits include: Faster, executive producer 2003 No maps for these ter- ritories, executive producer 2001 He has also directed seg- ments for the MTV television series BuZZ and online con- tent for apple computer. In addition to his work in media, he is also an entrepre- neur, environmentalist and an activist. He will be screening “Who killed the electric car” at Driving Sustainability Satur- day 20, followed by a Q&A. Check for time. Iceland is going green and there’s no looking back. WHEN 18, 19, and 20 September WHERE Hilton Reykjavík Nordica Suðurlandsbraut 2 108 Reykjavík HIGHlIGHTS Thursday 18, September 9:05 Opening Address from Olafur Ragnar Grimsson 9:50 Bertrand Piccard 14:00 Bill Dubé friday 19, September 9:15 Ted Miller, Senior Manager at Ford Motor Company 12:15 Sven Thesen, Director of A Better Place Saturday 20, September Screening of Who Killed the Electric Car followed by Q&A with Chris Paine For a full schedule check out


Reykjavík Grapevine

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