Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2008, Blaðsíða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2008, Blaðsíða 20
20 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 14—2008 CONCERT REVIEW BY oDDuR STuRLuSon — pHoTo BY gASCD REVIEWS Having high expectations is an almost sure-fire way to be let down and when I entered Rúbín for the Sebastien Tellier concert my expectations were sky-high. When I first heard his newest al- bum, Sexuality, it awoke in me a strong, inexplica- ble urge to visit a shady café, find a scrumptious young au-pair and invite her back to my house for a grimey party for two (unfortunately for me Re- ykjavík is sadly lacking in savoury young nannies who frequent dubious establishments waiting for bored young men to woo them). The album left me with a strong sense of excitement and optimism for the upcoming concert. I was not let down. Warming up was Óttar Proppé, dj-ing some slow tunes. The atmosphere was very peculiar by Icelandic standards. People were rather orderly, only moderately drunk and romance lay in the air like a heavy smog over the room. I was surroun- ded on all sides by couples who switched bet- ween cradling each other and tongue wrestling. Although such nauseating displays of affection usually bring forth a pessimistic bitterness in me, they became bearable if not downright romantic after Tellier came on stage. Smoking and drinking on stage and telling jokes between songs with that irresistible French accent of his, he had the crowd hanging on to his every word. “Zee next song is about love, ovcoorse, betwean mahn and… rho- bot”. Honestly, could this man be any cooler? Sho- ving the microphone into his underwear and then licking it furiously, slowly unbuttoning his pants and letting the crow caress him. Under any other circumstances people would avoid middle-aged, bearded men caressing themselves in public. But this was special. Magical even. This was Sébas- tien Tellier. Sébastien and his band of über-hip Franks played together beautifully and gave the crowd exactly what they wanted. Calm yet danceable, grimey while at the same time sophisticated, Te- llier is not just another Daft Punk wannabe but rather a worthy heir, taking Parisian electro in a new, erotic direction. Tellier: The French Eargasm FreNch sex sYmBol seBastiaN tellier WHO Sebastian Tellier WHERE Rúbín WHEN Thursday, August 28 THE VERDICT Paris electro returns in a sexy manner This record is preceded by its reputation. Before it was even released, British Kerrang selected “As we Sleep” as one of the 50 must-have al- bums in 2008. And the sound of the four young guys is actually catch- ing. While settled somewhere between the epic gravity of bands like ISIS and the fragility of Sigur Rós, We Made God manage to establish their own sound, which is primarily characterized by their wide, me- lodic guitars and Maggi’s eclectic vocals. I also like their powerful drums, though they sound a little artificial on this record. That “As we sleep” is not in my personal Top 50 list is owed to fact that the songs sometimes still sound slightly awkward, including small instrumental misplays. This does not destroy the album, which is quite good, and shows the promise of this young band. But for a perfect record We Made God will need some more grinding. After having just released At the Borders of Arcadia in May, which generated all around good reviews, Reykjavík's Celestine already serve the follow-up. Like the forerunner, they present sludgy Metal- core – in the vein of Coalesce, early Converge or ISIS – as hard-hitting and heavy as being run over by the bus. What makes Celestine re- ally outstanding is their ability to intersperse subtle melodies, thus keeping their monotonously pounding songs from getting boring. The same is true for the two voices that bring variety in the otherwise quite monosonic (though perfectly fitting) singing. The only thing that keeps “This Home Will Become our Grave” behind its predeces- sor is the quite flat recording. Apart from that, this is a fiery and dis- turbing 30-minute trip into the dark. The perfect nihilistic soundtrack to wreck your place to: Who Cares Anyway? WE MadE God As we sleep CElESTinE This Home Will be Our Grave RevIeweD BY FLoRIAn ZüHLKe RevIeweD BY FLoRIAn ZüHLKe SURTSEY – GENESIS Multimedia exhibition on a new volcanic island MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS – EDDAS AND SAGAS The ancient vellums on display THE LATE VIEW Halldór Laxness’ private photographs A uð ur , G ljú fr as te in n. P ho to : H al ld ór L ax ne ss , 1 95 5 © H al ld ór L ax ne ss ’ F am ily EXHIBITIONS - GUIDED TOURS CAFETERIA - CULTURE SHOP The Culture House – Þjóðmenningarhúsið National Centre for Cultural Heritage Hverfi sgata 15 · 101 Reykjavík (City Centre) Tel: 545 1400 · Open daily between 11 am and 5 pm Free guided tour of THE MEDIEVAL MANU SCRIPTS exhibition Mondays and Fridays at 3:30 pm. THE VERDICT This record shows the talent of this young band - but it also reveals its deficits. lISTEN & BuY wemadegod THE VERDICT Half an hour of really bad tempered sludgecore. lISTEN & BuY celestinemusic


Reykjavík Grapevine

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