Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2008, Blaðsíða 35

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2008, Blaðsíða 35
Art | Venue finder 101 Gallery Hverfisgata 18A | F6 Thu–Sat 14–17 and by appointment www.101hotel. is/101hotel/101gallery/ Located in the 101 Hotel, features a broad selection of international and local contemporary art. Artótek Tryggvagata 15 | D5 Mon 10–21, Tue–Thu 10–19, Fri 11–19, Sat and Sun 13–17 Islenska/Artotek An Icelandic art exhibition space and art dealer. Pieces are available for purchase or lease. ASÍ Art Museum Freyugata 41 | G10 Tue–Sun 13–17 Run by the ASÍ labour union, features mostly contemporary Icelan- dic art. Free entry. Árbæjarsafn Kistuhylur 4 An open-air museum featuring arts-and- crafts fairs and exhibi- tions in the summer. The Culture House Hverfisgata 15 | F6 Open daily 11–17 A Museum of Icelandic cultural history, with an ongoing exhibition of the original manu- scripts of the sagas and eddas. Dwarf Gallery Grundarstígur 21 | H8 Opening Hours: Fri and Sat 18–20 An independently run basement Gallery, Gallery Dwarf hosts exhibitions which speak straight to the hearts of the “cute” generation. The Einar Jónsson Museum Eiriksgata | G9 Tue–Sun 14–17 Features a permanent exhibition on the sculptor Einar Jónsson as well as temporary exhibits. Fótógrafí Skólavörðustígur 4a | F7 Features photographic exhibitions by local photographers. Gallery 100° Bæjarháls 1 lery100/ Open weekdays from 08:30–16:00 An art museum run by the Orkuveita Reykjavíkur energy corporation. Features contemporary art by Icelandic and foreign artists. Gallery Auga fyrir Auga Hverfisgata 35 | G7 Independently run art museum featuring Icelandic art. Gallery StartArt Laugavegur 12B | G7 Tue–Sat 1–17 Contemporary Icelandic and foreign art. Admission is free and the gallery is run without any govern- ment funding. Gallery Ágúst Baldursgata 12 | F9 Wed–Sat 12–17 Gallerí Ágúst is a contemporary art gallery in the centre of Reykjavík. With an ambitious programme of exhibitions, it also presents and sells art- work of Icelandic and international artists. Gallery Fold Rauðarástígur 14-16 | J9 Mon–Fri 10–18 / Sat 11–16 / Sun 14–16 More of an art auction than just a gallery, Fold also evaluates and exhibits art. Gallery Ibiza Bunker Þingholtsstræti 31 | F7 Open Fridays 17-20 ibizabunker This gallery is actually a project by one of Hitt Húsið’s creative sum- mer groups. Art by the young folks, for the young folks. Gallery Kling & Bang Laugavegur 23 | G7 Thurs–Sun from 14–18 Exhibits upcoming and established contemporary artists as well as hosting screenings, lectures and performances. Gallery Turpentine Ingólfstræti 5 | F7 Tue–Fri 12–18 / Sat 11–16 Houses a collection of Icelandic contempo- rary artwork as well as works from old Icelandic masters both for display and sale. Gel Gallery Hverfisgata 37 | H7 Mon–Fri 13–18 / Sat 11–16 / Sun 14–16 gallerigel Both an art gallery and a barber shop. Way cool. Gerðuberg Cultural Centre Gerðuberg 3-5 Mon–Thu 11–17 / Wed 11–21 / Thu–Fri 11–17 / Sat–Sun 13–16 Located in Breiðholt, the Gerðuberg cultural centre hosts both exhi- bitions and events. Hitt Húsið – Gallery Tukt Pósthússtræti 3-5 | E6 Initially thought of as a hobby centre to keep the youth from drinking, Hitt húsið is still operational and organises events as well as hosting art exhibitions in their Gal- lery – Gallery Tukt. i8 Gallery Klapparstígur 33 | G7 Tue–Fri 11–17 / Sat 13–17 and by appoint- ment. Represents work by an eclectic mix of Icelan- dic and international contemporary artists. Living Art Museum Vatnsstígur 3 – G7 Wed, Fri–Sun 13–17 / Thu 13–22. A non-profit gallery that organises 8–10 larger exhibitions every year as well as other cultural events. Lost Horse Gallery Skólastræti 1 | F6 Weekends from 13–19 and by appointment on weekdays. Located in a renovated stable off Laugavegur, features work by local artists. The National Film Archive Hvaleyrarbraut 13 The National Film Archive of Iceland screens old movie classics and master- pieces twice a week for 500 ISK per ticket. The National Gallery of Iceland Fríkirkjuvegur 7 | E8 Tue–Sun 11–17 Houses the national art collection and is the centre of research and documentation of Icelandic art. The National Museum Suðurgata 41 | C9 Open daily 10–17 Established in 1863, this museum features exhibits on Icelandic cultural heritage. The Nordic House Sturlugata 5 | C11 Tue–Sun 12–17 Explores and promotes Scandinavian culture with regular lectures, films and exhibitions. The Numismatic Museum Einholt 4 | K9 Open Mon–Fri 13:30–15:30. Presents a cultural his- tory of Iceland through analysis of collected coins, medals and books. Reykjavík 871+/-2 Aðalstræti 17 | D6 Open daily 10–17 Museum on the founding of Reykjavík. Located in the oldest house in the city. Tours in English on Mondays and Saturdays at 14.00 Reykjavík Art Gallery Skúlagata 28 | H6 Tuesday through Sunday 14–18 The city’s public art gallery features works by Icelandic artists. Reykjavík Art Museum Open daily 10–16 www.listasafnreykja- Ásmundur Sveinsson Sculpture Museum Sigtún Hafnarhús Tryggvagata 17 | E5 Kjarvalsstaðir Flókagata | K11 Specialising in contemporary art by local and international artists. Free entrance. Reykjavík City Theatre Listabraut 3 Presenting Icelandic music and dance performances as well as dramatic theatre, produces six new shows each year. Reykjavík Maritime Museum Grandagarður 8 | C3 With a fishing trawler- turned-exhibit space, educates on the maritime and fishing traditions of Iceland. Reykjavík Museum of Photography Tryggvagata 16 | D5 Weekdays 12–19 / Sat–Sun 13–17 www.ljosmyndasafn- Features work by local and international photographers, as well as an archive on the history of photography. Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum Laugarnestangi 70 Features a permanent exhibition of sculptor Sigurjón Ólafsson’s works. B4 | The Reykjavík Grapevine | Issue 14 2008 Listings B5 | The Reykjavík Grapevine | Issue 14 2008 Listings Rósenberg 22:00 Band Túbilakar, a folk duet from Húsavík, in concert Sólon 23:00 Downstairs: Party. Upstairs: Dance Vegamót 23:00 DJ Dóri sundaY sept 21 B5 Sunday Chillout. Live jazz music. Prikið Hang-Over Cinema. Popcorn and Coke available Rósenberg Andrea Glyfa and Eddi Lár play the blues mondaY sept 22 Sólon Salsa Night Rósenberg Traditional jazz performance by Gummi P. and Einar Scheving WednesdaY sept 24 Café Cultura 21:00 Rock band Wulfgang in Concert. 22:00 DJ Frosti Gringo Kaffitár Tango Milonga Rósenberg 21:00 Jóhann Kristinsson album release concert tHursdaY sept 25 B5 22:00 DJ Símon Café Cultura 22:00 Beatmaking Troopa & Pan Hressó 21:00 Live Music Óliver 22:00 DJ Schram Prikið 22:00 DJ Moonshine Rósenberg 21:00 Django Jazz band Krummafótur in Concert Q-Bar 22:00 Girls Night Out. DJ Yamaho Sólon 22:00 Troubadour on 2nd floor Vegamót 22:00 DJ Benni B-Ruff Art 101 Gallery Aug 22 – Oct 5 ZEÐRIK - Instalments by Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir ASÍ Art Museum Aug 30 – Sept 21 Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir exhibits various pieces all linked to time and space. You can find drawings on paper, wood sculptures as well as photos. Sept 27- Oct 19 Haraldur Jónsson – Myrkurlampi The Culture House Permanent exhibitions: Medieval Manuscripts; The Library Room. Current exhibitions: Surtsey – Genesis The exhibition traces the emergence and evolution of the island Surtsey until the present day and predicts its geographical and ecological development over the next 120 years. From Beyond the Oceans – Translations and original writings by Helgi Hálfdanarson The thematic exhibition currently on view in the Library Room is dedicated to Helgi Hálfdanarson’s translations and original writings. The Late View – Halldór Laxness’ Photographs Nobel Laureate and cosmopolitan Halldór Laxness was better known for his writing but also proved to be a good photographer. This is an exhibition of his works. Exhibition Series Ásta Ólafsdóttir displays her artwork at the Culture Shop. The Einar Jónsson Museum Permanent exhibition: The work of sculptor Einar Jónsson. Gallery StartArt Aug 28 – Sept 24 Six solo exhibitions by Anna Eyjólfsdóttir, Magnús Pálsson, Magnea Ásmundsdóttir, Ásdís Spano, Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir, Didda Hjartadóttir Leaman as well as START ART artists. Gallery Ágúst Aug 16 – Sept 27 Exhibition by Katrín Elvarsdóttir Gallery Fold Current exhibition: Gallery Fold’s summer exhibition. Paintings by Ásgrímur Jónsson, Jón Stefánsson, Jóhannes S. Kjarval, Finnur Jónsson, Þorvaldur Skúlason, Jóhann Briem and Nína Tryggvadótti Gallery Kling & Bang Sept 9 – Sept 28 The Orange Fire that you showed me in Hljómskálagarðurinn Exhibition by Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir Gallery Turpentine Current Exhibition: Paintings by Stórval Gerðuberg Cultural Centre Sept 12 – Nov 2 Mola. An exhibition of knitting art by Colombian Indian tribe Cuna. Sept 21 – Nov 2 Video Art exhibition. Living Art Museum Aug 16 – Sept 29 Tillit – rúcksicht – regards Exhibition by Hlynur Hallson Sept 5 - Sept 14 Students from the Icelandic academy of arts The poster collection (selection) Sept 9 - Oct 18 Grassroot 2008-Björk Viggósdóttir-Guðmundur Vignir Karlsson-Halldór Ragnarsson- Jeanette Castroni-Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir Oct 11 - Oct 22 Bj Nielsen-Darri Lorenzen- Finnbogi Pétursson-Ingólfur Arnrasson-Mika Vanio-Bjorn Quiring The National Film Archive of Iceland The National Film Archive of Iceland screens old movie classics and masterpieces twice a week for 500 ISK per ticket. Since opening its doors a year ago, Lost Horse Gallery has proved a welcome addition to Reykjavík’s vibrant art scene, hosting a multitude of impressive shows on a shoestring budget. This weekend sees it opening a group exhibition where six accomplished photographers, five Icelanders and an American, will display their works in the gallery’s rustic showroom. The photographers in question – Björn Árnason, Friðrik Örn, Guðmundur Ó. Pálmason, Guðmundur R. Guðmunds- son, Ingvar Högnason and Julia Staples – plan to offer up some of the most exciting artful photography being pro- duced in Iceland today. They all come from different backgrounds and work in different styles on different subject mat- ters, so the show is sure to be a diverse foray into modern photography. Where: Gallery Lost Horse, Skólastræti 1, 101 Reykjavík When: Opening Saturday September 13, 18:00 Art pHotograpHY exHiBit at lost Horse gallerY The Forget-Me-Not Burger – Simply Magical! Bergþórugata 21 – 101 Reykjavík – Tel.: 5517200 The Icelandic Army shop ARMY.IS WANTS YOU! at kolaportið fleamarket Great selection of new and used army surplus and collectable militaria Open 11 to 5 Weekends 26.09.08 | FIRE AND ICE | 7.30 pm Conductor | Petri Sakari Soloists | Ari Þór Vilhjálmsson and Hallfríður Ólafsdóttir Atli Heimir Sveinsson | Icerapp 2000 Áskell Másson | Rún Hafliði Hallgrímsson | Poemi Jón Leifs | Three Abstract Paintings Jórunn Viðar | Eldur /Fire Þorkell Sigurbjörnsson | Columbine 02.10.08 | FAR EAST | 7.30 pm Conductor | James Gaffigan Soloists | Roland Pöntinen and Love Derwinger Claude Debussy | La Mer Colin McPhee | Tabuh-Tabuhan Francis Poulenc | Concerto for two pianos Nico Muhly | Wish you were here 03.10.08 | NOW LISTEN! – GAMELAN | 9.00 pm Conductor | James Gaffigan Colin McPhee | Tabuh-Tabuhan Nico Muhly | Wish you were here 09.10.08 | A GYPSY GALA | 7.30 pm Conductor | Sebastian Tewinkel Soloist | Rachel Barton Pine Emmanuel Chabrier | Espana Johann Strauss | The Gypsy Baron, overture Johannes Brahms | Hungarian Dances Manuel de Falla | Dances from the Three-cornered Hat Maurice Ravel | Tzigane Pablo Sarasate | Carmen-fantasy Pablo Sarasate | Zigeunerweisen 11.10.08 | GYPSIES – A FAMILY CONCERT | 2.00 pm Conductor | Sebastian Tewinkel Soloist | Rachel Barton Pine Host | Barbara the Clown Tickets sold at or tel. 545 2500. All concerts take place in Háskólabíó. Stoðir is the main sponsor of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra UPCOMING CONCERTS ISK 1.000 I8 Gallery exhibits a selection of work on paper by artists, whose projects are created whilst outside. Working ‘plein air’ has a long history: while it was the very foundation of modern landscape art during the nineteenth century, it first became popular among landscape painters in seventeenth-century Rome. The watercolours, collages, paintings, texts, videos, drawings and photographs display a broad range of strategies: while some artists are intent on directly representing the world they inhabit, others seek to reinvent what ‘plein air’ means in a contemporary context. Much of work in the exhibition was made outdoors using natural light, and in response to the sun’s position, the surrounding scene and weather con- ditions—bound by the time constraints as light changes and fades to darkness. While some artists allude to a natural world that is on the verge of disappear- ing, other artists explore how a ‘plein air’ approach measures up against the more complex image-making technolo- gies available to the modern artist. The exhibition features over 50 works by 38 artists and is curated by Kitty Scott, director of Visual Arts at the Banff Centre, Banff. Where: i8 Gallery When: 12 September – 26 October Art pleinairism 4 F6 5 G7


Reykjavík Grapevine

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