Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2009, Síða 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2009, Síða 38
Veltusund 3b, v.Ingólfstorg tel: 445 4445 PARTYSERVICE I bring the grill to you! -EVERY BITE IS A REAL TASTE Shawerma Shish Kebab Falafel Humus Baklawa Open: Mondays-Saturdays 11:30-22:30 Sundays 16:00-22:00 Now offering catering service! The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2009 22 Music | Live Review Music | Live Review Why It Pays To Quit Your Day Job Svavar Knútur goes Deutsch! Pulling Teeth ... ...Can Have My Molars, If They Promise To Stop Playing Svavar Knútur, singer of Icelandic folk- outfit Hraun, toured Germany a few weeks ago. It was his second visit this year after touring under the Norðrið moniker this spring with Sprengjuhöl- lin and Dísa. This second sting was a solo tour, so he stuck mostly to playing smaller bars and clubs. This did him very well, as the concerts were generally attended by about 50 people. The rooms were thus packed, though the atmo- sphere was still intimate. The concerts were intimate sessions where folks gathered around the singer- slash-storyteller, who for most of the tour wound up amongst his audience talking, listening or even playing guitar and singing with them after the show. Svavar certainly managed to create a friendly and familiar atmosphere. He is the funniest guy I've seen play in years! If it is his amazing solo-dialogue-play about a singer-songwriter's seminar on a castle in Denmark (“I even found a se- cret door”), the colourful interpretation of an Icelandic troll story or the final climax of the show a medley of semi- classic rock tunes (to name a few: The Prodigy’s Firestarter, Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer and Survivor's Eye of the Ti- ger - all performed on ukulele). Svavar has a sympathetic appearance and an engaging sense of humour that makes him an amazing entertainer. And he knows it: “Oh, you're just clapping, because I am amazing,” he says with played indignation. And nobody man- ages not to giggle. Then suddenly—the laughter hasn’t even died down—Svavar gets all seri- ous. What follows is impressive: He tells a story about a love long shipwrecked by geographical distance and mistakes. The room is completely silent and the first chords of Emotional Anorexic fall deeply into the ears of a stunned audi- ence that had freaked out laughing just moments ago. He got us again. The fol- lowing verses were at least as authentic as his hilarious songs, but he kept get- ting even more honest and emotional. His honest lyrics grow large as life as the audience listens carefully. Everyone here has dealt with this: love, loss, hurt. We're not in this alone. It would have been easy to stick to the clown-show, to exploit people’s good humour and snatch some cheap gags throughout. But Svavar chooses the really hard way, leading his audi- ence through a wide palate of different moods this evening. This led him to talk about politics in the end, about Ice- landic troll-myths, love and about quit- ting his 9-to-5 day job to become a trou- badour. This man is living his dream, and I am glad he is. So, by some bizarre paradox it’s Friday the 13th and it’s as I'm riding a weird and monstrous cloud of joy. Then, amassed aural forces conspire to de- stroy me. In a bad sense. They say never judge a book by its cover. “They” usually peddle books with horrid covers. As do Bömmer. The less said of them the better. Still, few suf- fered through their set, as few were yet in attendance. Plastic Gods are next, and they roar through an astonishing three numbers in around thirty minutes. What a gla- cial force to be reckoned with. Pushing a deep sediment of sludge through a filter of misery and bong water, these lads are way too young, yet adequately stoned, to be the true originators of the crushing torrent of emotion oozing from the super charged amps. Out of Khanate-length drone furi- ous mid-tempo stoner fare will some- times emerge, drowned in an evil vein of death metal growls á la Johnny Mor- row of Iron Monkey. Slow nods of audi- ence heads ensue and generous dozes of THC in the blood stream are a clear advantage to the experience. Gone Postal are the bane of pre- tence. Their shit, particularly with the opening melodious dirge, is best con- sumed mid-tempo and heavier than a stack of anvils to the chest. Their take on death metal is surely as indefin- able as it is middle of the road: while trudging forward the band is pretty epic, but when speeding up they be- come forgettably generic. By the time GP take stage the venue finally sports a few souls north of embarrassing and as they slowly decimate the crowd these young upstarts sprout a fountain of ir- reverent enthusiasm. During the catchy slow parts, as with the blastbeating and grinding intervals, their pretty boy singer/guitarist mines vocal veins deeper then Dying Fetus while repeat- edly soaring to Jon Chang-like heights of register at the drop of a fucking hat. Thus Gone Postal prove to be a veri- table high point to a otherwise "meh" kinda night, and accordingly reap some deserved audience reward, somewhat redeeming the show for the slack per- formances to follow Celestine were one of three bands I had looked forward to seeing that night. The initial wave of Cult of NeurIsis post- metal the band used to revel in has washed away somewhat, leaving room for odd time signature crawl-cum-trots of musical escapades steeped in pure lead and avant-garde forays into the fields of mind-fuck. But disaster strikes early in the form of a snapped bass string and a failing hi-hat clamp, during the mending of which their singer begs beer from various audience-members and cultivates an inept repertoire of stage patter that rhymes well with his total lack of stage presence and his decidedly sub-par vocal performance. The usual hefty weight of a Celestine show proves absent throughout the set due to their tech problems. So does the customary cathartic element as well as most of their feral rage. Pulling Teeth are aptly named. The enthusiasm on the local metal chat board went through the roof as soon as the gig was announced, as it usually does for mediocre acts that conform to the outdated m.o. of “trueness” to the adolescent scene kid’s expectation of a band’s belonging to some inalienable brotherhood of hardcore. As with every other artist so far, Pull- ing Teeth are unable to pull anything re- sembling a tight performance out of a ringer of slow-tempo annihilation-cum- up-tempo irrelevance. Their anorexic vocalist jumps up and down like a just sprung jack-in-the-box, but he— like to the limp tune of his unremarkable en- semble of string benders—agonizes his larynx merely to the waves of untidy, sophomoric riffage that bear little rela- tion to songs, much less any notion of melody. Meanwhile, a miniscule vortex of scene kids revolve in a whirlpool of ec- static circle pit exuberance and forced stage dives explode from non-existing platforms onto a crowd way too sparse for actual surfing. Near the end, some pit-loving aficio- nados of the hardcore ethic grab hold of the singer’s wiry neck and his lithe stature while screaming along into his mic, chord twisted around his neck like a makeshift Jacob Bannon, in response to which the man signals the universal throat cutting sign of halt to his band mates and they un-ceremoniously wrap up a forgettable performance on that note. Good riddance I say, the entrance fee would have been better spent on either the latest Coalesce or Converge albums. Sódóma Reykjavík 13.11.2009 Pulling Teeth Celestine Gone Postal Plastic Gods Bömmer BoGi BjaRnaSon GUÐnÝ THoRaREnSEn FloRian ZüHlkE HElEn THURa PalSSon


Reykjavík Grapevine

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