Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2011, Page 2

Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2011, Page 2
120 g Lamburger (lamb), garlic grilled mushrooms, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, sauce Béarnaise and french fries. Those who taste The Lamburger will hardly be able to believe their taste buds. THE LAMBURGER Turninn Höf!atorgi 105 Reykjavik Tel: 575 7575 Opening hours: Sun-Wed. 11.00–22.00 Thu-Sat. 11.00–24.00 Gullfoss and Geysir are surely a must-see in Iceland, but neither is something you eat. That’s why we have 13 brilliant and creative hamburgers at Hamborgarafabrikkan (The Icelandic Hamburger Factory). Hamborgarafabrikkan would eat Hard Rock Café for breakfast, but since there is no Hard Rock Café in Iceland we eat our original Lamburger with the wonderful Icelandic lamb. The Reykjavík Grapevine awarded Hamborgarafabrikkan the “Best Specialty Burger 2010”. It made us happy. Because we aim to please. That’s why we only use 100% fresh high-quality ingredients, directly from the Icelandic nature. Attention: Our hamburger buns are not round. They are square. Does it taste better? You tell us. Be square and be there. BE SQUARE AND BE THERE 2 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2011 Editorial | Haukur S. Magnússon THE REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE Hafnarstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík Published by Fröken ehf. Member of the Icelandic Travel Industry Association Printed by Landsprent ehf. in 25.000 copies. EDITOR: Haukur S Magnússon / JOURNALIST: Anna Andersen / EDITORIAL: +354 540 3600 / ADVERTISING: +354 540 3605 / PUBLISHER: Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson / +354 540 3601 / CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Steinunn Jakobsdóttir Julia Staples Marc Vincenz Edward Hancox Ásgeir H. Ingólfsson Egill Helgason Elvar Örn Arason Vanessa Schipani Bob Cluness !órir Bogason Paul Fontaine Eimear Fitzgerald Jón Gnarr Magnús Sveinn Helgason Valur Gunnarsson Jessica Rose Egill Helgason Lana Vogestad EDITORIAL INTERNS: Felix Jimenez Gonzalez / Marta Bardón Moreno / José Angel Hernández García / S. Alessio Tummolillo / ON-LINE NEWS EDITOR Paul Fontaine / ART DIRECTOR EMERITUS: Hör"ur Kristbjörnsson / ART DIRECTOR Sveinbjörn Pálsson / DESIGN: Páll Hilmarsson / PHOTOGRAPHER: Hör"ur Sveinsson / SALES DIRECTOR: A"alsteinn Jörundsson / Gu"mundur Rúnar Svansson / Helgi !ór Har"arson / DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: !ór"ur Gu"mundur Hermannsson PROOFREADER: Jim Rice PRESS RELEASES: SUBMISSIONS INQUIRIES: SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: +354 540 3605 / GENERAL INQUIRIES: FOUNDERS: Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson, Hör"ur Kristbjörnsson, Jón Trausti Sigur"arson, Oddur Óskar Kjartansson, Valur Gunnarsson The Reykjavík Grapevine is published 18 times a year by Fröken ltd. Monthly from November through April, and fortnightly from May til October. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publishers. The Reykjavík Grapevine is distributed around Reykjavík, Akureyri, Egilssta"ir, Sey"is- fjör"ur, Borgarnes, Kef lavík, Ísafjör"ur and at key locations along road #1, and all major tourist attractions and tourist information centres in the country. You may not like it, but at least it's not sponsored (no articles in the Reykjavík Grapevine are pay-for articles. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own, not the advertisers’). THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO LIFE, TRAVEL & ENTERTAINMENT IN ICELAND FASHION Get geared up for SlutWalk: Reykjavík Jökulsárlón, Eyjafjalla- jökull and Eyrbczxé!"- öjæóxll EXPLORED! FILM Can Iceland be accurately portrayed? MUSIC Bjartmar is back! So is Björk! ICELANDIC Will we ever learn? TRAVEL IN THE ISSUE Issue 10 2011 July 15 - 28 COMPLETE CITY LISTINGS - INSIDE!+ Anna Andersen investigates... PAGE 24 A GLORIOUS, SHINY GEOTHERMAL FUTURE HOW REYKJAVÍK ENERGY WAS DRAINED OF ALL ITS RESOURCES AND DRIVEN TO NEAR-BANKRUPTCY También ¡EN ESPAÑOL! Actually, let’s not. Love is great, everyone should have it in their lives all the time and if it is currently lacking from your life then your life is lacking and you should do some- thing about it. Like some buzzband at Airwaves (were they Swedish?) once proclaimed in their very name: ‘LOVE IS ALL,’ and that’s all there is to say about the subject (funnily enough, another Airwaves band, The Rapture (man, that goddamn band was awesome... what happened to those guys?) had a song bearing that same title. Int’l buzzbands that want to play Airwaves take notice!). ANYWAY. Love is great. It’s good we can all agree on that (if you do disagree, however, do write us a letter. A letter from a love-hater sounds like it could make an inter- esting read). But enough about love. Let’s talk about other stuff. I’m not gonna lie to you. I am extremely proud to be publishing our current feature. The story was written and researched by our journalist Anna Andersen over a period of almost six months (!) and is an attempt to give a some- what comprehensive overview of how Reykjavík Energy—a company that subscribes to monthly payments from a ma- jority of Icelanders—was run into the ground by a poison- ous mixture of party politics, ludicrous bubble scheming and plain carelessness. It is a long story, and a sad one. It acts as a disturbingly accurate microcosm of how Icelanders managed to run their national economy into the ground over the course of a decade; the whats, hows, whos, whys and whens are all present and accounted for. The saga of Reykjavík Energy has damn near every factor: reckless spending, aimless political meddling, crony capitalism, insanely grandiose ideas, scheming banksters and an unmatched capability for self-delusion. (One point that bears further investigating is that whole REI-affair, from the layman’s perspective, it very much looks like some of Iceland’s favourite banksters, most notably Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson, Bjarni Ármansson and Hannes Smárason along with their puppet-corpora- tions FL Group and Glitnir, very nearly appropriated a large chunk of Reykjavík Energy (i.e. taxpayer assets) with the co-operation of politicians and insiders. It is interesting to ponder what had happened had they not been stopped? Would they have treated it like the aforementioned FL Group and other companies that they had a hand in pul- verising? Would they have sold off all the assets and mort- gaged the rest while sucking the capital out to be stored somewhere in the Caribbean in-between bouts of partying with 50 Cent? Who knows!) If you are interested in learning how Iceland went from ‘THE GLORIOUSLY QUAINT ELFIN HOME OF UNSPOILED NATURE, SIGUR RÓS, BJÖRK AND THE GOLDEN CIRCLE’ to ‘WALL STREET ON THE TUNDRA,’ then you need to read this. It’s good. Who is responsible, then? Our research reveals that a lot of people are (a good rule of thumb for spotting some- one that’s partially responsible for RE’s poor standing—he or she claims someone else is entirely responsible for RE’s poor standing: “It was doing great when I left!”). A cynical person might claim that the public body that repeatedly voted these people and their policies to power is ultimately responsible for the poor state of Reykjavík Energy, as well as for the poor state of Iceland’s economy, media environment, legal framework, moral standing and bureaucratic system (etc., etc.). Now, everyone knows that us, your friends at The Grapevine, are anything but cynical. So even though plac- ing responsibility at the hands of voters—voters that maybe should have known better and perhaps could do well by vigilantly observing what the politicians (and politicians’ friends) they are voting to power at any given time are get- ting up to—would seem reasonable enough to the cynic’s jaded self, we won’t. But it would be cool if folks paid at- tention. Nothing wrong with noting that. Anyway, kudos to Anna Andersen for her excellent work, and good riddance to y’all that had a hand in milking our once standing energy provider ‘til it bled (and good luck to those that are trying to rebuild). None of you have been formally brought to justice at the time of writing, and as things are going it seems unlikely that any of you ever will. But as a firm believer in Karmic balance, a harmonious universe and the noble message of faltered ‘90s pop he- roes New Radicals, I can say with some confidence: “You get what you give.” So watch your backs. Singer/songwriter Snorri Helgason first made his name with everyone’s favourite band of 2007, Sprengjuhöllin, who with a ‘difficult second album’ managed to fade into semi-obscurity before going on indefinite hiatus. Both of their releases are worth seeking out though, even though the vibrant energy of début ‘Tímarnir okkar’ remains the better of the two. Fortunately, Snorri kept going, releasing a fine solo début called ‘I’m Gonna Put My Name On Your Door’ in late 2009. The début clearly indicated that Snorri had been Sprengjuhöllin’s songwriting force majeure and rekindled his old fans’ flame while gaining him some new ones. Now based in London, where he is spreading the gospel of Helgason gig by gig, Snorri has crafted a new album that sees him really reach his full potential as a songwriter, lyricist and singer. Recorded under the aegis of Sin Fang/Seabear maestro Sindri Már Sigfús- son—who brings his excellent ear and smashing talent to the table—the album is a proper gem, filled with fetching melodies and subtle moods that make it fit for a re- laxed evening at home or a pondering walk through the wilderness. On our TRACK OF THE ISSUE, ‘Mockingbird’, Snorri betrays influences old (Townes Van Zandt) and new (Fleet Foxes), tastefully wrapped up in the sonic wonderland of Sindri Már. Check it out! Snorri Helgason Mockingbird TRACK OF THE ISSUE Download at TRACK OF THE ISSUE Download at Haukur’s 44th Editorial Illustration: Sigur!ur Oddsson - “LET’S TALMBOUT LOVE, BABY” IN THE END, ALFRED'S SUNDAY WALKS TO GRÓTTA WERE THE ONLY THING THAT REASSURED HIM OF HIS OWN BRILLIANCE. Comic | Megan Herbert


Reykjavík Grapevine

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