Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2011, Blaðsíða 46

Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2011, Blaðsíða 46
Grænn Kostur | Skólavör!ustíg 8 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 552 2028 Opening hours: Mon - Sat. 11:30 - 21:00 Sun. 13:00 - 21:00 The Green Choice Premium Quality Vegetarian Food Grænn Kostur is the perfect downtown choice when you are looking for wholesome, great tasting meals. Vegetarian Dish of the Day 1.490 kr. 46 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2011 Language | Icelandic Why don’t those damn foreigners just learn Ice- landic? Language learn- ing is highly subjective and, as Icelanders love to tout, the lan- guage is complicated and difficult. It takes many years to reach ‘com- municative competence,’ many more to acquire the level needed to read about politics in the daily paper. Samuel Lefever, Lecturer at the University of Iceland, states, "If citizens are to play a full role in to- day's Europe…they will need com- petence in a range of languages as well as positive attitudes towards speakers of languages from out- side their immediate community." Hmm... "a positive attitude," you say? The general attitude towards any other languages here in Iceland, especially in the job market, is negative (with some exceptions for other Nordic Languages and English). Here is a random quote from an anonymous Icelandic teenager on the website "I just hate those foreigners that come to Iceland to live here but don’t have the decency of put- ting some effort into learning Icelandic (they never even try) I really dislike that kind of group." Whether or not you agree with the teenager’s statement, you cannot deny that you’ve heard it many times. LINGUISTIC DISTANCE The concept of ‘linguistic distance’ regards the extent to which two lan- guages differ from each other. One of the reasons why immigrant groups differ in their overall acquisition of the Icelandic language is the distance be- tween Icelandic and the individual's mother tongue. Although there are no figures to relate Icelandic to other lan- guages, we can use English as a yard- stick, because English and Icelandic have a rather short linguistic distance from one another. The highest levels of language acquisition are Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch, while language learning is at its lowest levels of acqui- sition for Asian languages such as Ko- rean, Mandarin, and Japanese as well as Arabic. One can assume that if since the difficulty for English speakers to learn Asian languages is great, the difficulty of Asian born immigrants to learn Ice- landic is relatively equal. I believe that part of the reason why a large group of Icelanders share the anonymous student's view about the Icelandic language is because most Icelanders speak English very well, and usually at least one other Nordic Language. They might think: "If I can learn another language then so can these lazy immi- grants." SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? There are an estimated 350.000 Ice- landic-speakers in the world, whose population is now close to 7 billion. This means that less than 0,04 % of the world speaks Icelandic. I, and most citizens, new to Iceland, appreciate the age, beauty, and preservation of the language, yet feel it is important keep in perspective how tiny Iceland is and how little relation to intelligence the skill of speaking this language actually has. Within the theme of non-discrim- ination, a dialogue about the small dog syndrome, which plagues Iceland, should be opened. For the future of people who settle here, many tempo- rarily, devoting large amounts of time to learning the Icelandic language is impractical. Where will they use it? The likelihood of ever running into another person who speaks Icelandic outside of Scandinavia is very slim. Combine this with the fact that most come here to work not to study. Upon their first arrival, most immi- grants see Iceland as a stepping-stone and not a permanent home. Because of the country’s isolation and the weather, people initially assume that this is not the place they want to root themselves, yet after a few harsh winters they might come to realise that this is a wonder- ful place to raise a family and decide to stay. In the meantime, they often focus their efforts on learning English or working. Therefore, there is an ini- tial delay in many immigrants’ efforts to learn Icelandic and, unlike other lan- guages, there is almost zero chance of someone arriving here having already learned it at school or University. LANGUAGE OF THE GODS Iceland is a haven for nature lovers, a safe place to raise a family, and gener- ally a great place to live if you accept your role as a foreign-minimum-wage worker. If Icelandic isn’t your mother tongue and you have big dreams, this can become a land of discontent. It is rare that a foreigner masters the Ice- landic language well enough to study law or medicine or philosophy, even af- ter years of study. I am not advocating that a person with non-perfect Icelan- dic should become an Icelandic poet, nor am I advocating not protecting and promoting this beautiful language, I am only calling for a realistic look at language in general, within a plural- istic society. We know that the ability to learn languages is akin to a talent and lends itself better to certain types of personalities and learning styles. Despite having no natural ability for language learning, one can work very hard to reach a certain level of commu- nicative competence, which is the new goal in language teaching. The new aim in language learning is "the ability to communicate competently, not the ability to use the language exactly as a native speaker does." HOW DO YOU LIKE ICELAND? When I open my mouth to butcher the sacred language of !ór and Ó"inn, the most common reaction is often that all dialogue stops and I am obliged to an- swer a series of questions. 1) Where are you from? 2) Why are you here? 3) How long have you been here? And 4) How do you like Iceland? For the record: I love it! My relationship with language is, however, rocky. While I once strove to perfect my Icelandic so that I could speak without my awful southern ac- cent distracting from what I was saying, I recently adopted an attitude of accep- tance. I will never be able to roll my Rs, nor will I be able to properly explain why an entire chapter in my ‘Pronun- ciation of Modern Icelandic’ textbook is dedicated to the seven different ways one should pronounce the letter "g." However, I can communicate compe- tently and continue to improve. B.R. NEAL STEINGRÍMUR GAUTI INGÓLFSSON Thoughts On Learning Icelandic “Iceland is a haven for nature lovers, a safe place to raise a family, and generally a great place to live if you accept your role as a foreign-minimum-wage worker.” Have you had some problems learning Icelandic? Is it super-friggin-hard? Tell us about it! Maybe we can make some sort of support group, who knows?
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