Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.12.2011, Qupperneq 22

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.12.2011, Qupperneq 22
22 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2011 LAb IT UP! Art | Or technology? There are no events scheduled in December, but the organisation will keep up its fine work in the New Year. If you want to attend events, go to to be updated about its activities. Their events are open to all. Should you have some crazy idea for an instrument you think might violate the laws of physics, they will happily assist you. How a group of artists, technicians, computer experts, musicians and sundry others have created an organisation where everyone helps one another make their wild ideas come true. Media labs have been around for about a quarter-century, the most famous being the original one at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They have yet to fully enter the mass consciousness, but media labs have sprouted all over the world. The basic idea is to bring together people interested in vari- ous disciplines—usually some form of technology or art—and to have people learn from each other and bounce ideas back and forth, fig- uring out new applications for ex- isting tools or ways to make new ones. What comes out of the media lab process can be anything from highly practical inventions to madly beautiful art and most everything in between. Margrét Elísabet Ólafsdóttir, aestheti- cian and lecturer at the University of Iceland and the Iceland Academy of Arts, organised the first meeting to get a media lab going in Reykjavík and in 2010, LornaLAB was founded. The lab now runs monthly workshops at the Reykjavík Art Museum, which tackle the theme of musical instrument build- ing from various perspectives. At the October session I attended, two violin- makers, Hans Jóhannson and Jóhann Gunnarsson, gave short presentations on their craft and showed the audience some of their violins. They work on different principles, the former using technology to make all kinds of non-traditional violins, while the latter works along more traditional lines (hot tip: if you think violins are pretty, wander to Óðinsgata street, the violin repair shop of Jónas R Jónsson is one of Reykjavík's most beautiful sights). Then two members of LornaL- AB, Þráinn Hjálmarsson and Halldór Úlfarsson, talked about the instruments they were building and gave demon- strations. After the workshop I sat down with the latter two, and three other LornaL- AB members, Bjarni Þórisson, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson and Jesper Peder- sen. The group provided a good over- view of the type of soul that flocks to the media lab banner. Halldór is a vi- sual artist, Bjarni, Þráinn and Jesper are composers and Hannes is a professor of computer science at Reykjavík Uni- versity. For a group like LornaLAB, it is important to have a diverse member- ship. There are few venues that bring together people on both ends of the arts and technology spectrum like Lor- naLAB. As Þráinn puts it: "It is good to create connections like that. LornaLAB is primarily a place for conversation. It is necessary that it exists." "WHERE EVERyONE THIRSTS FOR KNOWLEdGE" One of the main aims of LornaLAB is to share knowledge, through lectures, conversations, and perhaps most im- portantly, letting people play around with the various technologies and in- struments that members bring to meet- ings. Bjarni says: "The first thing that got me excited was attending a course where I got hands-on experience with Arduino." Arduino is a good example of the kind of technology that is spread through an organisation of this nature. It is a tiny computer that is designed to make it easier for people to craft their own electronics. A lot of the members and workshop regulars got involved because of their interest in that, as Halldór puts it: "In a small way we be- came the shepherds of that flock." Jes- per had started working with Arduinos well before LornaLAB was founded. I asked him if he had been teaching oth- er members of the media lab. "I have taught, but I have also been taught by others. Everyone takes part, teaching each other. That is what is so wonder- ful, sharing knowledge. I am not an ex- pert, but you also learn by teaching." Hannes adds: "I was at the MIT Me- dia Lab for eight years, and so in a way I was raised in an environment where everything is allowed, where everyone thirsts for knowledge and ways to apply it." This organisation has great personal importance to its members. "I do not feel like a complete human being with- out something like it," Hannes says, to enthusiastic agreement by the others. "SEEdS WHICH CAN GROW IN ANy dIRECTION" For the members of LornaLAB, the or- ganisation is like a research and devel- opment centre. Halldór describes how it functions for him: "If I have an idea for something that I am unable to figure out how to make, instead of wandering around lost in a fog, there is so much knowledge within the group on the subject of what I am trying to create, that I can move straight towards my tar- get." Bjarni picks up that thread: "May- “This is an idea generator. When you have conversations, ideas are passed around and people make use of them.”
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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