Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.08.2012, Blaðsíða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.08.2012, Blaðsíða 20
20 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2012 Iceland’s Troubadour Takes His Love Song Around The Globe Almost four years after orchestrating the Pots and Pans Revolution, Hörður Torfason is in high demand Words by Mark O'Brien. Photos by Alísa Kalyanova and Hörður Sveinsson. Hörður Torfason is not a man known for sitting back and tak- ing a break. In his youth he be- came an accidental standard- bearer for gay rights in Iceland; to a different generation today he is instantly recognised as the man who stood before the crowds outside the Alþingi in the dark days of 2008 and told them to go home, gather their pots and their pans, and come back to make themselves heard. This summer, however, he is back home in 101 Reykjavík to care for his elderly fa- ther and enjoy some time to himself and his Italian-born husband Massimo. “I take a vacation every year. I want to stay here in July and August,” he tells me, dressed casually in a t-shirt and loafers. Though now sixty-seven years old, he still possesses the vitality, the soft-spo- ken charisma, and the twinkling baby blue eyes of a man barely half his age. He has only just returned from Spain, the latest in a string of expedi- tions that have taken him across the world. “They wanted me for a discussion on a very popular television programme called ‘La Nube,’ (“The Cloud”). It was a three-day job: one day f lying out, the next day to meet them, and then after filming we came straight back home.” His grand tour has seen him cross entire oceans and continents. He reels off his previous destinations with the natural ease of a professional globetrot- ter. “I’ve been invited to Spain many times. I’ve been invited to Mexico, Ven- ezuela, Italy, to the Czech Republic, to Slovakia, Denmark, Sweden. And there are many more to come.” Mr Pots and Pans But why is the entire world now clamour- ing to hear the eloquent yet gentle voice of an actor and singer from Reykjavík? “It all started last summer,” Hörður says, “when the rest of Europe woke up to their financial crisis. Then people un- derstood that something had happened here in Iceland—a silenced revolution. They wondered why there wasn’t anyone talking about it. They saw me as a leader of the Pots and Pans Revolution, and started asking about what we did here.” Since then, campaign groups and organisations of every hue have been on the phone. When the Spanish Indig- nants gathered last summer at Madrid’s Puerta del Sol to demand radical social reform, they sparked a movement that spread to New York, Continues over “ Someone came up to me and said, ‘There are only two people I believe in: Che Guevara and Hörður Torfason’„ Iceland | Activism
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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