Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.08.2012, Blaðsíða 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.08.2012, Blaðsíða 38
Innipúkinn Festival 2012 CONCERT R E V I E W FESTIVAL R E V I E W The Hawaiian-Shirted Man Stole The Night A Powerhouse Climax With Four Songs! Welcome to the eleventh annual Innipúkinn fes- tival, a musical event held at the Iðnó theatre aimed at all those Icelanders who wish to avoid sleeping in stuffy, airless tents in the countryside where there are no showers (which is what a lot of people enjoy doing during this holiday, for some ridiculous and unfathomable reason). The Iðnó theatre is beautifully situ- ated next to the town pond, Tjörnin, and is quite spectacular in the dusky light of the early evening. The atmosphere was incredibly relaxed, almost like a friend's garden party, with a few small bars to get a beer and a snack. The evening started off with Dr. Gun- ni at around 21:00. The venue was up- settingly barren for such a punk legend, but the space began to fill up the more he played, which was gratifying to wit- ness. Dr. Gunni was followed by Kiriyama Family, the self-proclaimed princes of indie-electro-pop. Although still early in the show, these guys were a personal highlight of the night. The expanding crowd was warmed up with electric drums, funky guitar solos and a gener- ally well put together band. Somewhere nearing the middle of the set, a Hawaiian-shirted man in shorts and glasses began running amok the crowd, desperately trying to persuade the audience to dance, clap or begin any form of enthusiastic movement to show the band that they were enjoying themselves. He was promptly ignored, mostly because the scene kids that were there don't do moving at a gig, but also because everyone seemed to think the man had taken too much of something or other and needn't be encouraged. This all changed, however, when the man mounted the stage and had some- how stumbled across a saxophone and a pair of shades. He played incredibly well and with enormous gusto. After a rendi- tion of ‘Careless Whisper,’ the audience were in the palm of his hands. Borko followed at 23:00 and ordered everyone to move forward to fill up the unused space. With the venue's setting programmed to ‘intimate,’ the intricate guitar playing and soulful melodies could begin. After Borko, Auxpan played a quick fifteen-minute set, followed by the blue- sy, soul-inspired tones of Jónas Sigurðs- son. The night was concluded with an hour set from Prinspóló and then Mam- mút, the sole female-fronted band of the evening. Overall, a fantastic opening night for Innipúkinn. - EMILY BABB Nine o’clock on a sum-mer night is just about dinner time for many Ice- landers, which could very well explain how shockingly (or maybe not so shockingly) sparsely populated Iðnó was for the first act: Just Another Snake Cult. There was a mixed bag of folks, ranging from grandparents to tourists. Composed of eight members, the nearly genre-less band has been described as ‘freak pop,’ focusing more on the ambivalent sounds of the keys and sax rather than a steady drum beat (freaky!). Ásgeir Trausti was next to claim the stage, followed by Lay Low, and by the end of this third act the audience had increased by six fold. Both acoustic acts inspired a group of sentimental-looking younger folk to sit in a semi-circle in the foreground and copious amounts of swaying in the background. Couples were especially highlighted during these moments. Both executed rather formu- laic performances with their agreeably soothing voices and soft energy as the main attraction. However, the drummer for Lay Low delivered some incredible solo bits that were way too far and few between. Moses Hightower’s performance continued the “hotel lobby chillin” feel- ing or rather the “shopping at Anthro- 38 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 12 — 2012MUSIC 03 FRIDAY 04 SATURDAY Búrfell Hydro Power Station - Interactive exhibition 10 am-6 pm, June-August Krafla Geothermal Station - Visitor Center 10 am-4 pm, June-August Fljótsdalur Hydro Power Station - Visitor Center 10 am-5 pm, June-August Who needs coal when you have fire? Landsvirkjun is one of Europe’s leading renewable energy companies. This summer, three of our power stations are open to the public:
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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