Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.08.2012, Síða 58

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.08.2012, Síða 58
M U SI C concerts & nightlife in August A R T in August Cocktail pleasures and Visual stimulation How to use the listings: Venues are listed alphabetically by day. For complete listings and detailed information on venues visit Send us your listings: » |oPENINGS AND EVENTS ASÍ Art Museum August 10 Helgi Þorgils Friðjóns- son, Lars Ravn, Holger Bunk An exhibit of paintings, drawings and installations from these Icelandic, Danish and German artists. Runs through September 2 Nordic House August 11 Mindwork Eygló Benediktsdóttir and Ingibjörg Guðmundsdóttir exhibit art from the previous winter in the Nordic House’s foyer in August The material basis of Eygló‘s and Ingibjörg‘s art is clay but the subjective basis origins from their personal memories. They use their technical knowledge and ability to create various works, like sculptures, where the material and process plays a big role in the ideology and final outcome. Ingibjörg‘s work is based on haunted thoughts, her emotions and perception of the surroundings and experiences. She regularly switches between using things she finds and things to make in clay. Runs through August 26 Gallery Kling & Bang August 17 40 Years of the Reyk- javík Association of Sculptors The gallery hosts an exhibition showing 40 years of works by artists from the Reykjavík Association of Sculptors. Nordic House August 18,14:00 Autobahn On his travels, the Finnish musician Jimi Tenor has photographed roadkills, the victims of high speed driving and too much traffic. The outcome resembles abstract paintings. At 15.00 and again at 16.00 on Culture night there will be a guided tour around his exhibition. Runs through August 26 Gerðuberg Cultural Centre August 23 Twilight Poems and Stories American book artist Rebecca Goodale showcases her works in this exhibition. She extends the conventional ideas about books' shape, size and function. » |oNGoING The Culture House Medieval Manuscripts Eddas and Sagas It includes principal medieval manu- scripts, such as Codices Regii of the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, law codices and Christian works, not forgetting the Icelandic Sagas. On permanent view Child of Hope - Youth and Jón Sigurósson Exploring the life of Icelandic national hero Jón Sigurjónsson, made espe- cially accessible to children, families and school groups. On permanent view Millennium - phase one A selection of pieces from the collec- tion of the National Gallery displaying a variety of works by Icelandic artists in the last two centuries. On permanent view Happiness Is A Sad Song Melancholica Festival Café Haiti August 16 – 20:00 Free Need to get over a break-up? Commiserate about the near end of summer? The Melancholica Festival may have the fix. Singer-songwriters will throw sad songs at you for three straight hours on August 16 at Café Haiti, where a gathering of somber notes may have you bursting into tears. Or, it could be just the cathartic lift you need. “I’m going to try to get a box of tissues to put on every table,” said festival organizer Pete Uhlenbruch. “I’m interested to see how the crowd re- sponds. What’s the feeling going to be? Will everyone get sad and depressed? Because there’s an irony in sad songs that they can make you feel better.” Musicians like Elín Ey and Michael Pollock will hit the small, lonely stage and belt two songs into the micro- phone: the saddest song they have written and their favorite sad cover song. Expect to hear lots of Nick Drake, Radiohead and maybe even some Eric Claption. Pete, an Australian singer-song- writer performs under the name Owls of the Swamp, said the “epiphany mo- ment” to create the festival came when he was touring the Czech Republic. After he plugged in his iPod to test a venue’s sound system, a crew member pointed out his somber music tastes – depressing folks songs and the most miserable Sufjan Stevens ballads. “I found myself having to defend it. But those songs just make me feel better,” he said. The festival is a bit of a companion to Melodica Festival, a festival that Pete started in 2007 for singer-songwriters that celebrates local music scenes across Europe (including Reykjavík) and in Australia and New York City. For Melancholica, Pete said he’s been digging through his own catalogue of songs to pick the one that tugs heartstrings in just the right way. “There’s a feeling you get in the crowd when you hear a particularly sad song,” he added. “I always thought it’s a shame that these moments are so few and far between during a concert, and I just thought wouldn’t it be interest- ing if you had that moment but tried to develop into an evening and see what happens. It’s a bit of a cultural experi- ment.” CW Ice fresh seafood – to satisfy your senses OPEN FROM 11:30 - 14:00 LUNCH Mon. - Fri. OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 17:30 DINNER RUB23 | Aðalstræti 2 | 101 Reykjavík Phone: +354 553 5323 | RUB23 | Kaupvangsstræti 6 | 600 Akureyri Phone: +354 462 2223 | Suðurgata 41 · 101 Reykjavík · Tel. +354 530-2200 · The country’s largest museum of cultural history featuring a permanent exhibition on Iceland’s extraordinary history from settlement to present day. Opening hours: Summer (May 1st – September 15th) Daily 10–17 Winter (September 16th – April 30th) Daily except Mondays 11–17 National Museum of Iceland Reykjavík Literally A Guided Walking Tour Join us for a fun introduction to Icelandic literature, with a bit of history mixed in. This 90 min. walk is at an easy pace and suits everyone. Starts at Reykjavik City Library in Tryggvagata 15. Free of charge. Reykjavik City Library Tel. 411 6100 Every Thursday in July and August at 5 pm.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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