

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1985, Blaðsíða 58

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1985, Blaðsíða 58
280 L.ÆKNABLAÐIÐ nokkuð á við það sem yfirleitt er talið (12, 19). Á það skal þó bent, að meðalaldur sjúklinga nteð freknunrein var mun hærri en hjá sjúklingum með aðrar tegundir sortuæxla. Það sem helst hefur verið talið hafa áhrif á horfur sjúklinga með sortuæxli, er annars vegar Clark’s dýpt (20) og hins vegar Bre- slow’s þykkt (21) í mm, en hvort tveggja hefur verið gagnrýnt töluvert á undanförnum árum (22, 23). Clark’s dýpt tekur ekki nægilegt tillit til þykktar hvers æxlis í mm, meðan Breslow’s þykkt tekur ekki nægilegt tillit til þess, að húðin er misþykk. Nýlega birtist grein (22), þar sem stungið er upp á annarri viðmiðun: DT/TT, þar sem mælt er hlutfall húðþykktar (DT) og æxlisþykktar (TT) og sýnt fram á, aö það ætti að gefa betri vísbendingu um horfur. j heild var 5 ára lifun sjúklinga með sortuæxli i húð og meinvörp án finnanlegs frumæxlis 53°/o, en ef meinvörpin eru undan- skilin 56°/o. í sortuæxlum í augum var 5 ára lifun 51,2% (1), en í slímhúðarsortuæxlum aöeins 29%. Ekki virðist vera um aö ræða aukningu á augn- eða slímhúðarsortuæxlum svipað og í húð. Slímhúðarsortuæxlin voru fremur fá á þessu 30 ára tímabili eða 25, en það er mjög misjafnt eftir rannsókum hversu hátt hlutfall þau eru af sortuæxlum í heild (25, 26). Hér á landi voru þau 10%. Vegna tilfellafæðar æxlanna í slímhúöum er 5 ára lifun ekki mjög áreiðanleg, en það kemur ekki á óvart að hún er mun iægri en hjá húðæxlunum, þar senr þau gefa siðar einkenni. SUMMARY In the period 1955-84, 255 malignant melanomas were diagnosed in lceland. The male/female ratio was 1:1.77. Melanomas in the skin were 181, in the eyes 39, mucous mémbranes 25 and 10 malignant melanomas with unknown primari site. As in many other countries, there has been an increase in incidence of skin melanomas in lceland. For men the increase has been from 0.5/100.000 a year for the period 1955-64 to 3.6/100.000a year for the period 1975-84. For women the incidence has increased from 1.6/100.000 a year for the period 1955-64 to 6.4/100.000 a year for the period 1975-84. The reasons for this inerease are not clear, but it is well known that the Icelandic people have travelled much more to the southern countries during the last 10 to 20 years, than they did bel'ore, and the use of solaria has inereased enormously over the last few years. In support of the theory that malignant melanoma of the skin is related to increased exposure to ultraviolet light, is the definately incrteased incidence of malignant melanoma arising in lentigo meligna (Hutchinson’s melanotic freckle) in Iceland. This type of melanoma has bcen connected with sunlight exposure by many authors. HEIMILDIR 1) Gislason 1, Magnusson B, Tulinius H. Melanoma of the uvea in leeland 1955-1979. Læknablaðiö 1984; 70: 335-42. 2) McGovern VJ, Milim MC, Bailly C et al. The classification of malignant melanoma and its histo- logic reporting. Cancer 1973; 32: 1446-57. 3) Lennish WM, Heenan P.l, Holman CD.I, Armstrong BK. Survival l'rom preinvasive and invasive malig- nant melanoma in Western Australia. Cancer 1983; 52: 580-5. 4) McGovern VJ. The nature ol' melanoma. A critieal review. .1 Cutan Pathol 1982; 9: 61-81. 5) Mackie RM. The pathogenesis of cutaneous malig- nant melanoma. Br Med J 1983; 286: 1568-9. 6) Elwood JM, Gallagher RP, Hill GB, Spinelli JJ, Pearson JCG, Threlfall W. Pigmentation and skin reaetion to sun as risk factors for cutaneous ntelanoma: Western Canada melanoma study. Br Med J 1984; 288: 99-102. 7 Magnus K. Incidence of malignant melanoma of the skin in the five Nordic Countries: Significance of solar radiation. Int .1 Cancer 1977; 20: 477-85. 8) Dobson AJ, Leeder SR. Mortality from malignant ntelanoma in Australia: Effects due to counlry of birlh. Int J Epidemiol 1982; 11: 207-11. 9) l.ewis MG. Malignant melanoma in Uganda. Br .1 Cancer 1967; 21: 483-95. 10) Green A, Siskind V. Geographic distribution of cutaneous ntelanoma in Queensland. Med J Aust 1983; 1: 407-10. 11) Ehsood JM, Hislop TG. Solar radiation in the etiology of cutaneous malignant melanoma in caueasians. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 1982; 62: 167- 71. 12) Kopf AW, Bart RS, Rodriquez-Sains RS. Malignant melanoma: A review. J Dermatol Surg Oneol 1977; 3: 41-125. 13) HerseyP, HasicE, Edwards A, BredleyM, HaranG, McCarthy WH. Immunologic effects of solarium exposure. Laneet 1983; 1: 545-8. 14) Lee RA, Sober AJ, Cook N, Marvell R, Fitzpatrick TB. Sun exposure habits in patients with cutaneous melanoma: A case study. .1 Dermatol Surg Oncol 1983; 9: 981-6. 15) Lee JA, Merrill JM. Sunlight and the etiology of malignant melanoma: asynthesis. Med J Austr 1970; 2: 846-1. 16) Mackie RM, Aitchison TC. Severe sunburn and subsequent risk of primary cutaneous malignant melanoma in Scotland. Br J Cancer 1982; 46: 9055- 60. 17) Hinds MW. Nonsölar factor in the etiology og malianant melanoma. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 1982'; 62: 173-8. 18) Shavv HM, McGovern VJ, Milton GW, Farago GA, McCarthy WH. Histologic features of tumors and the female superiority in survival from malignant melanoma. Cancer 1980; 45: 1604-8.
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