Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.02.1992, Blaðsíða 16
1. Vilmundur Jónsson. Thorvaldsen og Oehlenschlager.
Læknablaðið 1955; 39: 124-39. Tilvitnun í Með hug
og orði. Af blöðum Vilmundar Jónssonar. Fyrra
bindi. Þórhallur Vilmundarson sá um útgáfuna.
Reykjavík; Iðunn, 1985: 344.
2. Þorsteinn Gylfason. Orðasmíð. Reykjavík:
Háskólaútgáfan, 1991.
3. »Es wird angenommen, da/3 sich die meisten
der Leser des gegenstándlichen Werkes dem
Studium eines Zweiges der Sprachwissenschaft
gewidmet haben, genauer: einem Ausschnitt aus
der Wissenschaft von der Gemeinsprache. Deshalb
ist es nötig, etwas Grundsátzliches voranzustellen.
Wenn junge Sprachwissenschafter sich der
Terminologielehre, d.h. den Gesetzma/Jigkeiten der
Fachsprachen zuwenden, kann immer wieder dieselbe
Beobachtung gemacht werden. Die Neulinge stellen
fest, da/3 manches nicht zu dem pa/3t, was sie iiber
die Gemeinsprache gelemt haben. Die einen bilden
sich dann ein, sie wússten alles besser und kehre der
Allgemeinen Terminologielehre bald den Rúcken.
Die anderen aber entschlie/3en sich, den Dingen
auf die Grund zu gehen und ihren Gesichtskreis zu
erweitem«. Tilvitnun í Wúster E. Einfúhrung in die
Allgemeine Terminologielehre und Terminologische
Lexicographie. c 1985 Intemational Centre for
Terminology (Infoterm), Wien. (Zweite Auflage
herausgegeben vom Fachsprachlichen Zentmm,
Handelshochschule Kopenhagen 1985: 1). Sjá
ennfremur Læknablaðið 1991; 77: 391-6.
4. Vilmundur Jónsson. Orð og orðaviðhorf. Læknablaðið
1959; 43: 113-7. Tilvitnun í Með hug og orði. Af
blöðum Vilmundar Jónssonar. Fyrra bindi. Þórhallur
Vilmundarson sá um útgáfuna. Reykjavík: Iðunn,
1985: 376.
5. Vilmundur Jónsson. Vöm fyrir veim. Frjáls þjóð
5. maí 1955. Tilvitnun í Með hug og orði. Af
blöðum Vilmundar Jónssonar. Fyrra bindi. Þórhallur
Vilmundarson sá um útgáfuna. Reykjavík: Iðunn,
1985: 327.
6. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders. Third edition - Revised. (DSM-III-R)
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association,
7. Intemational Classification of Disease. Manual
of the Intemational Staistical Classification of
Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death. Based on the
Recommendations of the Ninth Revision Conference,
1975, and Adopted by the Twenty-ninth World
Health Assembly. Volumes 1 and 2. Geneva: World
Health Association, 1977.
8. Harré R. The Philosophies of Science. An
Introductory Survey. Second edition. Oxford
University Press, 1986. 62-99.
9. Wulff HR, Rosenberg R, Petersen SA. Heimspeki
læknisfræðinnar. Reykjavík: Iðunn, 1991.
10. Gregory RL. Mind in Science. A History of
Explanations in Psychology and Physics. First
Published in Great Britain by George Weidenfeld and
Nicolson Ltd 1981. Peregrine Books, 1984.
11. Watson JD, Crick FH. A Stmcture for Deoxyribose
Nucleic Acid. Nature 1953; 171: 737-8.
12. Zuzuki D, Knutson P. Genethics. The clash between
the new genetics and human values. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989: 116.
13. Ráðleggingar Ráðgjafarþings Evrópuráðsins 1046
(1986) varðandi notkun mannlegra fóstuvísa og fóstra
við greiningu og meðferð, svo og í þágu vísinda.
iðnaðar og verzlunar. í bókarauka í heimild (27).
Islensk þýðing: Öm Bjamason.
14. Ráðleggingar Ráðgjafarþings Evrópuráðsins 934
(1982) varðandi erfðatækni. I bókarauka í heimild
(27). Islensk þýðing: Öm Bjamason.
15. »Considering that the human embryo, though
displaying successive phases in its development
which are designated by different terms (zygote,
momla, blastula, pre-implantation embryo or pre-
embryo, embryo, foetus), displays also a progressive
differentiation as an organism and none the less
maintains a continous biological and genetic
identity;« Tilvitnun í Ráðleggingum Ráðgjafarþings
Evrópuráðsins 1100 (1986) varðandi notkun
mannlegra fósturvísa og fóstra við vísindarannsóknir.
í bókarauka í heimild (27). íslensk þýðing: Öm
16. Sadler TW. Langman’s Medical Embryology. Fifth
edition. Baltimore, Md: Williams & Wilkins, 1985.
17. Morgan D, Lee RG. Blackstone’s Guide to the
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act 1990.
Abortion & Embryo Research, The New Law.
London: Blackstone Press Limited, 1991.
18. Warren MA. Postscript on Infanticide. í: The
Problem of Abortion. Feinberg J, ed. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth, 1984.
19. World Medical Association. The Declaration of Oslo.
Statement on Therapeutic Abortion. í bókarauka í
heimild (27). íslensk þýðing: Öm Bjamason.
20. íslensk orðabók handa skólum og almenningi.
Ritstjóri Ami Böðvarsson. Önnur útgáfa, aukin og
bætt. Reykjavík: Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóðs, 1983.
21. Ásgeir Blöndal Magnússon. íslensk orðsifjabók.
Reykjavík: Orðabók Háskólans, 1989.
22. Öm Bjamason. Líknardauði. Læknablaðið 1989; 75:
23. »Even before recent discussions about changing the
understanding the moment of death, Roman Catholic
medical ethics discussed that question. The traditional
theological definition of death as the separation of
the soul from the body lacks precision. Exactly when
death occurs is beyond the Church or theology and
belongs to the competency of medical science. Such
a position was taken by Pope Pius XII in his address
to an Intemational Congress of Anesthesiologists
on 24 November 1957.« Curran CE. Roman
Catholicism. I: Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Reich WT,
Editor in Chief. New York, NY: The Free Press. A
Division of Macmillan Publishers Co., Inc. Vol. 4,
24. Lacey AR. A Dictionary of Philosophy. Second
edition. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1986.
25. Moore GE. Principia Ethica. Fyrst útgefin 1903,
endurprentuð 1922. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of
the University of Cambridge, 1986: Sections 6-8.
26. »But philosophy is not like a particular language.
Its sources are preverbal and often precultural,
and one of the most difficult tasks is to express
unformed but intuitively felt problems in language
without loosing them. / The history of the subject
is a continual discovery of problems that baffle
existing concepts and existing methods of solution.
At every point it faces us with the question of how
far beyond the relative safety of our present language
we can afford to go without risking complete loss of
touch with reality. We are in a sense trying to climb
outside of our minds, an effort that some would
regard as insane and that I regard as philosophically