The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 21.05.1971, Síða 5

The White Falcon - 21.05.1971, Síða 5
RAPPING about people... • KSgt. Archibald E. Heller, Jr. received the Air Force Com- mendation Kedal for meritorious service as NCOIC of the opera- tions training section and as a surveillance supervisor of the 932nd AC&W Squadron. KSgt. Heller's outstanding training ac- complishments, leadership and professional ability were cited as major contributions to the state of combat readiness main- tained by Air Forces Iceland. The award was presented for the period May 5, 1970 to Kay 4, 1971. • SSgt. Robert W. Burnett re- ceived the Air Force Commendation Medal for distinguished service while assigned to the security police section of the 57th FIS. SSgt. 3umett was cited for his leadership, exemplary foresight Ind ceaseless efforts which re- cited in significant contribu- lons to the effectiveness and uccess of security operations of his unit. His citation was for April 29, 1969 to Kay 25, 1971. • Sgt. Janes E. Jones received the Air Force Commendation Medal for meritorious service as admin- istrative specialist while as- signed to the Tactical Air Recon- naissance Center, Shaw AFB, S.C., from Jan. 6, 1969 to Dec. 1, 1970. His devotion to duty and his su- perior knowledge of administra- tion procedures were cited as di- rect contributions to the accom- plishment of his unit's mission. • KSgt. Ralph A. Artiola re- ceived the Air Force Commendation Medal for meritorious service as the NCOIC of the supply depart- ment of the 89th Military Airlift Wing during the period Feb. 28, 1969 to March 5, 1971. MSgt. Artiola was cited for displaying his direct supervision over the property accounting branch. The award recognizes his extensive knowledge of supply and credits him as being instrumental in main- taining the lowest NOKS (Not Op- erational Ready Supply) rate in the Military Airlift Command. • Kaj. Carroll R. Cooley of the 57th FIS, received S25 for a suggestion pertaining to VHF ra- dio checks. ^ • SSgt. Wilbur T. Ray of AFI ■apply received a $50 award for IKonthly supply transaction reg- (See RAFFING, Page 10) WHITE FALCON Scouts of Cub Pack 364 spent part of Saturday planting trees around the naval station. The trees were donated by the Officers' Wives Club. Each boy received credit in the scouting advancement program. New travel agency offers service ro defense force members, families Members of the defense force and their dependents now have another travel agency. Its opening program includes a trip to Amsterdam over the July 4 weekend. The trip will be by DC-6B and will depart at 5 p.m. on July 2 and return at midnight, July 5. The cost of $142 per person includes the round trip air fare; hotel room, based on double occupancy; breakfast; round trip transporta- tion between the hotel and the airport and free drinks during the five hour flight. Arrangements have been already made for the charter of the air- craft. Bookings will be accepted immediately by calling Mr. Geary at 9-2201 in Keflavik between 1-5 p.m. weekdays. Since it is necessary for a minimum of 70 persons for the trip, the agency will not ask for a deposit until the required num- ber of bookings have been received. The "go or no go" decision will be made on June 4 unless the mini- mum number of bookings has been reached earlier, in which case the decision is automatically "go." If the decision is "go", a non-refundable deposit of $30 will be required before June 11 and the balance on or before June 18. A constantly updated record of bookings will be kept and will be available to anyone wishing to check the situation. Other trips available through the agency include a ten-day trip to London from $188, a ten-day trip to Copenhagen from $217, and a 12-day vacation tour split be- tween Copenhagen and London from $238. The price of these trips includes hotel with breakfast and transportation by scheduled jet aircraft. There is no minimum number of people needed and the trips can be scheduled at conve- nience since this is not by char- ter. Other trips can be arranged on request to most European coun- tries and Tunisia. Charter buses for a minimum of eight persons can be arranged for travel in Iceland. An air taxi service is also being made available for hunting, fishing or sightseeing trips. For more details about these and other future travel programs, contact the agency's authorized representative at 9-2201 and set an appointment. 5


The White Falcon

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