Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2014, Síða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2014, Síða 8
Iceland | For Dummies World’s Mothers” report issued by the NGO Save The Children, Iceland is the fourth best country in the world to be a mother. Of the 178 countries reviewed, Finland is the best, followed closely behind by Nor- way and Sweden. Picking up where April left off, May saw several high profile la- bour strikes in Iceland. Elementary school teachers went on strike, closing schools for a day while ne- gotiators discussed salary increases. And The Icelandic Airline Pilots' Association (FÍA) also went on strike, forcing Icelandair to cancel 26 flights to and from Keflavík Inter- national Airport. It’s estimated that the strike could cost the tourism industry billions, not only in liability payments to travellers on cancelled flights but also in hotel room and car rental can- cellations. In the wake of this pilot strike and a previous strike among airport employ- ees, Minister of Interior Hanna Birna (yep, her again—see above) introduced a controversial new law forbidding Icelandair pilots from striking. Örnólfur Jónsson, the director of FÍA, told reporters that the law will be respected but that pilots may still refuse to work overtime while a col- lective bargaining agreement is pend- ing. This may seem like an ineffective bargaining tactic but in Iceland’s bus- tling summer tourist season pilots are frequently asked to fly additional trips and work overtime. Case in point: Ice- landair already had to cancel flights to and from the US because pilots and mechanics refused to work overtime shifts. Meanwhile, work is steady for Director Baltasar Kormákur. After wrapping on ‘Everest,’ starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Josh Brolin, he’s already gearing up to film and co-produce the English- language epic ‘Vikings.’ And, appropri- ately for our hometown hero, Baltasar is also in talks to direct ‘Reykjavík,’ a historical drama which will chronicle US President Ronald Reagan (played by Michael Douglas) and Soviet Lead- er Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1986 Reykjavík Summit. — Continued — 8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06 — 2014 If we are to have any hope of discussing the very serious matter of an ecological col-lapse in the unique natural wonder of Lake Mývatn, we will have to get the terminology right. The spherical form of the algae species Ae- gagropila linnaei is called "marimo" in Japan, which means "round weed," but the Icelandic name for it, "kúluskítur" means "sphere shit" or "shitball." The most commonly used English name is, however, lake balls. If it were up to me I'd call them "freshwater cojones." Lake balls, please stop giggling, are not strictly speaking a species of algae, but simply one of three growth forms of A. linnaei. One is a free-floating filament. Another is when the algae attach itself to rocks and form patches on the shadowy side. The latter starts to grow little spherical tufts that then break free and become proper lake balls, growing up to 10–15 centimetres in diameter and even 30 centimetres under ideal conditions. So these algae grow some balls. Maybe it is better to stick to calling them marimo which might be all too appropriate, as we may have seen the last of the algal spheres in Mývatn. Ice- landers may need to visit Lake Akan in Japan to see marimo, for the "kúluskí- tur" has disappeared in Mývatn. Save the shitballs! It might be too late for that. An Eng- lish-language report published in May this year by Dr. Árni Einarsson, direc- tor of the Mývatn Research Station, has the stark title: "The Lake Balls of Mývatn — In Memoriam." The report is full of sentences like: "While some isolated lake balls may still exist in Mývatn it is by now (2013) clear that the communities of lake balls have vanished." And: "Now, when they have disappeared, there is room for some nostalgic thoughts." I'm gonna miss the little shitballs. Honestly, marimo is a perfectly good word. In Japan you can even buy little marimo dolls. The algal sphere is soft, fluffy and a pretty, dark green colour. If you Google for marimo photos, and I advise using the word marimo here and not shitballs, you will notice that they look like ornamental shrubs, or bright green Tribbles from the TV show Star Trek. But in Star Trek Tribbles grow really quickly and are impos- sible to get rid of. Can the marimo make a comeback? According to the Mývatn Research Station, we should proceed to: "(1) Reduce nutrient release from the hu- man settlements as much as possible, (2) map and monitor nutrients in the groundwater and (3) map the situation of lake balls in other lakes in Iceland." Uh... does the phrase "nutrient release from the human settle- ments" mean that the shitballs are being killed by human shit? Sort of, but not the way you're pictur- ing it. Essentially, the system of septic tanks and filtering used in the Mývatn area does not remove enough nutrients from the sewage and other waste, which then runs off into the lake. If there is an overabundance of nutrients in the water, other organisms thrive which makes life for the marimo, and all other forms of A. linnaei, very difficult. Now they are gone. Stop the shitflow and the shit- balls will be okay, right? The abundance of nutrients is not the only cause. For decades the lake was mined for diatomite, a type of silicate that has lots of different applications, from agriculture to dynamite. This left a large hole in the lake bottom which has destabilised the ecosystem of Mývatn, and now both A. linnaei and another al- gae species, Cladophora glomerata, have disappeared almost completely. Both are important sources of food for many animals, from invertebrates to ducks. I thought this would be a funny story about aquatic plants with a silly name but now I'm de- pressed. This is the second summer that there have been reports of large-scale ecologi- cal disasters in Iceland. Last year the ecosystem of the river Lagarfljót and its lake collapsed due to a hydroelec- tric dam. Recently there has also been news about sewage disposal problems in Þingvallavatn, the lake at Þingvellir, but hopefully that will not lead to anything terrible. Two aquatic ecosystem col- lapses is plenty, thank you very much. As Dr. Árni Einarsson makes clear in his report, this is a worldwide phe- nomenon. Marimo, and indeed A. lin- naei itself, has been vanishing in many lakes around the world. Lakes with marimo populations have seen an in- crease in nutrients because of human activity. In the heart-breaking final chapter, titled "Canary in the Mine," he sets out a personal history of his first encounter with and studies of ma- rimo, and how it was to be a witness to their disappearance. The final words are simply: "The canary has died." So What Are These Shitballs I Keep Hearing About? Words by Kári Tulinius @Kattullus Illustration by Inga María Brynjarsdóttir NEWS IN BRIEF EARLY MAY T EMPL A R A SUND 3 , 101 RE Y K JAV ÍK , T EL : 5711822, W W W.BERGSSON. IS OPEN FROM 7:00 BREAKFAST & LUNCH RESTAURANT & TAKE AWAY


Reykjavík Grapevine

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