Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2014, Síða 10

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2014, Síða 10
10 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06 — 2014 Grapevine’s Municipal Election Guide 2014 An American politician once famously said “All politics is lo- cal,” and that’s as true in Iceland as anywhere else. Four years after Jón Gnarr was gleefully elected mayor after running on platform promises of a Disneyland at Vatnsmýri (where the domestic airport is currently located) and free towels at the pools, he’s stepping aside. “I think my time has come,” Jón Gnarr said, announcing his decision on a radio show this fall. “If I were to do it again, I would have to become a politician and I’m not one. I’m simply not a politician. I’m a comedian." There are, however, plenty of folks who would like to take his place. To help you get to know the candidates for Reykja- vík’s 2014 municipal election (none of whom, we might add, are offering anything like a polar bear at the petting zoo), we reached out to the eight parties running and—because politicians love nothing better than a good long email from the press—asked them dozens of questions about their party policies, as well as city planning and social issues. Happily, many of them have a lot to say about pressing issues facing the city. However, our questions and their an- swers were practically enough to fill the whole damn maga- zine so we’ve picked out some of them for you here; go to to read our guide in full. Alþýðufylkingin (xR) (“The People’s Front Of Iceland”) Year founded: 2013 List leader: Þorvaldur Þorvaldsson Website: Agenda in one sentence: “Our programme aims at disconnect- ing city funds from capitalist inter- ests and socialising its infrastructure, for public benefit, by cutting profit- driven outsourcing and partnerships, resurrecting public transport, start- ing city-run workplaces and the city's own financial institution, and keeping profit-greedy capital from speculating in real estate and vacant land.” Stance on domestic airport: It should stay where it is unless a bet- ter solution is found. Biggest issues facing Reykjavík: Increasing poverty, housing and rental market. Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn (xD) (“The Independence Party”) Year founded: 1929 List leader: Halldór Halldórsson Website: Agenda in one sentence: “We want to give the people in Reyk- javík the opportunity to choose which services they need most and we will listen to the needs of our residents— especially regarding major changes that directly affect their life or com- munities.” Stance on domestic airport: It should stay where it is for now, but the party will consider recommenda- tions from the stakeholder committee and the community. Biggest issues facing Reykjavík: Housing market, primary school re- form, services to elderly, and the need to lower taxes. Björt Framtíð (xA) (“Bright Future”) Year founded: 2012 List leader: S. Björn Blöndal Website: Agenda in one sentence: “We want a well run, well organised, fun city that respects human rights.” Stance on domestic airport: “The airport is not well placed.” The party will look for stakeholder com- mittee’s relocation suggestions. Biggest issues facing Reykjavík: Public transportation and city plan- ning, public health. Samfylkingin (xS) (“The Social Democratic Alliance”) Year founded: 2000 List leader: Dagur B. Eggertsson Website: Agenda in one sentence: “We want Reykjavík to develop as an interesting, liveable, sustainable and just city that emphasises opportuni- ties for all its citizens.” Stance on domestic airport: Supports current agreement in which Icelandair and the state are jointly ex ploring other site options. Biggest issues facing Reykjavík: Housing and rental market; sustain- able city planning and infrastructure development. Dögun (xT) (“Dawn”) Year founded: 2008 List leader: Þorleifur Gunnlaugsson Website: Agenda in one sentence: “We are about justice for all people, es- pecially those in need.” Stance on domestic airport: No answer provided. Biggest issues facing Reykjavík: Many people don’t have enough money to “live their lives with dignity.” Vinstrihreyfingin - grænt framboð (xV) (“The Left-Green Movement”) Year founded: 1999 List leader: Sóley Tómasdóttir Website: Party agenda in one sentence: “Our vision of Reykjavík is not that different from our vision for Icelan- dic society as a whole—we believe in equality, economic and social justice and a truly multi-cultural society in which everyone can feel at home and blossom.” Stance on domestic airport: A stakeholder committee is exploring alternative locations, but “in the mean- time, this endless debate draws atten- tion away from those issues that really matter.” Biggest issues facing Reykjavík: Increasing income inequality and chil- dren living in poverty. Framsókn (xB) (“The Progressive Party”) Year founded: 1916 List leader: Sveinbjörg Birna Sveinbjörnsdóttir Website: Agenda in one sentence: “We value human dignity above finan- cial values.” Stance on domestic airport: “WE WANT TO KEEP IT WHERE IT IS.” [Yes, they wrote this answer in all caps.] Biggest issues facing Reykjavík: City planning and transportation; gov- ernmental transparency. Píratar (xÞ) (“The Pirate Party”) Year founded: 2012 Captain: Halldór Auðar Svansson Website: Agenda in one sentence: “We value the protection and expan- sion of civil liberties, with a unique focus on direct democracy and trans- parency.” Stance on domestic airport: The party currently has no formal stance—“there's no rush to decide.” Biggest issues facing Reykjavík: A lack of government accountability and citizen involvement in important decisions.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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