Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2014, Qupperneq 45

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2014, Qupperneq 45
A R T OPENINGS AND ONGOING May 23 - June 5 How to use the listings: Venues are listed alphabetically by day. For complete listings and detailed information on venues visit listings. Send us your listings to: Opening Gamla Bíó Gísli Súrsson Actor Elvar Logi performs one-man show based on the fable of the outlaw Gísli Súrsson. Elvar was born in the same area that 'Gísla Saga' takes place in. Shown May 28 and 30, June 6, 7, 13, 14 and 15 at 20:00 National Gallery Sigurjón Ólafsson Retrospective The National Gallery of Iceland opens a retrospective exhibition of the works of abstract sculptor Sigurjón Ólafsson (1908–1982), who was one of the most influential Icelandic artists in the post- war era, and was throughout his life in the forefront of Icelandic sculpture. Opens May 24 Runs until October 29 Nordic House Water World This is a photo project that focuses on water and its journey over the mountain, a project that artist Hans Månsson started four years ago dur- ing a nature hike in Höglekardalen, a small mountain village in the province of Jamtland. This is the first time the exhibition is shown outside Sweden. Opens May 24 Runs until June 16 Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús Your Compound View - Selection from the collection from 1970- 2010 The exhibition comprises a total of around 80 pieces from the period 1970–2010, representing three gen- erations of artists. The origins of Ice- landic contemporary art can be traced back to the rebellion of the “SÚM generation” (SÚM – Association of Young Artists) against the dominance of abstract painters in Icelandic art in the early 1960s. Opens May 24 Runs Until September 7 Reykjavík Art Museum - Kjarvalsstaðir Affinities The exhibition is made up of works which span a period of 73 years and are not curated in terms of a historical overview or thematic approach—the works of different artists are juxta- posed, two or three together, in order to highlight the similarities or affinities between them. A painting of a door by Þorri Hringsson may thus be com- pared with a geometrical abstract by Þorvaldur Skúlason: Þorri objectifies the form, while Þorvaldur rejects all allusion to external reality. Opens May 31 Runs until September 14 Reykjavík, Town, Structure The exhibition explores how Icelandic artists perceived the town as it devel- oped into a city, over 102 years from 1891 to 1993. While Reykjavík was not large around the turn of the 20th century—hardly more than a village in international terms, lacking electricity, mains water and drains—artists fre- quently made it out to be grander than it actually was. Then, in the following years, there was a mass migration from the rural areas, greatly expand- ing the city from 6,000 inhabitants to 119,764. Opens May 31 Runs until September 14 The School of Photography End Of First Year Show First year students of photography ex- hibit some of their best shots, whether they are portrait, landscape, fashion or other photos. Free admission. Opens May 31 Runs until June 8 Spark Design Space In Your Hands The project 'In your hands – three-di- mensional creation and technique' is a dynamic cross-discipline workshop of artists, designers, computer engineers that takes place as part of the Reykja- vìk Arts Festival 2014. The participants explore the revolution of creative processes through 3D printing. They reveal their whole creative process and if you stop by before June 6 you'll be able to witness different stages of the artwork. Opens May 22 Runs until June 14 Tjarnabíó Wide Slumber Wide Slumber mixes poetry, music and theatre in a performance composed by Valgeir Sigurðsson with visuals crafted by the VaVaVoom Theatre. Four musicians, three singers and a performer lull the audience into a limbo between dreams and reality, mixing sleep and dream studies with lepidoptery (the study of butterflies and moths), exploring the theme of metamorphosis. It is inspired by the award-winning poetic fantasia 'Wide Slumber for Lepidopterists' by Angela Rawlings and premieres as a part of the Reykjavík Arts Festival. Opens on May 24 Runs Until May 26 Ongoing Árbær Museum A guided tour in English through this open air museum, which consists of 20 buildings happens daily at 13:00. Admission 1,100 ISK. On permanent view Anarkía Word Artist Finnbogi Helgason uses writing and words to form his paintings, words that represent the elements that compose human beings—Hy- drogen, Nitrogen, Carbon and the like. The words may not be apparent to the casual viewer, but they make up the paintings themselves, and the exhibition as a whole is a model study using words. Runs until June 1 Ellipse Art is not perfect but art is the eternal quest, which is the purpose of the creative process, says artist Kristín Tryggvadóttir. This exhibition attempts to engage the viewer with the forces of nature and the eternal circula- tion of a continuous displacement of matter which does not disappear but is transformed. All matter has its own space, visible or invisible, and even the smallest particle moved away, leaves behind an empty space. Runs until June 1 Art 67 Eduard Belsky Eduard Belsky is one of the most popu- lar and established contemporary Ukrainian artists. His work predomi- nantly focuses on surreal female fig- ures, and mostly utilises oil and acrylic to depict the visions in his mind. Runs until May 31 Artótek Lestur / Reading Guðrún Kristjánsdóttir displays a mixture of recent and older artwork that relates to reading in various ways. One of her outstanding pieces is a painting that recites an old verse from the first and most famous poem of the Poetic Edda Völuspá: 'Áminning um von / A Reminder Of Hope.' Runs until June 1 The Culture House An exhibit showcasing principal me- dieval manuscripts, such as Codices Regii of the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, law codices and Christian works, and the Icelandic Sagas. On permanent view Child of Hope - Youth and Jón Sigurðsson Exploring the life of Icelandic national hero Jón Sigurðsson, made especially accessible to children, families and school groups. On permanent view Do it! Whale Watching & Puffin Tours from Reykjavík 1½ hour Departure times: 10.00 & 14.00Sími/Tel. 861 3840 We are located in the whale watch- ing area at Reykjavík Old Harbour. A Guided Walking Tour Dark Deeds in Reykjavík Every Thursday in June, July and August at 3pm This 90 min. walk is at an easy pace and suits everyone Join ƵƐĨŽƌĂĨƵŶŝŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶƚŽ/ĐĞůĂŶĚŝĐ ĐƌŝŵĞĮĐƟŽŶ͕ŐŚŽƐƚƐĂŶĚŐŚŽƵůƐ Starts at Reykjavík City Library in Tryggvagata 15 /ŶĨŽ͗ Free of charge Tel. 411 6100 Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús Tryggvagata 17 (D3) | 10:00 - 17:00 | ISK 1,300 This exhibition features 80 pieces of Icelandic art from 1970 to 2010, providing a clear overview of the origins and development of Icelandic contemporary art, which is traced back to the "SÚM generation" (Association of Young Artists). These visionaries embarked on post-graduate studies in Europe and North America, only to then continue honing their craft in Iceland, inspiring the next generations. The exhibition features the works of some of Iceland’s best-known artists, including Ólafur Elíasson, Ragnar Kjartansson, Gabríela Friðriksdóttir and Hreinn Friðfinnsson. Many different media are employed in this exhibition, offering something for everyone. TGB The Rise Of Icelandic Contemporary Art Exhibition: 'Your Compound View' 24 May
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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