Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.08.2014, Síða 42

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.08.2014, Síða 42
42 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 11 — 2014MUSIC After a while, one-girl-band and opening act, Dj Flugvél og Geimskip, set up shop on the floor beneath the stage with a lot of synthesizers and toy keyboards. Her style of music can best be described as ‘naivism’ so extreme it almost goes back into the womb. Her overtly cutesy antics had me going back and forth between finding it really charming and insanely irritating. That being said, her last two songs, “Glamúr í geimnum” (“Glamour In Space”) and “Trommuþrællinn” (“Drum Slave”), were pretty impressive. Then Grísalappalísa took centre stage and wasted no time letting the energetic rock commence. They ploughed through the songs on their latest release with strutting assurance. Vocalist Gunnar Ragnarsson had on heavy eye makeup and leather pants, giving off a sort of gay-but-not-gay vibe, with the swagger of Jagger, the androgyny of Bowie and the dance moves of Ian Curtis circa 1979. The group’s other vocalist, Baldur, is more of an anchor who doesn’t dance as much, but his spoken word poetic rants and raspy voice are every bit as important to the band’s sound and aesthetic. The band is now like a well-oiled punkfunk machine with guitarist Albert Finnbogason regularly bursting into feedback-laden firework displays of soundsculpting. Gunnar kept upping the rock-ante as the show went on, and his stage-diving and runs into the crowd became more frequent and wilder. After the encore, when they played mostly material from their first LP, ‘ALI,’ he went increasingly apeshit. In front of the stage, people got into the mosh pit mayhem and sweat rained over bystanders. Logical steps indeed. Grísalappalísa’s second LP is titled ‘Rökrétt framhald’ (“Logical Step Forward”), the music’s critic cliché for a successful sophomore album. Yet, there was nothing conventional about Grísalappalísa’s release concert, which started at Arnarhóll with a ceremony that about 40 people attended. Rúnar, the band’s guitar player, announced that he would unveil a new na- tional holiday song, one that he then performed alone with his guitar and a small amp tucked into his pocket. The anthemic lyrics that he got the audience to sing along with went some- thing like, “Coca Cola Iceland, Grísalappalísa,” an inside joke about the award they won in last year’s increasingly lame and commercial Icelandic Music Awards: “The Coca Cola album of the year.” Rúnar then led a parade down to Húrra, which had been decorated on the inside like an avant-garde high school prom. Photo Magnús Andersen Words Davíð Roach Gunnarsson Viðey Skarfabakki Elding Old harbour Harpa Other adventures Sea Angling daily at 11:00 from 1 May to 31 August Puffin Watching daily at 9:30 and 15:00 from 15 May to 15 August Elding Whale Watching schedule – all year round * From 15 May to 15 September ** From 15 June to 31 July Make sureit’s Elding! ELDING WHALE WATCHING from Reykjavik Call us on +354 519 5000 or visit Jan-Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov-Dec EL-01 / EL-02 / EL-03 13:00 13:00 9:00 9:00 13:00 9:00 13:00 9:00 13:00 9:00 13:00 9:00 13:00 9:00 13:00 9:00 13:00 17:00* 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00* 10:00 14:00 10:00 14:00 10:00 14:00 13:00 20:30** 20:30 From Elding (Ægisgarður) to Viðey 11.50 14.50 From Harpa to Viðey 13.30 15.00 From Skarfabakki to Viðey From Viðey to Skarfabakki 13.30 From Viðey to Harpa and Elding (Ægisgarður) 11.30 13.30 14.30 17.30 10.15 11.15 12.15 13.15 14.15 15.15 16.15 17.15 13.30 Summer Schedule 15 May - 30 September 14.30 16.30 18.302 2.0 15.30 17.30 Really hidden treasure off Reykjavik. Well worth a visit. “ Biffajk taken from TripAdvisor Island #videy 533 5055 Parades, Anthems & Logical Moshing www.grisalappalisa.comHúrraJuly 16 Grísalappalísa’s album release concert “Gunnar Ragnarsson had on heavy eye makeup and leather pants, giving off a sort of gay-but- not-gay vibe, with the swagger of Jagger, the androgyny of Bowie and the dance moves of Ian Curtis circa 1979”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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