Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.08.2014, Síða 47

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.08.2014, Síða 47
The Reykjavík Grapevine and Inspired by Iceland are looking for THE TOURIST OF THE YEAR. Tell us why you should be the Tourist of the Year for a chance to win a free trip to Iceland. Visit to submit your entry! Are you the Tourist of the Year? The International Organ Summer in Hallgrímskirkja 2014 June 14 – August 17 Hallgrimskirkja's Friends of the Arts Society 32nd season 3\UJO[PTLJVUJLY[Z VU>LKULZKH`ZH[UVVU >LLRLUKJVUJLY[Z :H[\YKH`H[UVVUHUK:\UKH`H[WT^P[OPU[LYUH[PVUHSJVUJLY[VYNHUPZ[Z :JOVSHJHU[VY\T 19. 6. 12 noon Helga Þórdís Guðmundsdóttir, Víðistaðarkirkja/Iceland 26. 6. 12 noon Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Hafnarfjarðarkirkja/Iceland 3. 7. 12 noon Kári Allansson, Háteigskirkja & Anna Jónsdóttir soprano, Reykjavík/Iceland 10. 7. 12 noon Steingrímur Þórhallsson, Neskirkja & Hallveig Rúnarsdóttir, soprano, Reykjavík 17. 7. 12 noon Sigrún Magna Þórsteinsdóttir, Akureyrarkirkja/Iceland 24. 7. 12 noon Jón Bjarnason, Skálholt Cathedral/Iceland 31. 7. 12 noon Stéphane Rigat, orgel & Olivier Gillet trumpet, Marseille/France 7. 8. 12 noon Eyþór Ingi Jónsson, Akureyrarkirkja/Iceland 14. 8. 12 noon Gunnar Gunnarsson, Fríkirkjan í Reykjavík/Iceland 3\UJO[PTLJVUJLY[Z VU;O\YZKH`ZH[UVVU Hallgrímskirkja, Skólavörðuholti, 101 Reykjavík Sími / tel.: +354 510 1000, fax: +354 510 1010 - 14.6. 12 noon Björn Steinar Sólbergsson, Hallgrímskirkja Reykjavík 15.6. 5 pm Björn Steinar Sólbergsson, Hallgrímskirkja Reykjavík 21.6. 12 noon Hannfried Lucke, Lichtenstein- Salzburg/Austurríki 22.6. 5 pm Hannfried Lucke, Lichtenstein- Salzburg/ Austurríki 28.6. 12 noon Pétur Sakari, Helsinki, Finnland/ Finland 29.6. 5 pm Pétur Sakari, Helsinki, Finnland/ Finland 5.7. 12 noon Thierry Escaich, París Frakkland / France 6.7. 5 pm Thierry Escaich, París Frakkland / France 12.7. 12 noon Andreas Meisner, Altenberg Þýskaland / Germany 13.7. 5 pm Andreas Meisner, Altenberg Þýskaland / Germany 19.7. 12 noon Alessandro Bianchi, Cantu, Ítalía/ Italy 20.7. 5 pm Alessandro Bianchi, Cantu Ítalía/ Italy 26.7. 12 noon Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir Reykjavík, Ísland/ Iceland 27.7. 5 pm Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir Reykjavík, Ísland/ Iceland 2.8. 12 noon Maurice Clerc, Dijon Frakkland / France 3.8. 5 pm Maurice Clerc, Dijon Frakkland / France 9.8. 12 noon Eyþór Franzson Wechner, Ísland/ Iceland 10.8. 5 pm Eyþór Franzson Wechner, Ísland / Iceland 16.8. 12 noon Axel Flierl , Dillingen, Þýskaland/ Germany 17.8. 5 pm Axel Flierl , Dillingen, Þýskaland/ Germany 47The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 11 — 2014 ART an impromptu television studio. Their YouTube channel, LungATV, hosts the short videos the participants made and Coffee Corner livestream recorded every afternoon. Then we’re off to the edge of the water where we circle around all the beasts and the whale dances through them. The mythology of the beasts and Whale of Time is told to us over a loudspeaker as each beast swaps the heads of their costumes with each other, and then the parade is over. The Point Of It All The final show is undoubtedly impressive, but the heart of the festival is about more than the grand climax. The workshops are what make it unique, and the final show is just a way of showing the end results of the whole process. Participants at LungA sign up for specific week-long workshops run by people chosen by the LungA board. The main requirement for a workshop leader is that they are doing something good in their respective fields, and many of them live and work in Reykjavík. Some of the workshoppers are artists who came with some notion of what they wanted to accomplish at LungA, while some are not and just want to be in a collaborative environment. Despite having variable experience, there is no elitism or snobbiness. Everyone collaborates on their artworks, both with the members of their workshops and with the members of other workshops. The sleeping situation practically forces everyone to get along, what with almost the entire group packed into the classrooms of two schoolhouses, sleeping bags and mattresses lining the floor with only piles of clothing to separate each makeshift bed. Everyone sleeps together, everyone eats together and everyone hangs out at the pool together. The relative remoteness makes it a perfect environment for art making, as the constant distractions of the big city of Reykjavík are nowhere to be found in this small town on the east coast of Iceland. LungA was founded in 2000 by Að- alheiður Borgþórsdóttir, Björt Sig- finnsdóttir, Ólafur Ágústsson, Hall- dóra Malin Pétursdóttir and Stefán Benedikt Vilhelmsson. From the performance art work- shop to the video workshop to the costume workshop, participants at LungA had a lot to choose from when signing up to be a part of the festival. Some of the 120 participants this summer have been coming for years, while others are here for the first time. More than 4,000 guests came throughout the week, though most of them were there for the final Sat- urday, which culminated in a con- cert. INFO


Reykjavík Grapevine

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