Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2014, Blaðsíða 55

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2014, Blaðsíða 55
Experience Icelandic Art and Design Kópavogur Art Museum / Gerðarsafn Hamraborg 4, Kópavogur Open 11–17 / Closed on Mondays Hönnunarsafn Íslands / Museum of Design and Applied Art Garðatorg 1, Garðabær Open 12–17 / Closed on Mondays Hafnarborg / The Hafnarfjordur Centre of Culture and Fine Art Strandgata 34, Hafnarfjörður Open 12–17 / Thursdays 12–21 Closed on Tuesdays Route 40 takes you to on your way to the Blue Lagoon Are you ready Madam President? This is how I do it Hjalti Karlsson graphic designer Track An exhibition of work by Ice- landic artists Daníel Magnús- son, Guðrún Hrönn Ragnars- dóttir, Ívar Brynjólfsson, Ívar Valgarðsson, Sólveig Aðal- steinsdóttir and Þóra Sig- urðardóttir. Mireya Samper Route 40 Books from The UniversiTy of iceland Press AvAilABle aT major booksTores ••• GRJNKT‘FEM GH HR TradiTions & ConTinuiTies Ragnar Ingi Aðalsteinsson A lucid and authoraitative treatment of Old Icelandic alliterative metre. Fires oF THe earTH Jon Steingrimsson A unique eye-witness record of the greatest lava flow which occurred in Iceland only 200 years ago. THe FirsT seTTLers oF THe neW WorLd Jonas Kristjansson Accounts of Norse voyages to North-America and their attempts to settle there. GaeLiC inFLuenCe in iCeLand Gisli Sigurdsson Historical and Literary Contacts. A Survey of Research ART ONGOING – continued – them. A painting of a door by Þorri Hringsson may thus be compared with a geometrical abstract by Þorvaldur Skúlason: Þorri objectifies the form, while Þorvaldur rejects all allusion to external reality. Runs until September 14 Reykjavík, Town, Structure The exhibition explores how Icelandic artists perceived the town as it developed into a city, over 102 years from 1891 to 1993. Runs until September 14 The Seasons in Kjarval’s Art Every season imbues the land with new life, and every cloud casts new colour upon the mountains. This exhibit focuses on how land and saga merge to become one in the works of celebrated Icelandic artist Jóhannes Kjarval. Runs until October 12 Reykjavík Art Museum - Ásmundarsafn A posteriori: House, Sculpture A posteriori, or ‘from what comes after’, is a selection of artworks with original references to buildings or houses. The artists involved in the exhibition have used existing or fabricated arhcitecture to create new works. Runs until 1 February 2015 The Reykjavík City Library The collection centres around new Nordic literature, both fiction and nonfiction. The library lends out novels, academic publications, audiobooks and more. On permanent view Reykjavík City Museum Reykjavík 871 +/- 2: The Settlement Exhibition Archaeological findings from ruins of one of the first houses in Iceland and other excavations in the city centre, open daily 10:00-17:00 On permanent view Reykjavík Maritime Museum From Poverty to Abundance Photos documenting Icelandic fishermen at the turn of the 20th century. On permanent view The History of Sailing Iceland's maritime history that showcases the growth of the Reykjavík Harbour. On permanent view The Coast Guard Vessel Óðinn This vessel sailed through all three Cod Wars and has also served as a rescue ship to over 200 ships. On permanent view Reykjavík Museum of Photography Twosomes 'Twosomes' represents an almost- culmination of Mark Chester's 40+ years of travelling with a camera. Images are paired up by related subject matter, architectural icons with sidewalk signage; Japan with Iowa; 1979 with 2002; celebrity with passerby in a manner that reveals how we are all connected, be it people, places, times or feelings. Runs Until October 14 Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum Tracks in Sand Open your eyes to the world of art ‘Track’ Hafnarborg Strandgata 34 | August 29 – October 19 | 12:00-17:00 | Free! The National Gallery of Iceland opens a retrospective exhibition of the works of abstract sculptor Sigurjón Ólafsson (1908–1982), Ólafsson was one of the most influential Icelandic artists in the postwar era, and was throughout his life in the forefront of Icelandic sculpture. Runs until October 31 Spark Design Space Urban Shape The exhibition by artist Paolo Gianfrancesco is a series of maps of every European capital. Using Open Street Map (OSM) data, the maps are meant to represent a view of the cities rather than try to capture the reality of them because cities are not static like maps but are continuously evolving over time. Runs until September 26 Týsgallerí Mót/Print Artist Karlotta Blöndal will be showing her works at Týsgallerí. Her work is typically text heavy and explores the notion of language. Runs until September 28 Wind And Weather Gallery It’s Over Artist Erica Eyres’ work is primarily concerned with narrative, and is realized through series of drawings, videos, and sculptures. Most recently, she has been developing a body of ceramic wigs, balloons and gloves that are are rendered flat. Runs until October 30 Volcano House The exhibition gives a brief overview of Iceland's geological history and volcanic systems with superb photographs of volcanic eruptions and other magnificent aspects of Icelandic nature. On permanent view Wind and Weather Gallery Alex Video and sculpture mixed media installation by artist Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir. Runs until September 30 Þoka Utaní Ragnar Jónasson brings a whole new meaning to painting. He strips away the tradition of what painting typically means to show it in a whole new light, pushing them towards sculpture. Runs until September 14 This exhibition is made by Daníel Magnússon, Guðrún Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir, Ívar Brynjólfsson, Ívar Valgarðsson, Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir and Þóra Sigurðardóttir, a team of artists who are known for tackling abstract experiences in a tangible and impressive way. All artists showcase their own style and personal aesthetics in order to introduce the viewer to the diverse world of art. The exhibit’s goal is to shed light on contemporary art creation as a force for change, and a channel for new ideas and ways of thinking. SV
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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