The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 29.10.1993, Page 2

The White Falcon - 29.10.1993, Page 2
Air Force Transportation By SSgt James Tuttle The 35th Logistics Support Flight’s Transportation Branch will have an easier time support- ing their mission this winter thanks to in-house efforts and the expertise of a local contractor. As anyone who has been through a winter here knows, the climate can be harsh and unfor- giving. Ice, blowing snow and winds of sixty knots or more make driving extremely hazardous. Performing duties can be diffi- cult, if not impossible. TheTrans- portation Branch has created a solution to this problem with two vehicles that are able to cope with the arctic conditions. The first is a mobile mainte- nance facility based on a six- wheel-drive chassis. It houses a complete workshop capable of performing all levels of field maintenance. It also has the ability to “jump-start” both 12 and 24 volt electrical systems with a self-contained jump unit. It can reach the West End and Rockville in all but the most severe conditions. SrA. Michael Stone is the pri- mary operator of the vehicle and accomplished most of the con- version work. He lovingly refers to it as “Betsy” and said, “When we received this chassis from a European base closure, I saw it as a perfect opportunity to improve our mobile maintenance capa- bilities. Prior to this truck going into service, we relied on an old step van which didn’t perform well at all in bad weather.” MSgt. Charles Bullard, the Ve- hicle Control NCO for the 57th Fighter Wing, remarked, “Hav- ing the truck here on a weekly basis is a real time saver for us, and has had a direct impact on our support of the Wing mis- sion.” The second truck, “Littlefoot”, is the brainchild of the Transpor- tation Superintendent, MSgt. Michael Southerland. He said, “This vehicle is primarily for jump starts and minor repair work. It is the workhorse of the fleet, and must be ready to re- spond at a moment’s notice.” Transportation took their ideas from the 56th Rescue Squadron’s highly modified glacier rescue vehicle and adapted them, with the help of a local conversion expert, to suit their needs. “The actual changes to the truck are fairly minor,” Southerland said. “We weren’t looking for any- thing radical, just an improve- ment in our ability to function in bad weather.” “Littlefoot” is ready for action and looks it. The basic modifica- tions include the additions of work lights, slightly larger tires and rims, a winch for vehicle recovery, a camper shell to pro- tect cargo, and running boards. The job won’t be any easier, and the working conditions still reflect the nature of this island, but with these trucks on the job, the folks in Transportation are al- most looking forward to winter and the challenges that lie ahead. November brings ‘Black Ice’ and chilly days Temperatures continue to fall as Winter settles in over Iceland. On average, 19 days produce measurable rainfall while six days bring snow. Wind chill temperatures occasionally fall below zero and Black Ice on road- ways becomes a hazard. Daylight hours contiue to decrease with an average of 6.5 hours a day. Information provided by the Naval Oceanog- raphy Command Facility, Keflavik Avg. temperature 36F/2C Avg. max. temp. 39F/4C Avg. min. temp. 32F/0C Extreme max. temp. 52F/11C Extreme min. temp. 15F/-9C Dominant wind dir. N-NE Avg. wind speed 15kts/17MPH Extreme max. gust 70kts/81MPH Avg. precipitation 4.6 inches Max. 24-hr. rainfall 1.9 inches Max. monthly rainfall 12.3 inches Avg. monthly snowfall 9.0 inches Max. monthly snowfall 34.0 inches By Chaplain Leslie A. Cola. The Feast of All Saints is brated on the 1st of November; The Church believes that saints are its finest product, the product which most authenticates it It affords to each of its members theresources of heroism in Chris- tian virtue. It is their choice whether they make full use of the resources or not; but no member is excluded from the resources. The Church knows no human condition, honest profession, degree of education or ignorance, and no social class in which it is impossible to practice heroic virtue. There is hardly any pro- fession cr trade which does not have its patron saint. The cata- logue of saints is a true cross- section of the Catholic Church in space and time. The saints vary as persons as much as they vaiy in states and conditions. Some were more amiable or intelligent than others, while a few were ofj extreme simplicity. Thoma Aquinas, by contrast, would have1 to be reckoned as one of the best minds over a period of several hundred years. Perhaps one of the best intro- ductions to the genius and spirit of Catholicism is through the saints. These are the best repre- sentatives of the Church, and they are authenticated. Most Catho- lics arc aquainted with the lives of some, and accept them as pa- trons and models. They were all children of their culture, usually in advance of it The Church does not expect its heroes and hero- ines to be free from fault, but rejects any candidate who proves to be too small. la^ m The White Falcon Commander, Iceland Defense Force RADM Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer LT Joseph L. Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Fridthdr Kr. Eydal Public Affairs LPO JOl David W. Crenshaw Editor J02 Carlos Bongioanni Journalist J02 (AW) Natalie Dias J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The White Falcon isprin ted by theNAS Keflavik Print Plant. Photo processing is provided by Fleet Imaging Command Detachment Keflavik. The White Falcon is an authorized, government- funded weekly publication of the Iceland Defense Force. Contents of The While Falcon are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by, the U. S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, or any other non-merit factor. The White Falcon is located in Bldg. 936, tel exL 4612 or 4552. 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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