The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 29.10.1993, Page 3

The White Falcon - 29.10.1993, Page 3
Navy announces new smoking policy ^Vashington D. C. (NNS) — The Department of the Navy is im- Hnenting new smoking regulations that will significantly change poking inside ships, aircraft, vehicles and buildings. The new regu- lations go into effect at Navy and Marine Corps commands no later than Jan. 1,1994. The policy will ensure smoke-free work and living spaces. Com- manding officers will designate smoking areas on Navy vessels, not to encourage smoking, but to provide a place for smokers who are having a difficult time quitting. The new smoking policy is designed to protect Navy and Marine Corps people and their families from involuntary exposure to envi- ronmental tobacco smoke. TheEnvironmental Protection Agency has classified passive smoking, commonly known as second-hand smoke, as a "Group A" carcinogen. Aboard surface ships, smoking areas shall be designated on weather deck areas away from air supply intakes. If weather deck areas are not available, commanding officers shall designate one or more normally unmanned spaces inside the ship that vent directly outside the vessel, and that will not recirculate secondhand smoke. Designated smoking spaces will not include normally manned work or living areas, such as watch stations, berthings, lounges, messing facilities, libraries, ready rooms, exercise areas, and medical areas. Commanding officers of submarines will designate smoking spaces based on guidance from the force commander and the Nuclear Pow- ered Submarine Atmosphere Control Manual. At shore facilities, commanding officers may designate outside smoking areas away from areas commonly used by non-smokers. Outside smoking areas must be located away from air intakes and building entryways and egresses, so that the smoke is not recirculated into buildings. Smoking will be permitted in individually assigned family quar- ters, bachelor quarters, and hostess house and Navy Lodge rooms providing they are not serviced by a common heating, ventilation or air conditioning system. Smokers who want to quit will not be left out in the cold. The Navy and Marine Craps have several programs and classes available to help smoking cessation. These services are free and available through command fitness coordinators, medical treatment facilities and Family Service Centers. The 1992 world-wide survey of substance abuse indicated Jiat about 37 percent Navy people smoke. While smoking is declining, the Navy is still well above the national average of 25 percent. Your family’s health: LT Scott Rand, Family Practitioner U.S. Naval Hospital Keflavfk This is the third in an ongoing series of articles written by medical staff members of the Naval Hospital dealing with common concerns we encounter. This week’s topic deals with infant feeding. Despite the best efforts of our shipmates at the commissary and Navy Exchange, periodically you may be unable to obtain the particular brand of for- mula you use. There is an easy way to decide which brand to choose next The majority of infant formulas are in one of two groups, either cow’s milk based about infant feeding (Enfamil, Similac andSMA) or soybean based (Isomil, Nursoy and ProSoBee). Other brands are available, but these are the most common. Most have both “low iron” and “iron forti- fied” formulations. The formula we use at the hospital is based on government contract and does not imply a preference on our part The formula you chooseis entirely up to you. All formula-fed infants should have an iron fortified formula. If you cant’t get the brand you commonly buy, try to switch to a brand that is in the same group. If you have to use a low iron formula for more than two weeks or your baby only tolerates “low iron” for- mula, ask your doctor about the need for an the doc talks iron supplement The ready to feed cans of formula are significantly moreexpensive than the powdered and concentrated forms and offer no nutritional advantage. If you choose to breast feed, following the above suggestions should help you feed your infant with confidence. If you have concerns or questions about feeding your infant, please contact the community alth nurse or your Family Physician. Also, if you have contments about this column, or have ques- tions you’d like addressed here, please drop me a note at the hospital or mail your sugges- tions to me at PSC 1003 Box 8, FPO AE 09729. October 29,1993 3


The White Falcon

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