The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 29.10.1993, Síða 4

The White Falcon - 29.10.1993, Síða 4
Base proves ideal testing ground for new tires Story and photos by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter What better place to test a new snow and ice tire than Iceland? This was the case last week when the Dunlop Tire Company con- ducted a week-long series of performance and handling tests on one of the Naval Air Station (NAS) Kcflavik’s aircraft parking areas known as the “hot cargo ramp”. come to Iceland for testing of this scale. We are currently traveling around the world to test the tires in as many snow and ice condi- tions as possible, including New Zealand,” said Eduard Ditzel, Senior Test Department Manager, and company spokesman at the event. “The tire is an evolution of a winter tire that Dunlop already sells.” After a few days of testing and course set- up, the company held an official press con- ference on Monday. The opportunity al- lowed journalists from mainland Europe to leant the merits of the new tire first hand, as well as drive some of the test- bed vehicles. Following the indoor press confer- ence, which included computerized data dis- plays, the group moved trackside where the first of the test drivers piloted the cars around a pre- cisely marked course on the 950,000 square foot pad. In order to simulate the lack of steering con- trol known as hydroplan- ing, the technicians had One of the test vehicles enters the hydroplaning area at speed. In addition to using the wide open, flat surface offered by the ramp, the company hoped to use the opportunity to earn pub- liciity by taking the test vehicles on Langj okull Glacier. Last minute scheming by the Ice- landic weather forced the company to put the idea on the backbumer. To accomplish its objectives, the company imported a fleet of 15 Mercedes Benz and Volkswagon automobiles from Germany, along with 20 technicians and support equip- ment. “This is the first time that our company has The first group of observers included nearly 30 journalists from Europe. The technicians worked quickly between runs to change the tires for comparison tests. set up a 20-meter long “puddle”. An NAS Fire Department truck was positioned to provide a continuous flow of water to the test area. Dunlop has been working on developing this tire for close to one year and saw Iceland as the perfect country to put its technology to the test. “We had a well-performing winter tread on the market, but as with any product a company must continuously refine am improve on their existing technology to sur- vive,” said Ditzel. According to company officials, the tire achieves superior traction through a combi- nation of ‘negative space’, or large water- dispersing grooves and a soft compound. They proved this by taking the same car, fitted with comparison tires, around the track, under identical conditions. The end result was a tighter turn and less slippage by the car as it exited the flooded area. Dunlop will continue testing for a few days before departing from windswept Iceland. Energy Conservation Week observed basewide By CEC (SCW) A. J. Lampman Energy Conservation Week was observed on the base last week with a variety of events to raise everybody’s awareness. Fliers and posters were placed throughout Naval Air Station Keflavik. The posters, made by ele- mentary school students, were judged on creativity and originality. The events included a tour of the Sudumes Regional Heating Corporation’s geothermal power facility on Saturday. The tour gave people a chance to learn about one of the most unique methods of utilizing a nonpolluting source of heat and electricity. In this time of military drawdowns and reductions in government spending, it is vital that we all do our part to reduce our use of energy. Turn off lights when you leave a room. Keep office and home temperatures in the 65 to 70 degree range. Wash and dry only full loads of clothes. Use cold water for washing whenever possible. Other methods include: improving insulation and weather- stripping in buildings, using energy efficient appliances or equipment and keeping present equipment in good working odrder. Energy conservation is something that everyone can help with, because it helps the budget and the environment If you would like more inf carnation or have any sugges- tions, please call CEC Jim Lampman or CE1 Vince Robinson at ext. 7497. 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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