Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.2005, Síða 18

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.2005, Síða 18
ABSTRACTS / XXIX CONGRESS OF THE NORDIC ASSOCIATION OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY O-ll NASAL AIRFLOW AND CHEMICAL SENSES Abstract no.: 024 National quality register for Septoplasty-surgery in Sweden - a continuous improvement of the outcome through opti- mized patient information and a uniform standardized surgi- cal process Kumlien J, ENT-clinic Karolinska Solna, Bohlin L, ENT-clinic LFmeá, S. Hellström Stockholm, Mánsson I, FoU Gothenburg, Engstrand Lindesberg I, Weitz P, ENT-clinic Vasterás, Kjellen G, ENT-clinic Kalmar, Carlborg B. ENT-clinic Malmö The National Quality Register for ENT-healthcare in Sweden has been in use for 7 years. At present the register for septum sur- gery stores data from over 4000 patients and almost all Swedish ENT-clinics are contributing. Of major interest is that the register records, 6 months after surgery, the patient satisfaction, via a questionnaire, using a four-grade scale. The patients are grading their symptoms as ‘completely gone’, ‘almost gone’, ‘no change’ or ‘worse’. ‘Completely gone’ and ‘almost gone’ are categorised as 'satisfied’. At an ENT- meeting in 2000, the delegates were engaged in a process identifying factors improving septoplasty surgery. At that time the register contained 711 patients and approximately 70% of the patients were satisfied with the out- come of the operation. However, the delegates assessed this result unacceptable and considered 90 % ‘satisfied’ patients as an appropriate standard. No specific factors which could influence the outcome of the septoplasty procedure were identified at that time, though a proper information about the operation to the patient was considered of importance. During the following years a standardized patient information form has been produced and is now accepted during a consensus meeting (fall 2004) of Swedish rhinologists. At the same time a manual for the whole chain of events, from symptoms, diagnostics to the surgical procedure and post-operative care was established. We believe that these two documents will induce a process in which both patients and the profession will gain a mutual understanding of the pros and cons regarding septoplasty, and unnecessary surgery minimized. Through a continuous follow-up by the register the clinics can follow their own ‘patients satisfaction’ and thus introduce routines that will improve the results. As an example one of the ENT- clinics, by use of Register data, increased their patient satisfaction from initially 60% to 75% during a two-year period. At present 76% of the Swedish patients undergoing septoplasty are satisfied and the results have thus improved since 5 years ago. It will be interesting to see which results will be reached in future when the two documents described have been in use for some time. Abstract no.: 025 Correspondence between three olfactory tests and supra- threshold odor intensity ratings Koskinen S, Department of Food Technology, University of Helsinki, Vento SI, Jorvi Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Malmberg H, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Helsinki University Central Hos- pital, Tuorila H, Department of Food Technology, University of Helsinki The capability of three olfactory tests (European Test of Olfac- tory Capabilities Sniffin' Sticks and Cross-Cultural Smell Iden- tification Test) to similarly classify subjects as normosmics, hyposmics, and anosmics as well as the relation between test per- formance and suprathreshold ortho- and retronasal odor intensity ratings were examined. Forty-eight subjects (aged 15-84, mean 49.5 years) completed three olfactory tests, rated aqueous solutions of vanilla (0-0.31%) and lemon aroma (0-0.17%) for odor and flavor intensity. Thirty- eight had subjectively normal olfaction and ten subjects had case histories indicating anosmia. The tests were highly correlated and differentiated anosmic, hyposmic, and normosmic subjects. Some discrepancy was seen in the olfactory diagnoses given by the three tests on individual level. In principal component analysis (PCA), olfactory measurements were loaded on three components: 1) odor detection, discrimination and identification, 2) suprathreshold intensity ratings and 3) threshold for n-butanol. Age was associated with a decrease in olfactory test scores. The tests separated anosmics and normosmics highly significantly, and permitted an assessment of hyposmia if the limits suggested in this study are used. The suprathreshold odor intensity ratings reflected a different dimension of olfaction than the olfactory tests. Abstract no.: 026 What happens to patients with nasal stuffiness and a pathological rhinomanometry left without surgery? Thulesius H. Váxjö Central Hospital. Jessen M, Váxjö Central Hospital Objective: We wanted to study the natural history of patients with nasal stuffiness and a pathological rhinomanometry. It would seem obvious that these patients still suffer nasal stuffi- ness after several years. However, is it true? Method: We recalled 27 patients (10 women and 17 men, mean age 53 years) complaining about nasal stuffiness between 1995- 1997 and with a positive rhinomanometry but left without surgery for various reasons. At baseline an ENT investigation including rhinomanometry, before and after decongestion was performed. All patients had a pathological high nasal airway resistance (NAR) after decongestion but did not undergo surgery. Exactly the same investigation with the same device and staff was performed at follow-up 8-9 years after baseline. Results: At follow-up mean NAR (V2) for the narrower side went down from 46 to 31, and for the wider side from 19 to 16. Subjective nasal stuffiness was unchanged for 56%, reduced for 33%, and increased for 11% of the patients. These are prelimi- nary results, and 13 more patients will be examined. Conclusion: A decrease in mean nasal airway resistance (NAR) was seen while subjective nasal stuffiness remained unchanged for a majority of the patients. Reasons for the rhinomanometric changes will be discussed. Abstract no.: 027 Screening and rehabilitation of olfaction aftertotal laryngec- tomy in Swedish patients: Results from an intervention study using the Nasal Airflow- Inducing Maneuver (NAIM) Finizia C, MD, PhD Department of Otolaryngology, Risberg Berlin Birgit, 8 Læknablaðið/Fylgirit 51 2005/91


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