Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 36

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 36
ABSTRACTS / XXIX CONGRESS OF THE NORDIC ASSOCIATION OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY Abstract no.: 089 Benefits of teaching voice amplification as related to subjective laryngeal symptoms and perceived voice quality in teachers Valdís Jónsdóttir, Iceland Loud speaking due to noisy working conditions is a common cause for teachers’ voice disorders. One way to diminish the vocal load of teaching is to make use of technical equipment. This Icelandic study explores: (1) if the use of amplification in classrooms would diminish the teachers’ experienced symptoms of vocal fatigue; and (2) whether there is a possible change in per- ceptual voice quality during a teacher’s working day. Thirty-three teachers, from grade school to university level, voluntarily served as subjects. They used amplifiers while teaching for one week at least. After that, they filled out a questionnaire concerning their symptoms and experiences. The results showed that the majority of teachers found amplification beneficial. They found it easier to talk and experienced less fatigue. The few disadvantages were technical. For a perceptual analysis, three females and two males (mean age 51 years) with long teaching experience and three or more dysphonic symptoms during the term, had their speech recorded while teaching, with and without amplification. In the clinical examination, no pathological changes were found in the vocal folds. In both studies, the quality of the voices was esteemed better when amplification was used. S-XV LIVE SURGERY S-XVI WHAT’S REALLY THE NOSE FOR? THE VOMERONASALORGAN AND OLFACTION Abstract no.: 090 Jacobson’s organ in the Nordic countries Malm L, Uddman R, Dept. of ORL, Malmö University Hospital, University of Lund ‘Smell is the sense of memory and desire’ (Rousseau 1712-1778)). The sense of desire is in most mammals localized to a small struc- ture at the base of the vomer, the vomeronasal organ (VNO). This structure was discovered by the Danish anatomist, Ludvig Jacobson, who in 1811 described the structure in no less than 16 different mammalian species. He had several suggestions as to the function. Not the least did he suggest it to be a chemical sense organ. In Sweden, the anatomist Gustaf Retzius, at the end of the 19th century, corroborated earlier studies and further strengthened the suggestion that the VNO was a sense organ. Ivar Broman, Professor of Anatomy in Lund, published at the celebration of the 250 years jubilee of the Lund University, a monograph titled 'Das Organon Vomero-Nasale Jacobsoni - ein Wassergeruchsorgan’. He had studied a great number of mam- malian species and confirmed that the VNO was present in the animals but not in man. This shows that only man among the mammals needs the whole CNS to experience desire. 36 Læknablaðið/Fylgirit 51 2005/91 Abstract no.: 091 The structure and function of VNO in mammals Kjell B. Dpving IMBV, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway The vomeronasal organ is a chemosensory organ, also called ‘organ of Jacobson’ as it was discovered by the Danish anatomist L. Jacobson. In 1813 he described the organ as follows: ‘It is locat- ed in the foremost part of the nasal cavity, in close contact with the nasal cartilage (septum), on the above-mentioned palatal elonga- tions of the intermaxillary bone. It is so carefully concealed that it has avoided discovery by the very discerning eyes of several anat- omists.’ The long vomeronasal organ is enclosed in a cartilaginous capsule. The sensory epithelium covers one side of the organ’s lumen; the other side is occupied by the so-called mushroom body, with a cavernous structure. The anterior part of the lumen opens to the nasopalatine duct. Via this duct, fluid can enter the lumen from the nose or the mouth. The primary sensory neurones end in the accessory olfactory bulb. The entry of chemosignalling fluids is often associated with a particular behaviour, flehmen. Horses lift their heads, wrinkle their nose, lift their upper lips and stop breathing for a moment and then give a neigh. Functional studies have shown that the organ mediates infor- mation about the social and sexual status of other conspecifics; indicating that the vomeronasal organ mediates information carried by pheromones. For example it has been shown that an intact vomeronasal organ is essential for successful reproductive behaviour in sexually na'íve animals. Substances carried in the urine from dominant males can accelerate maturation of juvenile females and suppress maturation of juvenile males. In the presentation the anatomical and functional properties of the vomeronasal system that gives these biological effects will be discussed. Abstract no.: 092 The olfactory sense and the VNO in man Trotier D1, Eloit C1, Bensimon JL2, Pernollet JC3, Briand L3, D0ving KB4 'Neurobiologie Sensorielle, NOPA, INRA, F 78352 Jouy-en-Josas, France, 2ENT, Höpital Lariboisiére, F 75010 Paris, France, 3Biochimie Olfaction et Goút, NOPA, INRA, F 78352 Jouy-en-Josas, France, 4Dpt of Biology, University of Oslo, Box 1051, N-0316, Norway In humans, the vomeronasal organ is non-functional. Although our endoscopic observations revealed the existence of vomerona- sal cavities at the base of the septum in many subjects, our immu- nohistological observations failed to reveal the presence of vom- eronasal sensory neurones. In addition, other studies have failed to demonstrate vomeronasal receptor proteins VRl, vomeronasal transduction channels TRP2 or accessory olfactory bulbs; all fea- tures characteristic of a functional vomeronasal system. Humans rely only on their olfactory system to analyse odorants and the olfactory sensory epithelium is restricted to a narrow passage at the upper part of each nasal cavity, namely the olfactory cleft. Patients with an impaired sense of smell verified in detection and recognition tests, had an obstructive pathology specifically located to the olfactory clefts as revealed by CT scans. Open olfactory clefts are essential for a normal olfactory function.


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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