Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2015, Qupperneq 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2015, Qupperneq 6
6 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 1 — 2011 Tel: +354 511 2600 · · ALL SEASON S! Glacier Lagoon Jökulsárlón – Day tour – This great tour takes us along the impressive south shore of Iceland to the extraordinary Glacier Lagoon. Availability . . . . . . . Saturdays Pick up starts . . . . . 07:00am Duration. . . . . . . . . . 14 hours Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.500 ISK I C E L A N D 4 D U M M I E S Art | It's not art As a rule, we never, ever, ever cover crowdfunding efforts at The Reykjavík Grapevine. Except for when it comes to honouring Biogen's memory. That goes without saying.6 Th Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2015 That Music Festival Is Over, Now What? Now we make a goddamn pile, OK? By Rebecca Conway She wished to remain anonymous, and was understandably more interested in getting home than talking to me. When I asked whether the Airwaves clean-up was worse than the one at her normal bar job, she shook her head and sighed an affirmation. She had been working for the past three nights. It was the last night of Airwaves, too late for me to be asking, but I just had to: What do you wish the Airwaves attend- ees would do differently with their cans, bottles, etc? Our unsung hero just smiled, and said: “At least make a pile.” So make a goddamn pile next year, OK? "Rassgat" Ragnar Egilsson Explains Some Words! So we have a word, which is this word: “rassgat”. It 100% literally means “ass- hole”, as in “the hole part of the general ass area”. But unlike “asshole” in Eng- lish, the word is never used to refer to a person that is behaving like a jerk. If someone cuts you off in traffic we don’t scream “rassgat!” out the window. We would use the much milder “fáviti!” [person of limited wits] for that one. But “rassgat” does have three pretty fun meanings in Icelandic aside from know: 1) It can be used to refer to a place that’s very far away and/or very isolated. Example: “Þetta apótek er lengst útí rassgati” [this pharmacy is far out in the asshole]. It bears some similarities to the UK English phrase “arse-end-of-nowhere” or the US English phrase “middle of Bumblefuck” 2) It can be part of my favorite insult: “Hoppaðu upp í rassgatið á þér” [leap up your own asshole]. This is a vivid and fun way to tell someone to remove themselves and their opin- ions from your presence, i.e. to “piss off” 3) Strangest yet, is that “rassgat” is a very common way to refer to things that are adorable. Rassgat is basi- cally the closest thing we have to the Japanese word “kawaii”. You’ll find yourself using it to refer to puppies, kittens and tiny widdle baby wabies. Why? Maybe it’s be- cause babies have little scrunched up faces like buttholes? Maybe it’s because they make that “ppffbbr- raffrabfhh” sound a lot? There you have it. Assholes are good for distant places, annoying people, and cute babies. Maybe we could start refer- ring to everything by body parts: - “That place was totes off the flipping pancreas!" - "OMG, is that your daughter? Ocular! - Aw, that’s so epidermis of you!" Who Is Biogen, And Why Should I Help Crowdfund A Compila- tion Of His Music? By Jónas Thor Guðmundsson, Ruxpin! Sigurbjörn Þorgrímsson, AKA. Biogen, was a pioneer in the Icelandic electronic music scene. As one of the founders of Thule Records, and later the head of the mighty Weirdcore collective, bright- eyed Biogen was a constant source of inspiration, motivating a large part of the younger generation of Icelandic electronic musicians to leave their base- ments and get their music out there. While Biogen was very active in his ar- tistic endeavours, constantly releasing new music and frequently giving perfor- mances, both in Iceland and abroad, his physical releases having grown increas- ingly rare in recent years, with very little currently available to the public. The main reason for this is that Biogen self- released a lot of his music, selling and distributing it among friends, fans and family, occasionally handing out copies to wandering tourists he’d encounter on Laugavegur. Biogen passed away in 2011, follow- ing a long battle with manic-depressive disorder—an illness that had an integral effect on his life and on his music. He was a beloved friend and a valued mentor to many of those who currently lead the Icelandic music scene. The scene itself, along with those who follow and enjoy it, are indebted to Biogen for his hard work and constant creativity. We all miss him terribly, too. This is why a group of local art- ists decided to team up with Biogen’s friends and family to honour the man and his life’s work by crafting a mas- sive compilation of his music. Biogen may not be with us at the moment, but through his music, through the spirit he inspired, and through the memories of those who knew him, Biogen will live forever. A POEM BY KÖTT GRÁ PJE duck god the mechanic and the lancer and the old reverend and coffee at the YMCA mare nostrum is positively a duck pond onward christian soldiers and all the god's mechanics into mare nostrum which is indeed a duck pond and the lancer and the old reverend at the YMCA mechanics of mare nostrum indeed duck's soldiers old reverend and lancer onward into mare nostrum positively duck god This song is to Icelandic Christmas songs what Stealers Wheel’s “Stuck In The Middle With You” is to Bob Dylan’s late ‘60s sound—a spoof so close to what it is mocking that the everyday listener stands little chance of getting the joke. It’s a Christmas song that’s all about how boring Christmas songs are, replete with jingling bells and pop synths. You will hear this song playing softly in the back- ground in Kringlan and Smáralind as you do your Christmas shopping. You will hear kids singing along to the catchy cho- rus as they hang up holiday decoration. You will hear it played at family events and on all of the radio stations. Decades from now, it will be a classic, as insepa- rable from the Icelandic holiday season as Jeff Buckley’s cover of “Hallelujah” is from riverside funerals. And you will enjoy it, because thankfully “Jólalag” is a delight, and will serve to further cement Vaginaboys—our coverstars—as one of the most exciting new acts to emerge in Iceland for a long time. NOTE THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DOWNLOAD VAGINABOYS’ JÓLALAG FROM WWW.GRAPEVINE.IS UNTIL DECEMBER 9! THIS IS BECAUSE VAG- INABOYS ARE STILL PERFECTING ITS SOUND, TIGHTENING THE RHYTHM AND MOISTENING THE GLYPHS. TRACK OF THE MONTH! Vaginaboys “Jólalag” Download it FREE at EDITORIAL: I REGULARLY RUB SHOULDERS WITH THE LIKES OF UP-AND- COMING HIP-HOP RAPPER GKR By Haukur S. Magnússon …and I have the picture to prove it!
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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