Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2015, Page 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2015, Page 18
18 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 18 — 2015 Kolabrautin is on 4th floor Harpa Reservations +354 519 9700 A dinner at the elevated fourth floor of Harpa concert hall is a destination in itself. Relax and enjoy the best Icelandic produce complemented with a spectacular panoramic view of Reykjavík and the surrounding horizon. For a special evening with a view like no other if the boys are kidding or serious. The group originally made skate films before they started creating hip-hop. “The name came from a trip,” Prins Puffin says, “during which [fellow Shades member] Elli Grill drew a pic- ture of a potato smoking, with Shades of Reykjavík coming out of it.” The collective recently released two new videos, “Drusla” and “Elli Grill og Leoncie”—the latter featuring fa- mous Indian/Icelandic artist Leon- cie. Both songs are off their upcoming album, which was finalized on the very day we spoke. Prins Puffin seems exhausted, but that’s only natural, considering the boys do everything themselves—from the album art- work, to mixing, to mastering. “We’re even releasing it on our own label,” Prins Puffin tells me proudly. “It’s all from scratch.” Sturla Atlas (Pronounced Stir-la Atlas) Members: Sturla Logi Pedro Joey Christ Young Nazareth Listen to: “Snowin” The 101 boys of Sturla Atlas began col- laborating together quite a bit earlier than their June 2015 mixtape release might indicate. “Me, Jói, and Logi were all in a rap group together when we were like eight,” Sturla says with a smile. “Last April, Logi and I made some songs as sort of a present for our flatmates.” He shrugs. “We ended up liking them, so I guess the ball just started rolling after that.” The first thing they decided was that they would sing in English. “We have a lot of love songs,” Sturla says, discussing the group’s lyrics. This summer, they alternated between spending long hours in the studio and spending long hours partying in downtown Reykjavík. “We got pretty weird at times,” Sturla tells me. “You write down some random shit, and it might not make any sense, but that doesn’t matter because, in the end, the whole thing will come together and speak for itself.” Sturla Atlas’s smooth and silky hip-hop does speak for itself. Their beats, overlaid with Sturla’s buttery voice, are lovely. “I love this scene,” Sturla says near the end of our conversation. “I love how big it has become.” He smiles. “I just love the passion.” Vagina- boys Members: ??? ??? Listen to: “Elskan af því bara” The Vaginaboys representative I spoke with insisted on wearing a white mask throughout our Skype meeting. His camera was pointed at an extreme angle, so I could barely even see his eyes. “I don’t want peo- ple I don’t know to know me, you know,” he says. “Me, personally, I’m not that into the fame aspect of the music business.” Because of this, all of Vaginaboys’ members remain anonymous. They never appear in public without their patented masks, furthermore obscuring their voices, whether they’re performing or be- ing interviewed on live radio. “We are maybe five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten?” unspecified Vaginaboy says. He can’t even tell me how many people are in the band. “Somewhere around there?” But Vaginaboys’ eclectic nature goes far beyond the band’s outward ap- pearance and secretive nature. Their take on modern hip-hop is slow, soul- ful and R&B-tinged—innovative, ar- tistic and entirely their own. “They are mainly love songs, but they have kind of double meanings,” Vaginaboy Ingocnito tells me. I ask for an exam- ple: “Some of them are kind of explic- it,” he says. “They talk about fingering girls and stuff. ‘Fingering them to sleep.’ That’s one of the lyrics.” Vaginaboys seem to reside in a world of their own. “I don’t really follow the local hip-hop scene,” he admits. The group is planning to release some songs with English lyrics in the com- ing months, he tells me in closing, also hoping to play some shows abroad. “That would be a dream.” Auður (Pronounced “Auth-uhr”) Members: Auðunn Listen to: “South America” “I remember being a kid, and my nephew showing me [Iceland’s breakthrough hip hop outfit] XXX Rottweiller and I was like ‘Woah!’” Auðunn, the man behind Auður, tells me. “I was so surprised that you could say all that stuff they were saying. I was really flabbergasted.” Through- out our conversation, Auðunn con- Snatcher. But with all the news about processed meat causing cancer, Sau- sage Snatcher has moved on to differ- ent tubular items. Now, Bjúgnakrækir steals lighters and lipstick. If you tend to leave your purse unattended or your lighter on the table whilst doing shots at the bar, take note—it might not be there when you get back. “I would watch people in the bar,” says Bjúgnakrækir. “If a woman left her purse unattended, I would root through it. I wouldn’t take money or anything—I took makeup, usually lip- stick. If guys left their jackets lying around, I would steal their cigarettes or lighter. Then I’d stand at the other end of the bar and watch. They’d always be so confused, searching through their purse or jacket. When I stole them, I would pretend to get sick and rush to the bathroom to inspect my treasures and laugh to myself.” Let this be a lesson: DON’T LEAVE YOUR SHIT ALL OVER THE BAR. DECEMBER 21 On the ninth day of Christmas, Win- dow Peeper comes to check out what’s going on. In your house. From outside. Yep—it’s Gluggagægir, who likes to see what kinds of naughty things you get up to when you think you’re alone. Now, we’re in the age of camera phones and internet shaming, so you’d think folks would be more careful about their behaviour, especially in public—a les- son sometimes learned the hard way. So be glad Gluggagægir doesn’t take photos. It’s just burned into his mem- ory. Forever. “I was walking down Skólavörðustígur, drunk,” says Glug- gagægir. “Just checking shit out, you know? I decided to start taking some back alleys to get an idea of what was going on behind the scenes of drunken merriment. I saw a guy just standing there, staring into the sky. I thought, ‘Typical tourist, looking for the Au- rora’. But as I got closer, I realised that his eyes were closed. I kept creeping closer. I was curious… like a cat. Fi- nally, the guy put his hands behind his head, and I realised he was getting a blowjob. That was when he noticed me, and started talking to me. The guy sucking his dick looked up at me, but was quickly guided back to the task at hand. I stood there having a smoke whilst talking to the blowjob recipient. But other than getting sucked off by a dude in alley, he was pretty boring.” Let that be a lesson: SEX IS SOME- THING TO DO AT HOME. DECEMBER 22 On the tenth day of Christmas, you’ll definitely see Gáttaþefur, Smell Sniffer. He’s always had a nose for mischief and fun—the ‘Icelandic nose’ that Reykja- vík rapper Tiny talks about. This snif- fling menace has managed to snort up a lot of confidence—but following your Icelandic nose can have its downsides. You can end up living the moment to the point of sabotaging the future. “I’d just finished a show,” says Gát- taþefur. “We bought a bottle to take with us, and picked out eight good- looking girls, inviting them down to the studio for an after-party. Everyone was making out, and we drank all night— when it was over, a friend came to pick me up, but the car got sideswiped by a cab. It span around three times—he was all bloody. I tried to hit on the police officers when they arrived, but they just sent me away and didn’t even give me a ride home. It wasn’t our stu- dio, and we wound up cleaning it for a week.” Let that be a lesson: YOU HAVE TO GO HOME SOMETIME—AN AFTER- PARTY CAN TURN A GREAT NIGHT INTO A BAD ONE. DECEMBER 23 On the twelfth day of Christmas, be on your guard! Ketkrókur, the Meat Snatcher, is out causing chaos. Ket- krókur loves to steal food, but his meat- hook is too conspicuous these days, so he makes do with a cupped hand. Meat Snatcher’s affinity for meat has turned to dairy as well, particularly ice cream—a popular sugar rush for the inebriated. “I’d been drinking all night,” says Ketkrókur. “I needed to eat something. My friend and I went into 10-11, opened up the freezer, and spooned ice cream straight into our mouths with our hands. After stuffing our faces, we put the lid back on the pail and put it back in the freezer. We stole some salty li- quorice on the way out, too.” Let that be a lesson: UMMM… AL- WAYS INSPECT ICE CREAM BE- FORE YOU BUY IT AND, AGAIN, DON’T GET DRUNK AND STEAL FROM 10-11. DECEMBER 24 On the thirteenth day of Christmas, keep a close eye on your candles! Ker- tasníkir, the Candle Beggar, is look- ing to throw shade on your festivities. Currently, he steals candles to wax up skate spots around town, combining thievery and vandalism. Because skat- ing brings together people of all ages, Candle Beggar often gets a chance to lead fledgling 101-rats into dark terri- tory. “There used to be this kid who’d follow us around,” says Kertasníkir. “He was about thirteen. He was a skate wunderkind, so we’d let him come to our studio and smoke joints with us. His grandmother hated this. She’d al- ways phone around to find him. One day, when I returned from working at sea, my friend had decided to dress up like a woman. He’d shaved his legs and put on makeup. It kind of freaked me out—he looked really good. I kept star- ing at him. We were in the studio, when the kid’s grandmother basically kicked in the door looking for her grandson. She’d heard her grandson was with my (cross-dressing) friend, and called out his name. He stomped over to her in his high heels, and she asked him, ‘How old are you?’ He replied, ‘How old are you?’ And they just did this back and forth until the grandmother finally left.” Let this be a lesson: LET KIDS GROW UP AT THEIR OWN PACE. NOT EV- ERYONE NEEDS TO BE FUCKED UP TO HAVE FUN.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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