Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2015, Qupperneq 62

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2015, Qupperneq 62
The Reykjavík Grapevine X-mas Special6 The Icelandic Jólasveinar (Yule Lads) have little to do with the in- ternational Santa Claus. They are descended from trolls, and were originally bogeymen who scared children. During this century they have mellowed, and sometimes don red suits. Their number var- ied in old times from one region of Iceland to another. The number thirteen was first seen in a poem about Grýla (the Lads’ mother) in the 18th century, and their names were published by Jón Árnason in his folklore collection in 1862. On December 12, the Yule Lads begin to come to town one by one on each of the thirteen days before Christmas. The first is Stekkjastaur (Sheep-Cote Clod), who tries to drink the milk from the farmers’ ewes. On December 13, Giljagaur (Gully Gawk) visits. Before the days of milking machines, he would sneak into the cow- shed and skim the froth off the pails of milk. Next to turn up is Stúfur (Stubby) on December 14. His name implies that he is on the small side. He is also known as Pönnuskefill (pan-scraper), as he scraped scraps of food off the pans. On December 15, Þvörusleikir (Spoon- Licker) comes down from the mountains. He steals wooden spoons that have been used for stirring. When he visits the National Museum, he goes looking for wooden spoons. On December 16, Pottasleikir (Pot- Licker) comes visiting. He tries to snatch unwashed pots, and licks the scraps from them. Askasleikir (Bowl-Licker) arrives on December 17. He hides under beds and if someone puts his wooden food-bowl on the floor, he grabs it and licks it clean. Hurðaskellir (Door-Slammer) barges in on December 18. He is an awfully noisy fellow, who is always slamming doors and keeping people awake. The Lad who is expected on December 19 is called Skyrgámur (Skyr Gobbler), because he loves skyr so much that he sneaks into the pantry and gobbles up all the skyr. Bjúgnakrækir (Sausage Swiper) as- cends on December 20. He loves sausages of all kinds, and steals them whenever he can. On December 21, Gluggagægir (Win- dow-Peeper) arrives. He is not as greedy as some of his brothers, but awfully nosy to the point of voyeurism, peeping through windows and even stealing toys he likes the looks of. On December 22 Gáttaþefur (Doorway- Sniffer) comes calling. He has a big nose, and loves the smell of cakes being baked for Christmas. He often tries to snatch a cake or two for himself. December 22 is sometimes called hlakkandi ("looking forward"), because the children have started looking for- ward to Christmas. On December 23, St. Þorlákur’s Day, Ketkrókur (Meat-Hook) descends. He adores all meat. In olden days he would lower a hook down the kitchen chimney and pull up a leg of lamb hanging from a rafter, or a bit of smoked lamb from a pan, as smoked lamb was traditionally cooked on St. Þorlákur’s Day. Kertasníkir (Candle-Beggar) is the last to show up on Christmas Eve, December 24. In olden times, candlelight was the brightest light available. Candles were so rare and precious that it was a treat for children to be given a candle at Christ- mas. And poor Candle Beggar wanted one too. During the thirteen days before Christmas, the National Museum pres- ents actors dressed as the old-school Jólasveinar. They show up around 11 am each day. National Museum, Suðurgata 41, 101 Reykjavík. Tel. 530 2200. www. Originally appeared in issue 16/2005. Jólasveinar (yo!-la-sway-ner) Holiday Opening Hours: Your Grapevine Guide Compiled by ALEXANDER DE RIDDER, HREFNA BJÖRG GYLFADÓTTIR and REBECCA CONWAY If you are a tourist stranded in Iceland over the holiday season, you may find yourself hard pressed to come up with activities to engage in, as the country practically shuts down in late December (admittedly, this has been changing along with the increased tour- ist influx). Most shops are closed, tour opera- tors generally run a limited schedule, and some of our favourite restaurants close down (although, again, this has been slowly chang- ing for the better). Rather than let you depend on dumb luck, we at the Grapevine compiled a list of what’s open and when for your conve- nience. Rest assured, there are things to do in Reykjavík over Christmas. You just have to be smart about it, and manage your expecta- tions somewhat. We’ve tried to make sure this guide is as comprehensive as possible, but there may be changes from when we print the issue. For a complete list, log on to— seriously, our interns are amazing and they compiled opening hours for every goddamn nook and cranny in the greater Reykjavík area. Travel Strætó - Public City Bus Dec 23: Regular schedule Dec 24: Saturday schedule until 15:00 Dec 25: No service Dec 26: Sunday schedule Dec 27: Saturday schedule Dec 28: No service Dec 31: Regular schedule Tourist Information Center, Aðalstræti Dec 23: 08:00-19:00 Dec 24: 08:00-14:00 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: 10:00-14:00 Dec 31: 08:00-16:00 Jan 1: 12:00-19:00 Blue Lagoon Dec 23:10:00-17:00 Dec 24:10:00-13:00 Dec 25:10:00-16:00 Dec 26: 09:00-20:00 Dec 31: 09:00-17:00 Jan 1:09:00-20:00 Pools Árbæjarlaug Dec 23: 06:30-18:00 Dec 24: 08:00-12:30 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: 12:00-18:00 Dec 31: 08:00-12:30 Jan 1: Closed Breiðholtslaug Dec 23: 06:30-18:00 Dec 24: 08:00-12:30 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: Closed Dec 31: 08:00-12:30 Jan 1: Closed Grafarvogslaug Dec 23: 06:30-18:00 Dec 24: 08:00-12:30 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: Closed Dec 31: 08:00-12:30 Jan 1: Closed Klébergslaug Dec 23: 11:00-15:00 Dec 24: 10:00-12:30 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: Closed Dec 31: 10:00-12:30 Jan 1: Closed Laugardalslaug Dec 23: 06:30-18:00 Dec 24: 08:00-12:30 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: 12:00-18:00 Dec 31: 08:00-12:30 Jan 1: 12:00-18:00 Sundhöllin Dec 23: 06:30-18:00 Dec 24: 08:00-12:30 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: Closed Dec 31: 08:00-12:30 Jan 1: Closed Vesturbæjarlaug Dec 23: 06:30-18:00 Dec 24: 08:00-12:30 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: Closed Dec 31: 08:00-12:30 Jan 1: Closed Museums/Galleries The following muse- ums are open on the following days: Dec 24: The National Museum (11:00- 17:00), The Settle- ment Exhibition (09:00-14:00) Dec 25: The Culture House (10:00-14:00), The National Mu- seum (10:00-14:00) Dec 26: Ásmundar- safn, Hafnarhúsið, Kjarvalsstaðir, The Culture House, The Maritime Museum, The National Mu- seum, The Settle- ment Exhibition, The Phallological Museum Dec 31: Hafnarhúsið (10:00-14:00), Reyk- javík Museum of Photography (10:00- 14:00), The Culture House (10:00-14:00), The Maritime Muse- um (10:00-14:00), The National Museum (11:00-14:00), The Settlement Museum (09:00-14:00), The Phallological Mu- seum (11:00-16:00) Jan 1: Hafnarhúsið (13:00-17:00), The Culture House (10:00-14:00), The National Museum (10:00-14:00), The Settlement Exhibi- tion (12:00-20:00) Shopping Kringlan – Shopping Centre Dec 23: 10:00-23:00 Dec 24: 10:00-13:00 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: Closed Dec 27: 10:00-18:00 Dec 28: 13:00-18:00 Dec 31: 10:00-13:00 Jan 1: Closed Laugavegur & the downtown area Dec 23: 10:00-23:00 Dec 24: 10:00-12:00 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: Closed Dec 27: 11:00-16:00 Dec 28: 11:00-18:00 Dec 31: 10:00-12:00 Jan 1: Closed Smáralind – Shop- ping Centre Dec 23: 11:00-23:00 Dec 24: 10:00-13:00 Dec 25: Closed Dec 26: Closed Dec 27: 11:00-18:00 Dec 28: 13:00-18:00 Dec 31: 11:00-13:00 Jan 1: Closed
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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